Summary: The guy in control of keeping an eye on your dreams feels sorry for you and decides to offer some comfort. This lovely script was written by the wonderfully delicious writer u/GlitterGothBunny! (yes delicious is totally an adjective you should use to describe someone!) :) She is Amazing please go support her work she posts a ton of scripts for free and supports others works in the community without hesitation. She is awesome! I'm Fate thanks so much for all of your support whether it be a listen, tuning in live to a script recording, commenting, messaging, up-voting and beyond it all just touches me so deeply and personally I can't even begin to tell you how much you all mean to me I only hope I can make you feel a fraction as good as you make me feel. Thanks so much for listening and for being your amazing self and I want you to remember that even if you don't think you're amazing right now even if life is getting to you, if things just seem like they will not go the right way no matter how many right choices you make. It will get better! You will push through! You will make it! You will be the best You I know You can be! I love you all so much listeners. Sweet Dreams I'm Fate