[F4A] This Collar Makes You Dizzy [NSFW] [No Binaurals]
Hey there, puppy! Look what I brought you~ Its a cute little collar! Make sure you slip it on when instructed. Just lay back and enjoy this harmless little file! It's totally not going anywhere exciting. Just an "innocent" little file to relax you :) CONTENTS: [NSFW] [Amnesia] [No Binaurals] [Buzzing] [Clicker] [Collared] [Cum encouragement] [Puppy] [Snaps] [Triggers]
Play Count: 2557
[F4A] This Collar Makes You Dizzy [NSFW]
Hey there, puppy! Look what I brought you~ Its a cute little collar! Make sure you slip it on when instructed. Just lay back and enjoy this harmless little file! It's totally not going anywhere exciting. Just an "innocent" little file to relax you :) CONTENTS: [NSFW] [Amnesia] [Binaurals] [Buzzing] [Clicker] [Collared] [Cum encouragement] [Puppy] [Snaps] [Triggers]
Play Count: 14920
Buzzy Brain Loop
This is another commission by a different sweet puppy of mine. It is a file that is designed to suggest to the listener to give in to the sounds of a buzzy wand being pressed against their ear. The idea was inspired both through session with this sub, and an older JustMocha file where she uses a similar technique. CONTENTS: [Buzzing] [Confusion][Loop] [Mindfuck] [NSFW]
Play Count: 10088
Looping Sleep File with Head Scratches
This is a file I made as a commission for a lovely pup who had a very nice idea. Its a short file that is supposed to encourage you to wind down for bed with some calming head scratches. This file was uploaded with their permission <3 CONTENTS: [Binaurals] [Caring] [Head Scratches] [Loop] [SFW] [Sleep]
Play Count: 5445
See How Well I Installed Your Triggers? (No Binaurals)
THIS IS THE VERSION WITH NO BINAURALS Hey doggy! Remember me? I'm the girl who broke your brain and taught you about clicker training. I'm back now :) Enjoy the unscripted audio, I think it serves well as a little "welcome back" audio. Its Good to be back. (dont worry, the scratches will sound different next time, i think these scratches were to harsh.) CONTENTS: [Binaurals] [Good Puppy] [Clicker] [Confusion] [Don't Think] [Head Scratches] [Long Lasting Trigger] [Obedience] [Praise] [Snaps] [anticipation] [Conversational Hypnosis]
Play Count: 4523
See How Well I Installed Your Triggers?
Hey doggy! Remember me? I'm the girl who broke your brain and taught you about clicker training. I'm back now :) Enjoy the unscripted audio, I think it serves well as a little "welcome back" audio. Its Good to be back. (dont worry, the scratches will sound different next time, i think these scratches were to harsh.) CONTENTS: [Binaurals] [Good Puppy] [Clicker] [Confusion] [Don't Think] [Head Scratches] [Long Lasting Trigger] [Obedience] [Praise] [Snaps] [anticipation] [Conversational Hypnosis]
Play Count: 22066
[F4A]Lay Back and Listen to my Late Night Rambling
Hey there, doggy! This file is a sweet, simple thing designed for a listenthrough when you want to feel comforted and sleepy! Its an improv file that i recorded late last night. It features head scratches, light hypnosis, whispering, rambling from subject to subject, and of course some good puppy clicker noises :) get cozy and enjoy my voice. I missed you, pup. CONTENTS: [Imrpov] [Head Scratches] [Dog Clicker] [Good Puppy] [Pillow Talk] [Puppy] [Sink] [Whispering] [Light Hypnosis]
Play Count: 15158
A Message To All
Hey there doggy. I apologize for making you wait so long. I’m going to try to cut the sappy stuff so I can articulate my point better. So, sorry this is gonna feel blunt. Clearly, I’m having trouble consistently producing content. For all who have continued to support me over the near seven fucking months of almost total radio silence: thank you. You are supporting a lifestyle that I struggle to convince myself I fully deserve. Let me make it clear: I’m not quitting. Though I think I need change. Don’t let that scare you. Let me explain. A few reasons have led me to desire a change of format: I’m becoming increasingly disinterested in projecting myself as a sexual being when I am extremely extremely asexual. I don’t regret the content I’ve made, but for the sake of transparency: the sexual stuff always comes with a sense of dread, which leads to procrastination. I tend to avoid it in my writing process, usually leaving it to be funneled in at the end as an improv. While editing my content I find myself not wanting to experience the sexual content I’ve recorded for myself. If you’ve subscribed to my patron because you love the sexual release I provide: I’m sorry, but I’d really like to cut it from my content for a while. I truly am sorry to disappoint you, puppy. Another reason I want change is because script writing has felt more and more difficult. My meticulously written scripts and hypnotic induction are just something that don’t cross my mind much these days. I’m not sure if they’ll completely cease, but I feel like they may become less of a focus if I am to pump out content on a more consistent basis. I wanted