Listener summary Between rent increasing and food prices going up, you're left with little choices. Every month you’ve been taking a little money from the company you're working at. It's not enough to get noticed, right? Hopefully things will get better with the new job offer you got. Speaker summary When you notice money going missing every month, of course you have to investigate. However, as you gather evidence against the perpetrator you begin to obsess over her. This could work out for both of you, as long as she agrees to your terms. Back again with another script. I tried to make the speaker a bit more degrading but still ended up making him kinda soft anyway. Oops. All credit to the wonderful u/yanderefroggie they've done it again and killed me with this amazing script! find me over at r/chooseyourfateaudio You will make it through anything just know I believe in you. Now come take a rest and choose your fate here for even a moment of respite. Hi i'm fate!