Extra Tags: [Sensitive Nipples] [Gentle to Rough Mdom] [Teasing but Sweet Mdom] [Gentle to Rough Fucking] Listener Summary: After a bad day, you feel the loneliness creep up on you. You told your friend you’d quit dating, at least for a good few months, since you’re just too busy to invest your time and energy into it. But, then you really start to feel like nobody wants you (for real). Maybe downloading that dating app just one more time won’t hurt… All writing credit for this wonderful script goes to u/simplemetaphors I had a great time working on it and am very impressed at this being your first script! I'm Fate thanks so much for listening and all of your support it means a lot to me. I hope you have a great one listener and enjoy yourself I hope you know you're wanted! Bye I'm Fate!