to ask you, my dear doggy, if you would be open to the idea of more improv based content that may not always contain hypnotic suggestions. I’m so sorry to everyone that I’ve been stringing along month to month while they anticipate another file as great as my most well known ones. Truthfully I’ve always been worried that I could never live up to what I’ve already produced. I want to know your thoughts on what I’ve shared. Do you even care? Do you even remember you’re paying me month to month for essentially nothing? I’m so sorry for not being more consistent. I speak weekly with a therapist and one issue that always comes back is how much shame I feel for neglecting this aspect of my work. It’s finally time I take action that will help me leave the pressure and regret behind. I want to have this patron focus more on the ASMR aspect. I feel best when I get to show my personality through organic dialogue. I want to whisper, tease, and inspire. I don’t just want to be a source for sexual release. I want to be consistent, I want to be present in your life, and I want to go back to when I breathed life into puppy play. I miss how it feels to release my work and wake up to thanks from users who told me I gave them their first positive experience with kink. Sorry, this ended up actually getting really sappy. I’ve bottled these feelings up for so long and I don’t even know if they make sense. I wrote all this down while it’s very late and I can see the sun rising. I have a file that’s almost done. I just have to edit the sexual part. After I release that file, I’m going to try to record something new, yet familiar. Not exactly sure what yet, if I truly believe some of my best work comes from my improv. I think for now I’m done writing long scripts. Maybe I’ll come back to it someday. For now, I’d like to focus on hypnosis that happens organically through improv conversations that are intended to coerce you into puppyspace. See, the core is still the same, I’d just like to change my approach a bit. Sorry for getting all melodramatic. Please, let me know how you feel about this. This page is about you as much as it is about me. I care about you.
Play Count: 3567
Good Puppy Clicker Training (No Binaurals)
Heya, my good puppy~ Let's take things slow for a moment. Just lay back and listen to the sound of my voice. As you relax, I will “remind” you of exactly how good my clicker feels. And you are going to enjoy yourself~ I talk you through a hypnotic induction, we focus on our breathing for a moment, then we move to relaxing the tension in your body one section at a time. Don’t think too hard about what the clicker means, pup. I will explain it as the file goes along. Just breathe and get used to the patterns, mkay?~ As this file goes along, I will drop you into a hypnotic trance, I will then try to overload your brain with a fast paced stream of consciousness filled with suggestion. There are suggestions that will allow you to touch if you find yourself aroused, but these are not required to be followed to enjoy the file! With your mind in this heightened state of suggestibility, you might find yourself responding to these triggers quite well. This realizing this during the file might leave you feeling dumber and more willing to listen. Very nice indeed~ CONTENTS: [F4A] [Improv] [Good for Beginners] [Head Scratches] [Obedience] [Good Puppy] [Clicker] [Training] [Slow Induction] [Drop] [No Binaurals] [Edging] [No Cumming] [Snaps] [Amnesia] [Awakener] [Aftercare]
Play Count: 16629
Good Puppy Clicker Training
Heya, my good puppy~ Let's take things slow for a moment. Just lay back and listen to the sound of my voice. As you relax, I will “remind” you of exactly how good my clicker feels. And you are going to enjoy yourself~ I talk you through a hypnotic induction, we focus on our breathing for a moment, then we move to relaxing the tension in your body one section at a time. Don’t think too hard about what the clicker means, pup. I will explain it as the file goes along. Just breathe and get used to the patterns, mkay?~ As this file goes along, I will drop you into a hypnotic trance, I will then try to overload your brain with a fast paced stream of consciousness filled with suggestion. There are suggestions that will allow you to touch if you find yourself aroused, but these are not required to be followed to enjoy the file! With your mind in this heightened state of suggestibility, you might find yourself responding to these triggers quite well. This realizing this during the file might leave you feeling dumber and more willing to listen. Very nice indeed~ CONTENTS: [F4A] [Improv] [Good for Beginners] [Head Scratches] [Obedience] [Good Puppy] [Clicker] [Training] [Slow Induction] [Drop] [Binaurals] [Edging] [No Cumming] [Snaps] [Amnesia] [Awakener] [Aftercare]
Play Count: 84192
[F4A] The Scent of Submission (No Binaurals)
