Voiced by u/HanulSkyGirl Written and Edited by u/Avactus Summary: *Work has been stressful and your loving fiancee has noticed which is why she's visiting you at your office. Telling you to close your eyes she leads you to your car and reveals her plans for the weekend you'll spend together. The stars look beautiful as you both stare at them, and each other. It isn't long after cuddled up in the tent and watching Star Wars on a laptop that she gives you that look. That hunger to have more than a simple relationship. Will you even question her? Or will you take the plunge and give her what she wants - you deep inside her?* *********************************************** **This audio file is ©️2019 u/HanulSkyGirl All rights reserved.** **Do not repost or save my audios for any purposes.** Disclaimer: this audio, and all of my other audios are recorded by an adult for an adult audience ONLY.** **All individuals depicted are of legal age.** **This is a fantasy audio** *************************************