00:25 The lady describing the position she is on while the cootie humps her 01:53 Pulling her hair 03:15 Kisses 03:42 checking how wet she is and slapping her butti 04:18 “Open your legs for me” 04:40 Making the lady describe how she is being used but she struggles ‘cause she is horny horny 05:45 Opening and exposing her pussy… she likes it 06:07 the cootie admiring her toy beautiful ass and playing with it 06:41 hear her pussy 07:38 Starting to not control our breath and getting more passionate 08:19 The sneaky hand of the lady wants to feel how wet the cootie is 08:48 Using her hand to masturbate 10:01 Where are her fingers? 11:52 Listen how wet she is 12:40 - 14:20 talking while humping her hand 15:46 Listen the lady whimpering voice as she is getting her clit stimulated 15:56 wet sounds 16:28 Do you think you deserve it (to come)? 17:08 sudden stop to edge her 17:34 spanks 18:06 again on her clit 18:48 Moaning that she is close 20:05 she is getting desperate 21:24 The lady barely explaining what she is doing now 21:44 fingering her 22:40 The cootie loses the orgasm :( 23:22 desperate moans in search for the lost orgasm xd (while fingering her) 24:42 The cootie gets sad that she lost the ladys orgasm 24:55 the lady comforts the cootie 25:47 kisses to her pussy in 26:11 Eating her pussy 27:27 wet sounds of tongue licking and beautiful moans 28:27 orgasm found 29:33 end of orgasm and beginning of aftercare