THIS VERSION DOES NOT CONTAIN BINAURALS Have you ever considered why some associate the smell of lavender with arousal? Lavender is known to lower levels of stress and anxiety. It has been theorized that this more relaxed state of mind invites one to enjoy a sexual environment more easily. Which I completely understand. I like to light certain candles in the bath to remind me of the relaxation soon to come. I can find it much easier to slump back and enjoy myself.~ This file is intended to be listened to while you are near a scent you wish to associate with pleasure. Whether its as innocent as a scented candle, or something as degrading as an armpit~ This file is much better when you absentmindedly follow the instructions properly. You don't need to think much at all when instructing you~ Just feel really really good, and allow me to do the rest~ The big idea with this file is that I make you more suggestable with an induction that is thematic to the main goal of the file. Once I drop you down into that nice, comfortable dreamlike state, I will encourage you to pleasure yourself any way you like. Once you've begun pleasuring, you will learn how to associate that pleasure with any scent you'd like. CONTENTS: [Scent Association] [Scent Play] [JOI] [Edging] [Hypnosis] [Induction] [Armpits] [Degradation] [Corruption][No Awakener] [No Genitals Mentioned] [Puppy] [Mention of Choking] [Snaps] [Clicker] [Lighter Sounds]
Play Count: 5081
[F4A] The Scent of Submission
Have you ever considered why some associate the smell of lavender with arousal? Lavender is known to lower levels of stress and anxiety. It has been theorized that this more relaxed state of mind invites one to enjoy a sexual environment more easily. Which I completely understand. I like to light certain candles in the bath to remind me of the relaxation soon to come. I can find it much easier to slump back and enjoy myself.~ This file is intended to be listened to while you are near a scent you wish to associate with pleasure. Whether its as innocent as a scented candle, or something as degrading as an armpit~ This file is much better when you absentmindedly follow the instructions properly. You don't need to think much at all when instructing you~ Just feel really really good, and allow me to do the rest~ The big idea with this file is that I make you more suggestable with an induction that is thematic to the main goal of the file. Once I drop you down into that nice, comfortable dreamlike state, I will encourage you to pleasure yourself any way you like. Once you've begun pleasuring, you will learn how to associate that pleasure with any scent you'd like. CONTENTS: [Scent Association] [Scent Play] [JOI] [Edging] [Hypnosis] [Induction] [Armpits] [Degradation] [Corruption][No Awakener] [No Genitals Mentioned] [Puppy] [Mention of Choking] [Binaurals] [Snaps] [Clicker] [Lighter Sounds]
Play Count: 16968
[F4A] Behavioral Training (NO BINURALS)
THIS IS THE VERSION WITH NO BINURALS Disobedience yields choice. Choice is overwhelming. Obedience is blissful. Awaiting command is much easier than trying to think for yourself. Your mind is like putty in my hands. The more i play with it the more malleable it becomes. Lay back and surrender. It feels so good to droop down as I knead your mind into a pile of useless mush. This file is an improv where I teach you a very open-ended trigger using the word “behave.” I start off by sweetly greeting you. I gently mention how I like to train bratty dogs to learn their place. Before you know it, I have captivated you, leading your thoughts wherever I please. This file has no clear instruction on when to start touching yourself, but it is implied through use of the word “pleasure.” The JOI is as non-genital specific as possible. Hopefully everypuppy is able to enjoy this one comfortably~ I play with tonal shifts a lot in this one, which I have been trying to do more frequently in these newer files. I had a lot of fun playing with the idea of a trigger that works to enhance obedience. This is sorta reminiscent of “All or None training, which is when you immediately reward a dog for desired behavior. Ideally, the sweet puppy listening hears the word “behave” and instantly hears the familiar “good puppy” trigger right after. This should teach you to feel extremely pleasant when I remind you of how nice it feels to stay docile and obedient for me. Puppy will get a good treat after training with me for a while~ CONTENTS: [Improv] [Behave] [Triggers] [Tonal Shifts] [Clicker] [Giggling] [Good Puppy] [Head Scratches] [No Induction] [Humiliation] [JOI] [Cum encouragement] [Orgasm Control] [No Awakener] [Aftercare]
Play Count: 12173
[F4A] Behavioral Training
