[M4A] "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran | Chapters 5-8: On Eating & Drinking, Work, Joy & Sorrow, and Houses
[M4A] [SFW] [Sleep Aid] [Book Reading] [ASMR] [Poetic Prose] [Heartwarming] [Poignant Wisdom] [Bedtime Story] A reading from Chapters 5 through 8 of Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet," a beautiful book filled with wise observations and thoughtful insights about being human.
Play Count: 88
[M4A] "The Prophet" by Khalil Gibran | Ch. 1-4: On Love, Marriage, Children, and Giving
[M4A] [SFW] [Sleep Aid] [Book Reading] [ASMR] [Poetic Prose] [Heartwarming] [Poignant Wisdom] [Quiet and Cozy] [Bedtime Story] A reading from first four chapters of Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet," a beautiful book filled with wise observations and thoughtful insights about being human.
Play Count: 90
[M4A] Reading from "The Prophet" by Khalil Gibran | Intro + 'Speak to us of Love'
[M4A] [SFW] [Book Reading] [ASMR] [Poetic Prose] [Heartwarming] [Poignant] [Wisdom] [Cozy] [Bedtime Story] A reading from the introduction and first chapter of Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet," a beautiful book filled with wise observations and thoughtful insights about being human.
Play Count: 156
[M4A] "Master and Commander" by Patrick O'Brian, Part 1
The first 8 pages of one of my favorite historical novels; literary naval fiction set at the turn of the 17th century. Approx 17 mins. [M4A] [Sleep aid] [SFW] [ASMR] [Historical]
Play Count: 27
PTA verification

Play Count: 150