You won’t always be stuck in this rut

Play Count: 25
You aren’t normal. You are so much better

Play Count: 18
Your job does not define you

Play Count: 103
These stressful times won’t last forever

Play Count: 16
You aren’t your mom. You are you.

Play Count: 31
Relationships are hard

Play Count: 25
The world is your oyster, but there will always be more oysters ahead of you

Play Count: 24
It’s okay if your house isn’t sparkling clean

Play Count: 34
You are going to be a software engineer. I believe in you!

Play Count: 22
To my trans kiddo on your coming out day: I love you and always will
To all my trans kiddos out there, I love you and I’m proud of you.
Play Count: 95
Be kind to your body, sweetpea

Play Count: 27
Capitalism is a real bastard

Play Count: 37
You’re not alone
I will get you a couple of pep talks but I wanted to give you a mini Pepe talk first.
Play Count: 22
Go do your laundry, kiddo

Play Count: 106
Homesick in Texas

Play Count: 31
Paging Dr. Kiddo!

Play Count: 51
Fighting the winter blues

Play Count: 40
Sending love, from one Minnesota mom to another!

Play Count: 54
Pep talk that smart kiddo Miserable-Zone198

Play Count: 34
Just because you aren’t losing weight doesn’t mean you aren’t doing great!

Play Count: 48
Hot Dish Hot Takes: The Casserole Controversy

Play Count: 33
Look at you, getting back to work!

Play Count: 48
Go make something incredible, honeybun!

Play Count: 53
Go pump some iron, pumpkin!

Play Count: 140