**Scenario:** In this script from u/Stray__Thoughts, I wake up to you tossing and turning in your sleep, visibly uncomfortable. You’ve been struggling with nightmares for a long time now, and it’s become very disruptive to both of our sleep. Let me talk to you until you drift back to sleep, baby. ---------- *”In all seriousness, though... you really do need to get some sleep. I can see how tired you look in the morning. Let me help.”* **WITH CRICKETS** ---------- **DISCLAIMERS:** - Do not download, repost, or otherwise use this content for anything other than personal pleasure without the express consent of the artist(s) involved. - Please feel free to adapt, redact, modify or interpret my scripts any way you choose so long as it is true to the spirit of the original. I consider myself your collaborator and I am grateful for your efforts. This is a fantasy by adults, for adults, and about adults. ---------