For the Very Motivated Subject, script by MooseZilla
find MooseZilla: [F4A][OC] I know, you're a very motivated subject and you want to drop so badly. But I want to watch it happen, so you're going to have to earn it by showing me what I want to see. I hope you enjoy being observed, because I'll be watching you very closely, and you're going to hear all about it. File CWs: Strong themes of control & instruction; feeling very exposed and observed; trance denial; teasing; some humiliation/very light degradation (depends on where you draw that line- there's no name calling or degrading language used at all, but the listener is teased and made fun of); invitation to re-listen if the listener chooses; praise; will be most effective for more experienced and/or highly motivated subjects and/or self-proclaimed hypnosluts [hypnosis][trance denial][recreational]
Play Count: 1573
Forgetting to Forget and Remembering to Remember script written by Intermittent Thinker
This file recorded from a script written by Intermittent Thinker for the Round Robin event 2023. Toying with your mind, your desire for memory play and fractionation, session-limited trigger to remember something pleasant, possibly six repeated words that cause you to sink deeper into trance. CW memory play, fractionation, confusion, obedience, suggesting that you feel safe in this trance, confusing/conflicting instructions
Play Count: 2268
Gentle Reset
[F4A][OC] If you would like some help removing an unwanted trigger or effect, from my hypnosis or someone else’s, I made this file to help you. It contains a gentle PMR to help you relax, then guides you to imagine sitting in a comfortable chair at a theater, watching the trigger or effect you’re done with as if it were a movie playing, and then let it fade as the screen fades to blank. It also gently encourages you to take back your power, and learn how to remove such things from your mind on your own. [hypnosis][reset][PMR][gentle]
Play Count: 910
Human Furniture Fantasy
[F4A][OC] A fantasy trance, imagining coming to a hotel room for a human furniture scene, serving me as a mindless and still piece of human furniture. [hypnosis][obedience][fantasy][objectification]
Play Count: 1918
Focus on Me
[F4A][OC] In this short and sweet trance, I guide the listener to let go of all their worries for a while and focus on me. Contains permissive suggestion to forget what the worries were for a while. Let me pluck all those thoughts out of your mind so you can relax for me, won’t you? [hypnosis][relaxing][optional memory play]
Play Count: 1295
Hapless Hero
[F4A][OC] The listener has infiltrated Dragontize Industries by getting hired into our IT department, but little do they know the “technical problem” they’ve been called in to help solve is occurring deep in the basement brainwashing labs. [hypnosis][obedience][brainwashing][bondage]["wave" trigger][dragon CEO][Domme: capitalism]
Play Count: 2621
Snaps Fractionation
[F4A][OC] Fractionation, training you to drop into trance and wake at the snap of my fingers. Up and down, in and out of trance, until you’re feeling that glorious confusing haze bringing on exactly what you wanted to feel, a little deeper with every drop. [trance][obedience][snaps][fractionation][drop trigger]
Play Count: 2691
Obedience Orientation
[F4A][OC] The soundtrack to the fictional employee orientation for Dragontize Industries, with instructions to drop and obey as long as it’s safe and appropriate. [hypnosis][obedience][submission][corporation]
Play Count: 1392
Speedrunning Obedience
[F4A][OC] A conversational induction into repetition leading to deeper obedience with those you feel safe giving your submission. [hypnosis][obedience][submission][repeat]
Play Count: 1431
Ready, Willing, Open
[F4A][OC] A conversational trance with a fantasy of finding yourself at the feet of your Domme, basking in her comforting presence, leaving your mind ready, willing, and open so she can program you to serve. [hypnosis][obedience][feet][toes][covert][conversational]
Play Count: 2101
Good Toys Obey
[F4A][OC] I toy with your mind, asking you to repeat one of two mantras: “I will obey” and “good toys obey”. Every so often, I tell you to switch, just so I can hear my good toy obey, as you take yourself deeper and hear your voice get trancy, because good toys obey. [hypnosis][obedience][repetition][repeat][mantra][toy]
Play Count: 2083
Try Not to Cum for Me
[F4A][OC] A resistance game in which I use conversational tricks and the common experience of trying not to think about something only making you think about it more to build arousal and the desire to touch and cum. [hypnosis][conversational][resistance][obedience][countdowns][snaps][cum command][orgasm][touching][arousal]
Play Count: 5361
Try to Resist Touching
[F4A][OC] A resistance game in which I use a progressive muscle relaxation induction, countdowns, and snaps to entice the listener to touch and perhaps cum for me. References to the listener maybe getting “hard” without specifying where. [hypnosis][obedience][PMR][countdowns][snaps][cum command][orgasm][touching][arousal][wave]
Play Count: 3291
Brainwashing Helmet
[F4A][OC] Responding to an ad, you participate in an experiment, helping to develop Dragontize Industries’ new brainwashing helmet. [hypnosis][obedience][bondage][chair][medical fantasy][CNC][wave trigger][snaps]
Play Count: 4081
Tist-Locked Drop Trigger Install
[F4A][OC] A quick PMR, a countdown to deepen, then the suggestion to drop back into trance when “I and only I” say “drop” in a file, stream, or session. A little fractionation to practice, then a count up to wake. [hypnosis][trigger][snaps][wake][direct][induction][countdown]
Play Count: 1326