Disobedience yields choice. Choice is overwhelming. Obedience is blissful. Awaiting command is much easier than trying to think for yourself. Your mind is like putty in my hands. The more i play with it the more malleable it becomes. Lay back and surrender. It feels so good to droop down as I knead your mind into a pile of useless mush. This file is an improv where I teach you a very open-ended trigger using the word “behave.” I start off by sweetly greeting you. I gently mention how I like to train bratty dogs to learn their place. Before you know it, I have captivated you, leading your thoughts wherever I please. This file has no clear instruction on when to start touching yourself, but it is implied through use of the word “pleasure.” The JOI is as non-genital specific as possible. Hopefully everypuppy is able to enjoy this one comfortably~ I play with tonal shifts a lot in this one, which I have been trying to do more frequently in these newer files. I had a lot of fun playing with the idea of a trigger that works to enhance obedience. This is sorta reminiscent of “All or None training, which is when you immediately reward a dog for desired behavior. Ideally, the sweet puppy listening hears the word “behave” and instantly hears the familiar “good puppy” trigger right after. This should teach you to feel extremely pleasant when I remind you of how nice it feels to stay docile and obedient for me. Puppy will get a good treat after training with me for a while~ CONTENTS: [Improv] [Behave] [Triggers] [Tonal Shifts] [Clicker] [Giggling] [Good Puppy] [Head Scratches] [No Induction] [Humiliation] [JOI] [Cum encouragement] [Orgasm Control] [No Awakener] [Aftercare]
Play Count: 47959
[F4A] Spiral Trance Loop
The more you listen, the better you feel. The better you feel, the more you wanna listen. You see how this spiral already begins? Binaurals play a big part of this improv. I love how they accentuate each change in tone of this little file. The file would stand on its own without them, but considering how much I love their addition, I have decided to not include a "no binurals" version. Apologies that's a deal breaker. I still love you, pup <3 CONTENTS: [Binaurals] [Clicker] [Edging] [Good Puppy] [Improv] [Light Fractionation] [Loop] [Memory Play] [Pleasure] [Relaxation] [Snaps ] [Spiral]
Play Count: 33971
[F4A] Whispered Guided Meditation
Hey there, my good puppy~ I'm here again, whispering into your cute little ears. This file was designed to be very quiet and very reassuring. Hopefully this file is nice and easy for you to listen to and just relax. Breathe at your own pace. I made this so you can have my voice play while you lay back, maybe to sleep. Just get lost in what I have to tell you~ No need to think at all. Just enjoy the sound of my whispery voice. CONTENTS: [Good Puppy] [Grounding] [Head Scratches] [Listen to Sleep] [Meditation] [Reassuring] [Relaxation] [SFW] [Whispering]
Play Count: 16136
[F4A] Secret Kissing in the Closet
There are so many spots that appreciate a tender kiss~ Not just your lips, silly~ We can hide in the closes while we make out. Maybe things can get even more intense from there~ This is a file I made for April fools day, but this is the version where you listen from the perspective of the kisser, instead of the person listening from outside the door~ CONTENTS: [Arousal] [Erotic] [Giggling] [Implied Oral] [Improv] [Kissing] [Mouth sounds] [Thrill of getting caught]
Play Count: 8116
[F4A] Optimizing your Mind for Maximized Performance
In this roleplay, I play I the part of the lead researcher at a private company specializing in Neuroenhancement through suggestion. and you play the part of our new volunteer, who I lovingly refer to as "test subject" Allow me to train your brain to comply with its new programming as a voice in your head urges you to fight everything I tell you. We both know how this ends~ Just try and stay strong, mkay? I'm sure you'll be able to resist the installation <3 TAGS: [Roleplay] [Hypnosis] [Confusion] [Inner Voice] [Resistance Play] [Snaps] [Fractionation] [Memory Play] [Dronification] [JOI] [Stroke] [Overstimulation] [Light Science Theme] [Relaxation Induction] [Quick Awakener]
Play Count: 37522
[F4A] What is Clicker Training? (No Binaurals)
Hey puppy~ I’ve been practicing a few tricks. I’d love to have you help me try them out. Join me through a slow induction. I start by suggesting how this particular trance should make you feel. I will use my words to slowly sink you into an erotic trance. Once in this erotic trance, I’ll educate you on what it means to be a good puppy :) You and I are both excited to see just how weak my words can make you~ You may notice yourself more eager to listen to my every command. This is comparable to how a trained dog feels while listening to its Leash Holder. Doesn’t that sound familiar? So, be a good dog~ As mentioned early on and at the end of the file, there is an aftercare file available here: https://soundgasm.net/u/GoddessSoft/F4A-Simple-Aftercare The last five minutes is a lil bit about me if you haven’t heard of my work before/if you are a dedicated ramblehead (rambleheads rise up) CONTENTS: [Hypnotic] [Erotic] [Arousal] [Triggers] [Clicker Training] [Snaps] [JOI] [Slow Induction] [Pet Play] [Collar] [Consensual Loss of Free Will] [Mindfuck] [Failure to Resist] [Awakener] [3D sound]
Play Count: 28150
[F4A] What is Clicker Training?
