Summary: In Raped Among the Burning Tents, the lovely female listener gets to surrender, helpless and sweaty and squirming, as her lover, just wakened and hungry from a dream of ravaging her, tells her the story of his dream. As he does, he ... acts it out. All writing credit for this wonderful script goes to u/RavishAGirl They are an absolutely fantastic writer who I always enjoy filling when I do! I can't overstate how much I love their world building and ability to build characters that i'm invested in so quickly. Big Thank you to a supporter of mine Caroline for sending me this script I had fallen for Ravish's work before but fell into a slump and so when I came back it kind of got forgotten however she reminded me of it and I can't tell you how excited I am to dive into more stories from u/RavishAGirl. I'm Fate this is my first post back in a while after not having internet for a while. I'm hoping that doesn't happen again and that I can continue to bring you daily content from here on to a reasonable extent! Thanks so much for all of your support and kindness and love while I was gone and upon returning! Comments and messages mean the world to me. I hope you enjoy this audio and have a great one it's so good to talk to you again listener! I've missed you! Bye I'm Fate