Practically snowed in, Detroit has come to a grinding halt, giving you some time off. So you invite Connor over for some good old fashioned human fun in the snow. Contains: Snowball Fights, Comfort, Recently Deviant Connor, Confessions First off I'd like to thank the members of my Discord for offering ideas and prompts for this script because I was in such a writer's block I had no idea what to write lol. Second, my ever running joke to have Connor's first word being, 'Hello' in 99% on my audios continues strong. And thirdly, no I will not be apologizing for the pun that I purposefully put in the title. Whether I'm the only one who gets it or not I'm still not apologizing. Anyways, hope you all enjoy the audio! Connor: *whistling a Christmas song* *whistling stops* *sound of a snowball hitting a body* *pause* Oh.......Hello Detective.......did you.....just throw a snowball at me? *pause* Why is that? *pause* wanted to show me fun things that humans so when it snows a lot? I'm....afraid to point this out Detective....but you do know that I'm aware that humans play in the snow...... *pause* No, I've never participated in it myself...... *pause* Different you say...... I must admit as well that I am......a little confused I believe about the matter....... I hear humans constantly commenting and complaining about the cold and being cold during snowy weather.......I don't quite understand why humans would voluntarily go out into the snow and play around in it when they clearly don't like it...... *long pause* it's about.....taking unpleasant circumstances and turning them into enjoyment....where you can.....I suppose I can see the appeal...... Participate? Well....I suppose so...... *pause* I understand the mechanics....the execution however..... *scoops up snow* And just....throw.....correct? Well..... *throws* Oh I's sort of like aiming practice...... *gets hit* I can see how this would be enjoyable.....with a lot of people it would be utter chaos...... *scoops up snow* *gets hit* Dodge the snowballs? You told me the point was to play in the snow. If I'm not getting hit then how-- *pause* Oh....I's sort of like a dodgeball situation....but with snow......alright.... How do I know about dodgeball? The DPD has a yearly tournament in the fall....but they don't advertise it that you don't need to feel like you were being left out..... *pause* Oh no....androids aren't allowed to play. They say it'd be cheating...... It's alright......I can still play with snowballs though, right? *pause* I promise not to throw too hard...... *scoops up snow* *snowball fight starts, Connor laughing as it fades out* *fade in* Are.....snow angels another thing that humans do even though they hate the snow? *pause* Forgive me....I'll wait until you've caught your breath.....take your time..... *long pause* Yes, of course.....are snow angels another 'take unpleasant circumstances and make them fun'? it only works if there's enough snow......I assume the snow that's basically caused the city to shut down is enough? Would me? Once again I understand the basic concept, however executing would be much easier if I'm shown...... *pause* So it really is just laying down and pushing your arms up and down and your legs open and closed....... I'll try..... *snow movement* Hmmm.....something about it seems.....different...... I suppose that is is my first snow angel.... *pause* Thank you for showing me Detective.....I....appreciate it..... Sincerely....I do.....I might not understand as well as you do the enjoyment of turning the cold snowy weather into fun but this was......I did have fun.....I think...... Progress? *pause* Detective....I hate to be the bearer of bad are shivering quite a bit more than you were when I first arrived.....I know you're probably aware of this....however.....I can see that your body temperature will continue to drop if we stay out here for too are a long ways to hypothermia so there isn't any cause for great concern......however....I looked into the weather report and it is stating that there is more snow on the way within the next hour or so.....perhaps it would be best if we head inside? Absolutely.....perhaps I can make cocoa? Warm you up a little? *fade out* *fade in* I understand that you're worried about not being able to go and visit your family, Detective....however....the weather is something unfortunately we still can't control. Create humanoid androids like me who have the abilities of all the great detectives and more, but can't make it so it snows less........ Here's your cocoa...... I believe your family will understand......the extenuating circumstances, considering just how much snow there is right now. Even if they don't understand.....that's not on you. You're not letting anyone down thinking of your own safety.....besides....and.....stop me if you feel like I'm overstepping a boundary.......I've noticed that the only time you really voluntarily take off from the precinct is when you are going to visit them.....I think it's a good, healthy thing to have time for yourself....away from them..... I understand it must be difficult during the holidays......and....know that is just my opinion on the matter..... *pause* How's the cocoa? *pause* I made it with milk....I've heard of the opinion that when you make it with hot water it tastes like chocolate-y dish-water.....and I wouldn't want that so.....milk..... If you'd help you warm up.....we could sit with a blanket.....and watch the snow fall? There's something peaceful about watching it from the inside.....something to make the snow more pleasurable? Turning circumstance into....well perhaps not fun but.....contentment? this blanket that's over the back of the couch alright? *shuffling* can lean into me, if you like....... *pause* *chuckles* That's why I've been confused as to why humans enjoy playing in the snow.....I....don't really know what feeling true cold is like.....I've had.....what I assume to be similar experiences.....but they don't have to do with the actual weather..... Anyway......due to my hardware and my processes, I run quite a bit warmer than humans......a personal space heater....if you will *chuckles* *long pause* You're not alone......I know that it's easy to say and....that I probably make a poor substitute for family...... *pause* *chuckles* Thank you.... I' for what I'm trying to say......and I'll celebrate with you....however you like. I....enjoyed myself....out in the snow today with you....and....I'm glad that you showed me....and I'd be happy to do it again sometime.....and try to be more.....relaxed about it I suppose......allow the experience....instead of trying to get it 'right'....because there is no there? You make even the most simple things pleasurable....and I'm always....excited I think to spend time with you, and experience new things...... *pause* You don't have to thank me for being here, just as you say that I don't have to thank you for teaching me and showing me things......for treating I'm a person......we do these thing because one another.....not to be thanked, or indebted......we do it....because we care...... I care for you very much, Detective.....