We’re joined by investigative journalist Seth Harp to look at the two New Years terror incidents. Both involving military personnel associated with Fort Bragg, Seth helps us unpack the bizarre details around the attacks & attackers, their connections with the infamous fort, and the sprawling network of crime and conspiracy connected to U.S. special forces that could be connected to these events. Pre-order Seth’s new book “The Fort Bragg Cartel,” covering everything discussed here and more, NOW: https://www.amazon.com/Fort-Bragg-Cartel-Trafficking-Special/dp/0593655087/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2IBFCDHXPCDNK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DChbCJr_ack2Y0E77PHx1A.c3bQI937DRUIMbRbVsdKhtyPbEan_qiFTtz0ZgDgQP0&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+fort+bragg+cartel+seth+harp&qid=1736454146&sprefix=the+fort+br%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-1