Summary: This is my heartfelt confession. I've been silently infatuated with you. I want to tell you about my admiration for your voice and our interactions, even though you can't see me. We, maybe just me, missed opportunities and signs, because I realised that you have a crush on someone else. My emotions fluctuate between longing, regret, and a desire for reciprocation. Ultimately, I summon the courage to confess my feelings, even though it may be too late. This heartbreakingly powerful script was written by u/youronlynora I'm a huge fan of her scripts and feel like I am constantly saving them and with getting back to recording more frequently I get to dive into them. This one broke me though and got me to tears at one point. I'm Fate find me at u/chooseyourfateaudio. Thanks so much for listening and anyone who resonated with this...I hope that it was able to help in some way!