I heard this song like, 20+ years ago, on WVKR, (VASSAR COLLAGE RADIO) on a show called: """SECRET MUSIC"" 20+ YEARS AGO, 1990'S ERA, ON A SUNDAY MORNINING, WITH THE HOST CALLED ""SCOTT RAYMOND"" __________________________________ He ((SCOTT)) left WVKR some odd years ago....maybe 2017??? 18???... -- i havnt listend to WVKR BEFORE HE LEFT...i was listening to SOMAFM #DRONEZONE SOMAFM IS COMMERCIAL FREE ((HINT HINT)) I called TO WVKR one Sunday morning, 2017??? 2018?? Cuz I had put it on WVKR ON A SUNDAY MORNING, 91.3FM, and it was a different show then the norm, and i was like ""HEY, WHERES SCOTT???"" and the DJ at the time told me ""OH HE LEFT LAST WEEK""... So idk where the guy is at right now.... and yeah, i was bummed... so anyway, heres the song caled """THE SPIRIT CANNOT FAIL"" BY ""BILL NELSON""