Summary: In a strange world where the dead walk amongst the living, many zombies and ghouls are both feared and revered for their ability to absorb and cling to the memories of those they consume. A woman heads out to the local zombie hangout on Feeding night, on a dangerous mission. One undead takes an interest in her, and finds he craves a different part of her body… This Wonderful and exciting script was written by u/flyleaffriction it was a ton of fun to get to enter the character of Romero and all the nods to different franchises was a blast to see as I performed it. I'm Fate you can find me over at u/chooseyourfateaudio and r/chooseyourfateaudio right now it's not telling me when I receive a new follower so I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart here to you for all of your support whether it be a follow upvotes comments or any other way you see fit. Message from Fate to you (the listener): There's a lot of talk of monsters here and I want to acknowledge that we all face monsters everyday whether that be other humans or even our own psyches and I want you to know that you can defeat them you can defeat them or if it's something within you, you can tame it and turn it into something of beauty. You will make it through I know you are stronger than that beast. I hope you have a great one and enjoyed this safe space to go somewhere a little darker. Bye I'm Fate