Hey, little habits cam make all the difference Contains: Self-Care, Advice, Comfort, Anxiety Aide, Depression Aide **NOTE**: This is an old Patreon audio that's been released for public audiences! It was created in 2019, so my Guzma voice is a little different, I hope you enjoy regardless! So this was the script that somehow flew out of my fingers in like 15 minutes. I think Guzma is just a really easy character to talk about Self Care with? So I hope that this audio can help someone in maybe just taking small little things and creating habits for the better! I know it can be hard, but you can do it! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Guzm: Hey, I don’t mean to be like an ass or anything but…...have you….bathed recently? I just know that you…..kinda have been holed up in here for a while….. Well, I know self care ain’t all “cozy up with your favorite movie and favorite snack and forget the day”. Sure that mentality is nice sometimes, but like that ain’t really realistic? Cause it’s not always after a bad day that you feel terrible. Sometimes there’s no explanation to it, you just feel like you can’t do anything, or that the anything that you could be doing just isn’t worth it. You think “What’s the point?” I mean, self care can be those frivolous things where after a big hard day you just can’t deal and you want one of two things that make you happy for a while, but sometimes, it’s just basic human care like taking a shower or brushing your teeth or eating something. Things that keep this conglomeration of meat and water functioning. Self care can be….taking into account how not good you’re doing, instead of ignoring everything…..not to say that you are or anything…. Like, that’s the hardest part right? Is to care? Like, ‘Why should I even bother? It’s not going to change anything anyways?” That’s not really true though. Even the smallest thing can put you on the right path. I think that’s what hangs people up sometimes, is the fact that they have this huge long list in their brains that’s constantly screaming at them about the things they haven’t done yet or need to do, and it’s so loud that they would rather just turn their brain off and just vegetate and do none of it. I think one of the easiest self cares is brushing your teeth. Like, if you can take care of one thing that’s easy and really beneficial, it’s your teeth. Sure, if you don’t shower or like change your clothes yeah you stink and you can feel kinda worse, but your teeth are expensive fuckers, so taking two minutes or even just a cursory brush can be enough. Little things, little steps. Kinda like, make it your mission to start doing one small thing every day, like brushing your teeth, or at least putting on clean underwear. Then, once you start to feel better, you can add to your list. Like, “Ok, I’ve brushed my teeth every day this week, now I can see if I can drink at least three glasses of water today.” And then move from there. I know that that might seem like an extreme circumstance and not all people’s depression or whatever causes the lack in care, but that technique, that idea of doing things one day at a time, is helpful no matter what your mental state is. Like I said, bodies unfortunately need a lot of upkeep, and you’d be amazed to find what happens when you start these easy little habits. You’ll feel better. And if there ever comes a point where you feel like you’ve spiraled into an abyss and you can’t get out or you don’t want to get out, you kinda know where to start? At least…..that’s been my experience. Talking to people too. Reaching out. Even if it’s not asking for help. You don’t even need to be specific. Just letting someone know, “Hey, I’m having a real rough time right now and I’m trying to get back up on my feet,” can be helpful. It kind of…..I don’t know, holds you accountable? You’re not internalizing all the madness? Well, I guess I shouldn’t call it madness, but the storm thats going on in your brain? It puts you on people’s radar and it makes you feel not quite as alone. I mean, it can also be a place where you can celebrate your victories, even if they feel small and insignificant to you. It’s those little victories that really add up in the long run. Don’t feel bad if you don’t do everything at once, or like, you fall off the bandwagon or something. We as people ebb and flow. You aren’t always going to be 100% ok, and that’s ok. Take it in stride if you can, and remember that you can do it. You’ve lived through all of your worst days, and you can continue to do so. And…..you know…..I love you…..and….am proud of you…and really like havin’ you around…...even when you don’t look or well--*chuckles*--smell your best…. *kiss* Love ya, Sweetpea