Summary: You have been captured by the rival survival group, whose leader is pure evil. She wants you to tell her where the rest of your group is. But you won’t do that – so now you’ll be forced to watch while your crush is gangraped Please, mind the tags. This is very dark. Please also be reminded that this is 100% fantasy, and in audio dark fantasies can be fun to explore. (And everyone is safe.) Also: I love this one so much! u/redceax’s script was stellar. And it’s a pleasure to be so cruel. Not something I can do IRL because… morals. But so much fun to play with. I suggest you use headphones, for maximum immersion. Recommendations: “Pride, an angel on your shoulder” “Show Business” For something different - and funny - try “All Your Ball Are Belong to Us” --- All my audios can be found: on my Airtable You can find me at: Twitter/X: @jcalistahhh Site: Ways to support me My store Throne Kofi