Summary: Imagine waking up and finding a voice note on your phone that you didn’t record. Imagine this is how you find out you have a stalker, and that he was in your bedroom last night. Excerpt: “Well done for pressing play on the voice note, I bet it was confusing finding this on your own phone when you woke up. I can imagine the worried crease on your forehead, the stirring of worry in your stomach while you listen to this. It’s time I leave you something, to let you know about my existence, so I’m recording this while I stand here, beside your bed, watching you sleep.” All writing credit for this fabulous stalker post goes the the amazing u/Stormy_Boots she absolutely cooked with this one and I couldn't help but come in and eat it right up. I'm so excited to dive deep into the sequels soon but I want to let this one be on it's own just to give a little tease first :) I'm Fate find me over at u/chooseyourfateaudio and r/chooseyourfateaudio from those places you can find all the different ways to support me in any way you see fit! Thanks so much for pressing play have a great one! Bye I'm Fate