Your content was removed due to a violation of our Community Guidelines Warning Warning Strike 1 Strike 1 Strike 2 Strike 2 Strike 3 Strike 3 Your channel now has 1 strike. This means you won’t be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week. A second strike will prevent you from publishing content for 2 weeks. Three strikes in any 90-day period will result in the permanent removal of your channel. We want to help you stay on YouTube, so please: Make sure you understand YouTube’s Community Guidelines and strikes basics. Review your content with our policies in mind. If after reviewing your content you think we made a mistake, let us know–you can appeal this decision. Understand that this strike will expire after 90 days, and that deleting the video will not remove the strike. Review an issue: GOD I HATE WOMEN - I FUCKING HATE WOMEN!!! Take a look at your content and our policies Here’s an example of how your content didn’t follow Community Guidelines, but make sure you follow all policies. 4:50 0:13 / 5:11 Hate speech policy Content that glorifies or incites hatred or violence towards a protected group or an individual based on their membership of a protected group isn't allowed on YouTube. We may make limited exceptions for content with educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic context. Read full policy