There are so many things in this world worth living for, so please, keep on living. Contains: Talks About Bigotry, Mentions of Religion, Implied Non-Familial Support, Implied Mention of Suicide, Comfort, Advice, Depression Aide, Encouragement Literally because the rights of minorities and people with uteruses are being so heinously removed and destroyed by bigoted assholes, I can only assume that people need some sort of comfort, and I hope that I can bring that to you with Connor. Please stay safe, take care of yourself, and live. ~Audio Transcript Below~ Connor: Hello..... *pause* I know.....the last thing that you probably want is to have me around to give you a pep talk.......however......sometimes there is a big difference between what one wants and what one needs....... Will you allow me to say my piece? And if you still want me to leave, I'll do so without hesitation...... *pause* Thank you........ I know it feels like every right you and those who came before you fought for is being stripped away.....and that you're afraid that no matter how hard you try......nothing is going to change..... *pause* I don't blame you for those thoughts and fact.....I would be more surprised if you didn't feel that way....... It may not be to the same extent as you......but I do have some inkling to how it feels to have a large amount of people vocally and loudly demanding for your extinction....... "Not good", to put it as lightly as possible....... It's.......terrifying...... I wasn't afraid before.....when it was possible for me to downloaded into another body.......but now......that's not an option anymore...... I am more human than I've ever been I only have the one life to live and......I find that I am markedly less reckless than I have been in the past....... *pause* With so much opposition hanging over your head like a proverbial sword of Damocles........there are some days where you can do nothing but despair.....and be afraid...... It makes perfect sense. No one should be expected to be under that sort of constant duress and not be afraid...... *pause* There are also days where it may feel like it would be better if you were to the job for them.....those who oppose you.....those who wish you removed from this planet...... I don't know if that's something that you've experienced......and you aren't required to tell me so if you don't want to......even if you do want to...... There are many things to live for and to fight for......... There will always be people who hate you for no reason.....or for reasons that are centered in bigotry, narcissism, and frankly arbitrary to say the least...... But know that there are an equal amount......or more likely even more people who love you.....and will fight for you.....just as you are...... *pause* Have you ever heard of the phrase, "Blood is thicker than water?" .....Well.....interestingly enough.......and as is the case with most famous was interpreted incorrectly......and its definition over time has twisted to mean the opposite. Most people believe it means family over everything, right? Well.....the original quote is, "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb....." The bonds that you create and maintain yourself.....from those who are not your family........are stronger than the people who you are 'supposed' to love you the most.....or vice versa....... *pause* *chuckles softly* Well......if bigots can cherry pick and interpret single verses of their sacred texts as if they were law.....I think I can interpret a quote in that way........ *long pause* Sometimes it's good to get a reminder that you can't please everyone......and really......the only one that you should be trying to yourself........ No matter what religion or spiritual belief one may believe in......we all will there is only one life as we are right now on this why must we spend it being miserable.....or trying to please those who would never give us the time of day simply because we are different? Yes, there are moments where we must pick ourselves up....not allow the fear and the sadness to turn into despair......we cannot let those who think we are lesser do whatever they please....... So please do not let yourself fall into despair.......let it radicalize you...... People often underestimate the power of to defy them.....fight for those who are being oppressed with you.......... *pause* It's not always about fighting either........or about the big things......keeping you here........ There are many things to live for or to fight for........ The feel of the breeze through your hair on a summer evening where the temperature is just right...... A flower in your favorite color in the height of it's bloom when you happen across it on a walk....... The camaraderie of singing a song that resonates with you at the top of your lungs with someone that you love..... When you accomplish a task in less time than you thought it would take, so you have the rest of the evening to do absolutely nothing...... Trying food for the first time and finding out it's delicious....... The unconditional love of animals.......... *pause* Alright.....enough examples......but.....those are things worth living for.......things that people sometimes can take for granted........ Finding things that bring you matter how small........ Those can be the things that keep us going.....that keep us alive......thriving......ready to live........ You as a human being deserve just the same amount of space in this universe than anyone who thinks you don't........ The decisions that you make for your life........ultimately make them for yourself......and you existing really doesn't affect the lives of bigots, despite what they scream........ You aren't hurting anyone by just existing....... So exist......find life and be as happy or as content as you can just living.......because just living your your a form of a challenge of the status quo........and is worth more than anything those assholes could ever accomplish in their short sighted cruel little lives........ *pause* *chuckles* I'm passionate about your brings out a lot of emotions in me........and swearing apparently....... *pause* I suppose why I've told you all this is that......I'm here for you.......and you are more powerful than you think.........and that life is worth living........but unfortunately I am incapable of not drowning everything in details and metaphors........there are some parts of my programming that I can't get rid of....... *pause* I suppose you're right.....that's not programming is it? That's just who I am........ *huffs softly* I'll leave you be now if you want.....I've said what I wanted to say...... *pause* Of course......I can sit with you here......for as long as you want....... *pause* *softly* You know......I think this is one of those moments worth living for........sitting in companionable silence with someone who loves you........... *huffs softly*