Hey puppy~ I’ve been practicing a few tricks. I’d love to have you help me try them out. Join me through a slow induction. I start by suggesting how this particular trance should make you feel. I will use my words to slowly sink you into an erotic trance. Once in this erotic trance, I’ll educate you on what it means to be a good puppy :) You and I are both excited to see just how weak my words can make you~ You may notice yourself more eager to listen to my every command. This is comparable to how a trained dog feels while listening to its Leash Holder. Doesn’t that sound familiar? So, be a good dog~ As mentioned early on and at the end of the file, there is an aftercare file available here: https://soundgasm.net/u/GoddessSoft/F4A-Simple-Aftercare The last five minutes is a lil bit about me if you haven’t heard of my work before/if you are a dedicated ramblehead (rambleheads rise up) CONTENTS: [Hypnotic] [Erotic] [Arousal] [Triggers] [Clicker Training] [Snaps] [JOI] [Slow Induction] [Pet Play] [Collar] [Consensual Loss of Free Will] [Mindfuck] [Failure to Resist] [Awakener] [3D sound]
Play Count: 127144
[F4A] Simple Aftercare
You don't have to worry, you don't have to stress. You can just relax with me. And I can tell you how proud I am of you. CONTENTS: [Aftercare] [Comfort] [Good Puppy] [SFW] [Whispering]
Play Count: 11639
[F4TF] Puppygirl Handjob
My puppygirl~ You've only just begun to get denied and you're already so needy for me? How adorable. Let me guide you into a trance, my very good puppygirl. I'll tease you for being so horny for me. You can listen to my voice, compelled to keep listening. With every step down the staircase you feel heavier and even more horny. A good puppygirl like you is patient enough to wait until you have permission, right? I promise its more fun~ CONTENTS:[3d Sound] [Arousal] [Clicker] [Cum encouragement] [Drop] [JOI] [Pet Play] [Sloppy Noises] [Sound Association]
Play Count: 45032
[F4A] Obedience Training for Good Dogs [No Binurals]
THIS IS THE VERSION WITH NO BINURALS It feels better to obey! You can find yourself writhing in pleasure just by following my command. Listening to me just feels so good! So, what are you waiting for? Do you wanna be a good dog? A good dog would follow my lead. The beginning of this file has you laying, staring at a spot in the ceiling. Just follow me and enjoy your trance. All reaction to my suggestion is perfectly okay! This file took a long time to conceptualize, edit, record. Compared to my usual, this is pretty high concept. I provided a version with Binaurals and one without! Forgive any silly little slip ups and whatnot. I absolutely adore the end product of this. I hope you will too, my good dog <3 CONTENTS: [3d Sound] [31 Minutes] [Don't Think] [Drop] [Edging] [Good Dog!] [Improv] [Keep Sinking] [Let Me Inside Your Mind] [Pet Play] [Puppy][Relaxation] [Scripted] [Snaps] [You're Just My Dog]
Play Count: 7047
[F4A] Obedience Training for Good Dogs
It feels better to obey! You can find yourself writhing in pleasure just by following my command. Listening to me just feels so good! So, what are you waiting for? Do you wanna be a good dog? A good dog would follow my lead. The beginning of this file has you laying, staring at a spot in the ceiling. Just follow me and enjoy your trance. All reaction to my suggestion is perfectly okay! This file took a long time to conceptualize, edit, record. Compared to my usual, this is pretty high concept. I provided a version with Binaurals and one without! Forgive any silly little slip ups and whatnot. I absolutely adore the end product of this. I hope you will too, my good dog <3 CONTENTS: [3d Sound] [31 Minutes] [Don't Think] [Drop] [Edging] [Good Dog!] [Improv] [Keep Sinking] [Let Me Inside Your Mind] [Pet Play] [Puppy][Relaxation] [Scripted] [Snaps] [You're Just My Dog]
Play Count: 59314
[F4A] Do You Want To Be My Toy?
