Your content was removed due to a violation of our Community Guidelines Warning Strike 1 Strike 1 Your video ATTN MEN, I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU.............READ DESCRIPTION was removed because it violates our spam, deceptive practices and scams policy. Your channel now has 1 strike. This means you won’t be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week. JULY 22.D A second strike will prevent you from publishing content for 2 weeks. Three strikes in any 90-day period will result in the permanent removal of your channel. 95% of creators who get 1 strike never get another one. We want that for you too, so please: Make sure you understand YouTube's Community Guidelines and strikes basics. Review your content with our policies in mind. If after reviewing your content you think we made a mistake, let us know - you can appeal this decision. Understand that this strike will expire after 90 days, and that deleting the video will not remove the strike. _____________________________________________ ATTN MEN, I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU............. READ DESCRIPTION LET'S SAY YOU'RE ON AN APP CALLED """ZELLO""", IT'S A WALKIE-TALKIE APP, FOR YOUR PHONE, AND YOU AND ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE IN A ZELLO CHAT ROOM, NOW, ... LET'S SAY YOUR GF OR W/E SHE IS TO YOU.... LET'S SAY SHE SAYS SHE IS GOING TO GO HOP IN THE SHOWER.... AND EVERYONE IS ALL COOL WITH THIS... NOW........ LET'S SAY SOME GUY WHO YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW... IS JUST SITTING IN YOUR CHAT ROOM, SOME GUY NAMED ""CHUCK AKA LARRY BIGGS""" KINDA LIKE """UNFRIENDED""" - """BILLIE""" AND HE CATCHES WIND OF YOUR GF IN THE SHOWER, AND HE HASNT SAID ANYTHING, JUST SITTING IN THERE, LISTENING, AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN, HE SPEAKS UP AND SAYS THIS: """HEATHER, YOUR IN THE SHOWER??? LET ME PULL UNDER THIS TREE AND UNDO MY PANTS""" WOULD YOU WANT SOME RANDOM GUY JERKING OFF TO YOUR GF IN THE SHOWER???