Honey, I’m working. I’m doing this fucking gabapentin commercial. What the hell are you doing down there? Why are you glaring at my like that - why is my cock in your mouth? Is this because I said I wanted to have a threesome with Talia - listen, you asked me who I wanted to have a threesome with – you could have said “whatever you do, don’t say Talia” if it was going to be a problem and oh Christ. You’re going really deep. All writing credit for this really fun script goes to u/semaphoretowers go check out their work and give them a follow and up-vote! Find me over at u/chooseyourfateaudio and r/chooseyourfateaudio over there you can find all the ways to support me like up-voting, commenting messaging and more! I had a ton of fun making this audio thank you so much for joining this fate friday and have a great one! Bye I'm Fate!