Can you imagine what it would be like if your mind was like my fleshlight? This file is intended for you pay attention to me, for you cum when I cum. Fair warning, I objectify you and tell you that you're my property in this file! If that's not your thing, feel free to skip this one! Aftercare is provided at the end of this file! Hopefully that makes up for all the teasing I put you through~ And with that, my perfect toy, I hope you enjoy this fun little JOI~ <3 CONTENTS: [3D Sound] [Arousal] [Get Fucked by Me] [Girldick] [Toy Association] [Cum Encouragement] [Fucking] [Possessive] [Sloppy Noises] [Sound Association] [Aftercare]
Play Count: 24426
[F4A] Puppydog Fractionation
Hi there, puppydog! I have a file here with my new microphone! The weird, super sensitive ear mic!! AAAAHHHH I'm so exciteddd. SO, In this file, I call you puppydog. We use that cute little clicker you've grown to love so very much. I use the classic 7 plus 1 and fractionate you a little bit. But, we don't wanna give away too much, right? No need to have you anticipate too much :) There is also a little bit of rambling after the awakener for all the rambleheads! hiiii hi rambleheads hiiii omg hiii CONTENTS: [3d Sound] [Clicker] [Confusion] [Dumber] [Fractionation] [Go Blank] [Good Dog!] [Pet Play] [Puppy] [Snaps] [Triggers] [Whispering]
Play Count: 36569
[F4A] Slow and Gentle Hypnotic Induction
A monotonous and easy voice coaxes you into relaxing. We can focus on your breathing. This predictable and reassuring voice makes it so easy to keep listening, to keep falling and sinking until I give you the command "Sleep." This command is intended to remind you of how pleasant trance can be. Nothing sexual happens here, just a nice dip into the depths of trance. A soft awakener is at the end for those who managed to not drift off to actual sleep. No sudden loud noised, so this file is safe for falling asleep to! Please enjoy <3 CONTENTS: [Induction] [Gentle] [Good For Beginners] [Relax] [Installing [Trigger [Sleep]]] [Gentle Awakener]
Play Count: 12559
[F4A] When you stroke you submit. LOOP
Loop yourself stupid. When you stroke you submit. When you submit you feel dumber and dumber. When you feel dumb it feels so fucking good. <3 Prepare yourself by getting a picture of me. Maybe something from my twitter. Each stroke is designed to make you feel deeper, and each time you go deeper you feel more submissive to me. Please enjoy! This was a commission for a lovely little pervert <3 CONTENTS: [Stare at a picture of me] [Edging] [Don't cum] [Stroking makes you [Submit] [Dumber] [Sink]] [JOI] [Moaning] [Yes Goddess] [Mindfuck] [Loop]
Play Count: 20877
[F4A] When you stroke you submit.