Mystifying Induction
[F4A][OC] This is my take on the Mystifying Induction, developed for subjects who wish to go into trance but find themselves struggling to let go. It’s designed to overcome that resistance with confusion. Contains suggestions to drop deeper each time, and return to trance when I say “drop”. [hypnosis][induction][covert][confusion][resistant subject][drop trigger][snaps]
Play Count: 2628
Pleasure is in the Cards
[F4A][OC] Cut from my recording of a stream I did on April 14, 2023, an induction building arousal and pleasure to an optional release, using phrases from HLSS cards. [hypnosis][induction][pleasure][D/s][optional orgasm][obedience][conversational][indirect]
Play Count: 1610
[F4A][OC] An induction designed to transform the listener into my marionette for the duration of the file, moving only when I move them (except as needed for safety). Optional suggestion to allow someone the listener trusts to turn them into their marionette and move them with invisible strings. [hypnosis][induction][wave trigger][snaps][D/s][obedience][hypno bondage]
Play Count: 3384
Breathing Fractionation
[F4A][OC] A simple relaxation exercise or induction that gets some people very altered very quickly, relaxing and closing your eyes on the exhale, then coming a bit up on the inhale to open your eyes if you still want to. [hypnosis][breathing][relaxation][induction]
Play Count: 2003
Petting Induction
[F4A][OC] A short induction based around gentle pets on the head while curled up in my lap or at my feet, then a permissive wake. Subject is addressed as “good little pet”. [hypnosis][induction][pets][gentle femdom]
Play Count: 2771
[F4A][OC] Stories within stories, dreams within dreams, a trance of being drawn into deeper and deeper acceptance and appreciation of your submissive nature. [D/s][obedience][mind control][other world][portal][enchantress][wave trigger][hypnosis][snaps]
Play Count: 2389
Embrace the Feminine
[F4A][OC] A brief statement about the value of things we have traditionally considered feminine, a bubble pop induction, and encouragement to embrace any feminine things you enjoy, without self judgement. Permissive style. [hypnosis][bubble][pop][makeup][hair][wig][feminine arts][shoes][stockings][optional submission][acceptance]
Play Count: 2263
Handle with Care, script by Cee
[F4A][script fill] A story-like induction around enjoying a hot drink, using all senses other than sight and hearing. Includes an optional, permissive wakener. Contains suggestions that tist and subject have played before, perhaps in NSFW ways, and with memory play. [hypnosis][sensory induction][gentle] script author's Tumblr:
Play Count: 1015
A Slice of Fractionation
[F4A][OC] A very special evil fractionation file for a very special date. [fractionation][hypnosis][snaps][drop trigger][wake]
Play Count: 3955
Accept Your Submission
[F4A][OC] A trance to help you accept your submissive side, with suggestions of kneeling for me, on your knees or in your mind, after a 7 + / - 2 induction, which may help willing-but-resistant minds to enter the submissive trance they desire [hypnosis][submission][kneeling][confusion][overload][induction][snaps][obedience]
Play Count: 2002
Obedience is Pleasure
[F4A][OC] A trance to train deeper obedience through pleasure, and bring deep pleasure through obedience. Instructions to repeat mantras while bringing yourself pleasure in whatever way feels best for your body, including the words “stroke” and “rub” as two options among many. Opportunity to cum is suggested in permissive fashion and marked with a snap after a countdown, but never commanded. You obey by training your subconscious that obedience is pleasure, and pleasure is obedience. Enjoy! [obedience][repeat][permissive / optional cum command][touching suggestions][stroke][rub][pleasure][conditioning][sub training][hypnosis][countdown][snap]
Play Count: 3264
Brainwashing Fractionation
[F4A][OC] You walk (or are taken) to Dragontize, Inc. for a (maybe) consensual brainwashing session. Many snap-drops and snap-wakes to train you to respond to “wake” and “drop” in my files or sessions with me. [brainwashing][bondage][optional kidnapping][optional force][hypnosis][spiral][trance][fractionation][snaps][drop][wake][technology][PMR][tingles][countdown][trigger]
Play Count: 2670
Enthralling Vines
[F4A][OC] In a world ruled by plant aliens, you pay a visit to your next-door neighbor. She drugs you with the scent from her flower, then drops you into trance, all so she can persuade you to let her keep you. [hypnosis][induction][plampt][vines][human pet][drugs][consensual drugging][praise][collar and leash][caressing][rubbing]
Play Count: 2282
Spiral Down
[F4A][OC] An induction based on staring at and falling into a spiral. [induction][hypnosis][trance][stare][spiral][brainwashing][obedience][pleasure]
Play Count: 3215
Wave Trigger
[F4A][OC] This file is a progressive muscle relaxation induction followed by the installation of a trigger. The effect: Whenever you hear me say “wave” in a file or session, feel a wave of relaxation, deeper trance, pleasure, and whatever you want to feel washing over you. [trigger][pleasure][deepener][PMR][snaps][hypnosis][induction][relaxation][femdom]
Play Count: 1480
Snuggling Vines
[F4A][OC] Plant aliens have taken over your world and taken many of your human neighbors as pets. It looks like they have such nice lives, not having to worry about adult responsibilities, so you’ve been considering becoming a pet yourself. You visit one of their help centers, and meet a nice plant who asks if she may drug and cuddle you, and you agree. [drugs][human pet][vines][hypnosis]
Play Count: 5376
Voice selfie: "Deeper, then deeper still, feeling so good."
