A good boy notices his mommy pulling away from him. Scared that his mommy will throw him away as she does with all her other toys, he’s determined to prove he deserves to be kept. All writing credit for this script goes to u/Av3-maria I had an absolute blast embracing this really good boy thanks so much for writing it! I'm Fate you can find me at r/chooseyourfateaudio and u/chooseyourfateaudio and from there you can find all the different ways to support my work such as commenting, upvoting, messaging and several other ways listed on my profile. Message from Fate to you (the listener): Sometimes we feel like the person we need the most is leaving us behind but something that is important to remember is we still have us and I want you to be brave and discuss your feelings I know all to well what it's like to not voice something and find out later I could have prevented my heart from being hurt. So please be like this good little subby boy even if he was nervous it's ok to be nervous it's not ok to let life pass you by. Keep going keep advocating for yourself and live your best life. I'm here for you and I won't ever leave you behind. Have a great one! Bye I'm Fate