Summary: You find yourself in a padded room and straitjacket. Apparently you chatted with this guy on a dating app but then realized you live far away from each other. Things fizzled out for you, not so much for him. You later discover he tracked you down, broke into your home, drugged you, and brought you to said padded room. Oh yeah, he’s evil. This delightful treat of a script was written by u/DoubleAgentVesper please go check out their work I know I am excited to read more of their work. I'm Fate find me at u/chooseyourfateaudio and r/chooseyourfateaudio to find all the different ways to support me such as commenting, up-voting, messaging and more! Message from Fate to you(the listener): Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to this or even click on it. It means the world to me and I know that sometimes those of us drawn to the darker material have had some bad things happen and we use it as a form of healing. I hope that this serves a dual purpose for you in pleasuring and relaxing you and proving a safe space to feel a little dark and scared. You mean the world to me for listening thank you so much and have a great one whenever and wherever you are! Bye I'm Fate!