You can see me, huh? I’ve been checking on you for over a decade and this is the first time you can see me! Wow. Oh, I’m your angel who comes when you ask for Help, and you did the other day because of the, uh, binging and purging. Hey, want a grape? Want me to fuck you? Oh, no, don't be afraid, I'm not a demon. Wait, let me do the Thing. BE NOT AFRAID There you go, now we've gotten that straightened out - I was, um serious about the fucking. If you want. Mental Health CW: >! Alcoholism reference, hitting rock bottom reference, 12-step meetings alluded to throughout, binging and purging/bulimia and binge eating disorder mentioned, weight and body image discussion mentioned, fatphobia mentioned !< Religion/Current Events CW: >! God/religion mentioned, listener is Jewish & Palestine/Israel and the institutional Jewish community being shitty at caring about Palestinian death mentioned very briefly.!< Cheating CW: >!Speaker is referred to as married and wonders if this is cheating - scriptwriter doesn’t really think so because it’s clearly not….well, there’s no verisimilitude and it’s religious/spiritual but if you’re very sensitive to cheating you may not like it.!<