Luring to places that don’t exist When present there you’ll be elsewhere missed Passing through a mirror on the wall And walking forever along the endless hall Glimpsing pointed fingers and curly hair A handsome blur who isn’t quite there Laughing, teasing, forever amused He cherishes guessing what we have to lose Running running around the curves You want escape but I seek the verve Looming suddenly, blonde and keen He knows our nightmares, what they mean Screaming, crying, you are scared You suddenly realize the terror isn’t shared Speaking softly and with much care I let him know why we’re both there Offering up life to prove my worth I know your death will be my own rebirth Fearing not murder, nor the distortion itself I end your suffering with quickness and stealth Turning to him and the issue at hand I say with confidence a statement quite grand - - - ”Darling Michael, my sweetest spiral You’ll love me back… after a good long while” Written, recorded, edited, and produced by u/HannahSlamma