[NB4A] Traum [Intoxication][Euphoria][Sleep][Deepener][Induction]A pleasant, narcotic exploration of a fictional psychoactive substance.
Traum is not unlike the poppy flower. Builds skills to hallucinogenic perception, lots and lots of euphoria and comfort within. Guides the listener towards entering a reverie state.
This file has no awakener and strongly suggests drifting off into a nap or sleep after it ends.
This file is completely free of any addiction themes and obviously we do not condone or entice to real life intoxication.
Please check the script attached before you trance.
Also includes its own rapidfire deepener that goes before the experience itself, that sets the stage, the set and setting for a comfortable experience, knowing you're surrounded by pillows and comfortable objects and have a friend watching over you nearby.
Script(Deepener): https://scriptbin.works/u/Sencha-saemidori/nb4a-set-setting-rapidfire-induction-and-deepener
Script(Body): https://scriptbin.works/u/Sencha-saemidori/nb4a-nb4a-trance-evocation-induction-inductionPlay Count: 2157 [NB4A] Clockwork Induction [Induction][Intermediate]Time is of the essence.
This induction starts with various covert hypnotically charged musings on what Time is or means, on how powerless we are to its passage, to entropy, how malleable your perception of its passing might be.
It's then followed by the sound of clockwork, and the dial of my pocketwatch becomes clearer and clearer to your mind's eye as your mind is cradled by the sound of the mechanism. Visualization is encouraged but not necessary, so people with aphantasia can listen to this and still go in trance fairly easily.
This induction is heavy with layering, confusion, nonsequiturs and a general mystical vibe regarding the musings on Time. There are barely audible whispers tracks. They don't mean anything at all, besides adding an onimous brainwash vibe to this file. For transparency purposes, the script of those is spelled out here: "Demonic Mind Treats. Treats, or tricks? Who knows? Who cares? Maybe both. This is a whisper track: you're not supposed to hear it very well."
This file has no other effects than bringing trance about, training subject skills, mild permissive conditioning to obedience for better trancing and getting you used to my voice.Play Count: 1420 [NB4A] My Etiquette [Rapport Primer][Educational]This is a (mostly) non-hypnosis file, where I explain common concepts of trance, hypnosis safety, debunking a few dead horse tropes, and the way I work with hypnosis.
It is recommended listening for people who intended to trance for us, or, simply, all who are curious on how we perform hypnosis and safety considerations.
Check out my patreon if you wanna support my entrancing creations:
https://www.patreon.com/divina_mater_tentatricisPlay Count: 212 [NB4A] Trance Evocation Induction [Induction][Deepener][Beginner series]An indirect, conversational induction meant to acclimatize people new or with little experience to hypnosis to a comfy, relaxing trance. It has no other effect than taking you there and getting you more familiar with hypnosis. It's followed by a countdown and deepener using kinesthetic and confusion techniques. This induction has no wakener. It is expected for the listener to slowly come out, awake, or drift gently into sleep, after the end of the recording.
Script: https://scriptbin.works/u/Sencha-saemidori/nb4a-nb4a-trance-evocation-induction-induction
Check out my patreon if you want to support my content
https://www.patreon.com/divina_mater_tentatricisPlay Count: 833