When you stroke you submit. When you submit you feel dumber and dumber. When you feel dumb it feels so fucking good. <3 Prepare yourself by getting a picture of me. Maybe something from my twitter. Each stroke is designed to make you feel deeper, and each time you go deeper you feel more submissive to me. Please enjoy! This was a commission for a lovely little pervert <3 CONTENTS: [Stare at a picture of me] [Edging] [Don't cum] [Stroking makes you [Submit] [Dumber] [Sink]] [JOI] [Moaning] [Yes Goddess] [Mindfuck] [Loop encouragement]
Play Count: 23303
You Dressed Like a Dog for the Costume Party. She Thought it was Cute
A sweet little costume party themed file here for you. Imagine yourself at a fun party full of likeminded individuals. Everyone dressed in silly costumes. You, in particular, are dressed as a dog. Quite a harmless outfit, sure. Even if it *is* a little generic.... From across the room you spot Her. She's always had a strange hold over you, like when she talks you can't help but listen. Listen and enjoy, puppydog <3 Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com CONTENTS: [Snaps] [Pet Play] [Binaurals] [Triggers] [Good Dog!] [Collared and Leashed] [Head Scratches] [Puppy] [Fantasy Public Play] [You Don't Get Caught] [Implied Amnesia] [Keep Sinking]
Play Count: 19638
[F4A] How I Broke Your Brain
Back again so soon? Didn't you just get done telling me how much you want to worship and adore me? I think at this point its safe to say you're a little fucking obsessed. <3 This file features no awakener, a little bit of name calling and friendly bullying too! The end of the file has JOI with Cum Instruction. Also, There's an ad for this lovely Patreon page at the end of this file :) Link available on my linktree on reddit! CONTENTS: [Snaps] [Hypnosis] [JOI] [Playful Teasing and Name-calling] [Petplay] [Intelligence Drain] [Ear Licking] [You're Mine Now] [Thought Manipulation] [Implied Amnesia] [Blank] [Patreon Announcement at End] [Patreon Supported]
Play Count: 42397
Lay in my lap, Puppy. I'll teach you a new trick~
Hi puppy! I want to teach you a new trick~ You can learn to associate an open ended question and a click with the response "Yes Goddess!" Now you can eagerly and instinctually agree with anything I want you to~ [F4A] [Improv] [Clicker Training] [Pet Play] [Good Puppy] [Fractionation] [Arousal] [Instruction] [Masturbation Command] [Speak] [Yes Goddess] [Head Scratches]
Play Count: 25671
You're so good at this game!
Wanna loop my voice? Have me fill your ears while you play a video game? What's the harm? Its not like I would try and tempt you to do anything you don't already want to do~ You want to listen to me and follow my suggestion while you click away at your silly little game. TAGS: [F4A] [Binaurals] [Clicking] [Play a Game While You Listen] [Confusion] [Instruction] [Arousal] [Go Blank][MindFuck] [Scripted]
Play Count: 58268
I found your secret and it's adorable!
This file is special! It requires some preparation~ Do you want to get humiliated and told to put on a cute pair of panties? Don't be shy~ Start listening and find yourself in a different headspace. You'll need a pair of underwear that you're comfortable with making a cute little mess in ;) but, I've said far too much already! https://linktr.ee/notsoftforwork Tags: [NSFW] [Humiliation] [Light teasing for femininity] [JOI] [Binaurals] [Perversions] [Praise] [Instruction] [Light Fractionation] [Name-calling] [Resist the Temptation to Listen to Me] [4 minutes of Rambling]
Play Count: 11524
[F4A] I've got a petname for you! [Hypnosis] [Puppy] [Clicker] [Improv] [Arousal] [Head Scratches] [Possessive] [Pet Play] [Loop] [Go Blank] [Denial] [Degradation] [Light Fractionation] [Orgasm Control] [Manipulation] [Triggers] [MindFuck]
I've got a new petname for you~ Puppy. What? You've never heard that before? I've been called Puppy by like, three of my partners... Its pretty common. A cute little improv file where we start off flirting. I start teasing you and trying to get you flustered. One thing leads to another and eventually you learn that I'm everything you've ever needed. Thank you so much for all the praise and attention on my first reddit post! As always I implore you to check out my many other works! https://linktr.ee/notsoftforwork
Play Count: 80263
Listen to me Ramble while you Nod Off
Here is a lowkey little file made with the intent of relaxing you. Get nice and comfy, cuddle up, and listen to my sweet voice while I talk about nothing at all. Sweet dreams <3
Play Count: 4377
Your First HypnoTherapy Session
This is my first real hypnotic file. I try to use real techniques to guide you into trance, then I encourage you to pump~ But, we wouldn't want to give too much away now would we? The last 4 minutes or so are just me rambling and introducing myself for first timers. As mentioned in that: my linktree is here https://linktr.ee/notsoftforwork CONTENTS: [Snaps] [Cum Encouragement] [Degrading] ]Pet Play] [Light Fractionation] [Good Pet] [Manipulation]
Play Count: 42030
What you are to me.
"Why don't you get up close? Nose pressed against my boot. Go ahead, its okay~" This file is intended for use by anyone 18+. Heavily featured themes are: Objectification, pet-play, foot worship, snaps, ASMR, and JOI. I hope you enjoy my work! This is my first improv file. Please feel free to let me know if you have any feedback! You are more than welcome to DM me on my twitter https://twitter.com/notsoftforwork And remember~ You're a good pet for me <3
Play Count: 11696
You've been staring, haven't you?
Just a short reading of a caption I liked. This is my first audio, please feel free to let me know how it made you feel :)
Play Count: 4547