Mecha No SFX :)as requested by u/turt1eShark on unseen scripts. Very fun feel free to use howeverPlay Count: 63 Prom Night 2 Character Break OuttakeA little shitpost showing how much I throw my voice this character... and how easily upset I can be while recording lol. Entire script fill coming soon. Count: 640 This is Going To End In TearsThis is a complete creative commons release of this. Feel free to use my audio here to complete the full [MF4A] version of the script, or whatever else I guess you can find use of. It was a fun read overall :)
I originally thought of adding folly but felt that it would take from the creative freedom of anyone else who wanted to work on this. So I just normalized audio, cleared bg noise, and tried to leave some empty space while still making it... listenable? I hope you enjoy this is one of my less involved readings.
this script was made by u/DaliaFolia and the original post can be found here:
Tl;Dr: my script is free use especially for those trying to complete the full original.Play Count: 1581 [MMM4F] Prom Night by AnarchistLatinaThis was an extremely large and strange undertaking trying to take on 3 voices and not sound like myself 3 times ha. but it was very fun, this script was extremely hot, pretty difficult, and an absolute blessing. From a Boricua to anarchistlatina thank you for writing it :)
Script Here: Count: 30185 [M4F] [script fill] ~ I Saw Myself Inside You ~A script by baby_baby_oh_baby on reddit, I wanted to get back into doing fills and decided a nice long form project would be fun. This felt very "melancholic" as I read it so I added some ambience and sounds to my reading of it :) I hope I did it justice, and I hope you enjoy.
Script Link: Count: 821 The Importance Of Adequate EducationA fanfic that my friend Juki request me read. Link to original post here Count: 361 Stressful DayAwh kitten, you'd do anything for me wouldn't you? This is why I love you so much mmm :)
An adorably sexy script by /u/medicine-kun . I had fun with thisPlay Count: 634 Boss With BenefitsWe've been kinda flirting ever since our one night fling, I figured you were dropping these hints because you wanted more. I get that you're my boss and we've got to keep it professional, but damn you're making it hard ;).
Script fill for u/8mementomori6
This is my first (Lewd) VA so sorry if my actings a little crummy. I'll try my best though. If you have any requests, recommendations, or anything just message me. Later.Play Count: 839 Voice Verification for AGWits just me saying my usernames lul. I'm 22, and enjoy doing voice overs of SCP's on YouTube. I enjoy all types of voice acting though. Especially listening to lewds / ASMRPlay Count: 642