The year is 2077. Life on Earth is being rebuilt after the disastrous Resource Wars led to societal collapse. Society is governed by a corporatocracy, since Phoenix Corp monopolized the intellectual property and resources needed to rebuild the fledgling infrastructure. Overpopulation is blamed as the sole cause of humanity’s collapse and sexual desire is kept suppressed by adding a drug known as Simulant-AH to the water supply. You (the listener) are a ‘Daughter of Zeus’, a member of a resistance movement that lives off-grid to avoid dependence on Phoenix Corp and its enforced chemical castration. The Daughters of Zeus believe that society cannot be served by a corporation’s interests and aims to infiltrate and expose the injustice and corruption deep in the Phoenix Corp underbelly. Unfortunately for you, as our scene begins, you have been captured attempting to break into Phoenix Corp HQ. "We, the rich haired nymphs, daughters of Zeus the aegis holder, can outlast ten phoenixes." The Precepts of Chiron. all credit goes to u/daliafolia over on reddit go check them out this script was so much fun i was instantly intrigued in the dystopian aspects you can find me at r/chooseyourfateaudio I hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful day, night, whenever, wherever you are.