A voice selfie / short clip I made in response to a Tweet. "Deeper, then deeper still, feeling so good."
Play Count: 922
Voice selfie: "Your libido is your leash."
A voice selfie / short clip I made in response to a Tweet. "Your libido is your leash."
Play Count: 916
Meet the Enchantress
[F4A][OC] One day, you feel drawn to take a walk in a nearby park, and you find yourself falling through a portal to a strange world where an enchantress summons you to kneel at her feet. [femdom][Domme][submission][magic][wave]
Play Count: 2653
Hello and Thank You
This is a voice selfie, so you can get a taste of what I sound like before diving in. "Hello world, I'm Dragontize. I mesmerize with voice and eyes. Thank you for listening."
Play Count: 820
Entangling Vines
[F4A][OC] A peaceful walk through the woods turns into a chase by a plant alien who wants you for a pet and not a snack... right? [bondage][capture][drugs][ownership][human pet]
Play Count: 3388
You Will Obey
[F4A][OC] An induction and suggestions that you love to obey, that obedience is a simple truth of your existence and your role in this life, and implants the trigger that when I say “You will obey”, you reply “I will obey”. [hypnosis][obedience][D/s][Domme]
Play Count: 2330
Watch the Watch
[F4A][OC] A short induction on the theme of watching a swinging pocket watch. [hypnosis][induction][watch]
Play Count: 1762
Quick PMR no wake
[F4A][OC] A quick progressive muscle relaxation induction, with suggestions to stay deep for what you play after. [hypno][trance][relaxing]
Play Count: 1397
Quick PMR with wake
[F4A][OC] A quick progressive muscle relaxation induction, then a countup. [hypno][trance][relaxing]
Play Count: 1096
Good Little Thief
[F4A][OC]A narrative trance in which you venture into the wizard's tower... and may never want leave ;) [D/s][Domme][femdom][fantasy][trance][hypno][obedience]
Play Count: 3069
Kin Key Elman Induction with wake
[F4A][OC] This file is the Elman induction… but make it kinky. ;) Contains a yes set/compliance set, appreciation for subs who use their safewords / pause recordings when needed, eyelid catalepsy, fractionation with “up” and “drop” commands, tensing and dropping a fist / an arm, and counting down from 100 with suggestions to forget which number you were on, and then forget you were counting. [hypnosis][hypnokink][hypno][Domme][fdom][femmedom][gentle][submission][fractionation][amnesia][catalepsy][yes set] This “wake” version ends with a long, slow countup, timed with the help of the subject I was watching while I recorded this.
Play Count: 1628
Kin Key Elman Induction no wake
[F4A][OC] This file is the Elman induction… but make it kinky. ;) Contains a yes set/compliance set, appreciation for subs who use their safewords / pause recordings when needed, eyelid catalepsy, fractionation with “up” and “drop” commands, tensing and dropping a fist / an arm, and counting down from 100 with suggestions to forget which number you were on, and then forget you were counting. [hypnosis][hypnokink][hypno][Domme][fdom][femmedom][gentle][submission][fractionation][amnesia][catalepsy][yes set] This “no wake” version is for putting at the beginning of a playlist, and has suggestions to enjoy whatever comes next.
Play Count: 1312
Sound Check
[F4A][OC] "Sound Check", a simple countdown with a snap and a command to drop (into trance), a little gender-neutral praise, then a countup with a snap and a command to wake, followed by thanks for listening. This is for the hypno fetishists. ;) [hypnosis][countdowns][snaps]
Play Count: 1769
Roller Coaster Ride
[F4A][OC] A trance where I blindfold you and take you on a literal roller coaster ride, with hugs and a snack/drink for aftercare [hypnosis][Gentle FDOM][narrative][trance][snaps][countdowns][obedience][domination][blindfold][heights][thrill]
Play Count: 3040