Just because you don't participate in certain celebrations, Loki, doesn't mean that you can be an asshole about people who do. Contains: Loki Being Kind of an Asshole, Established Relationship, Comfort, Loose Representation of Marvel and Norse Lore, Remorseful Actions, Reconciliation, Shared Celebrations, Found Family/Love, Petname (My Dear) Ok, I just want to preface this audio with the fact that I am heavily playing fast and loose with Marvel lore and Norse celebrations and lore so there are definite absolute inaccuracies when it comes to what Loki is talking about. This is a fictional world in and of itself, and I wanted to play with the idea that the Marvel characters are the actual gods and how that translates to Norse mythology and pagan celebrations that are celebrated today. I know it's wrong, and I apologize if anyone finds it offensive. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this interpretation, and Loki getting called out for being an asshole lol. ~Audio Transcript Below~ Loki: So you.....bring the colors of fall and bring leaves and other detritus inside your home for.....decoration....is it? *pause* I myself am not particularly fond of the heat, my dear.....but I still think you're going to sweat through that......sweater of yours.... *groans fondly* Oh, at least don't give it a laugh, it wasn't intentional..... So.....besides.....this......what else did you say that you do.....during this time of the year? *pause* Pumpkins, yes......allowing them to rot in your home as you carve faces into them and set them ablaze...... *chuckles* I suppose you're right.....a candle or two hardly constitutes as a blaze, but you get my point..... *pause* You......like to stay inside and watch films......cozy up in front of fires......ingest ridiculous amounts of hot beverages...... It's all so......warm and fuzzy....isn't it? *pause* Well......there was a time.....longer ago than you or probably any of your ancestors that you can trace, when humans actually worshipped the Aesir by throwing festivals and having sacrifices. They were celebrated at a Hof, which were glorious temples dedicated to the Aesir and their glory. *pause* Not all.....the Álfablót was celebrated at the home.....mostly by the lady of the household surprisingly, or not.....A sacrifice would be made towards the end of autumn, when the crops had been harvested and the animals were most fat. It was associated.....with my mother....Frigga....of all people.... *pause* Oh no, it's completely fitting, just likes its fitting that the master of the house was called, "Ölvir" when administering the rites. An implication of Odin, and the first element of "Ölvir", which as may or may not know means, "beer", was an important element in the sacrifices and festivals really. No surprise there either.....most of the Aesir and their worshippers would drown themselves any chance they got........ The sacrifices weren't terrible, but......mostly boring and unimaginative .....unfortunately.....which is why I liked to liven things up.....ever once in a while......*chuckles* Humans really haven't changed all that much.....even after all this time.... *pause* *sighs softly* I.....apologize......I realize this turned into ridicule....quite quickly......If you weren't aware or had not noticed......festivals....even for the Aesir were family events....and.....I'm not entirely fond of my family.....even if it is better than it used to be...... *sighs* There is one.....holiday I suppose you could call it that....actually falls on the Autumnal Equinox....which is today.....interestingly enough..... It's called Hausblot....or Fall Feast......it's....comparable to Thanksgiving....I suppose.......if you'd want to make that assumption. It honors the second harvest of the season and is the time to gather food for the upcoming winter months.......it's also a time to reflect upon what has been achieved during the most fruitful part of the year and be thankful for what the earth has given us.....Not earth as is, 'Midgard'. Earth as in, the actual ground. Feasting and dancing.....as most festivals go.....but......these were more subdued I suppose, considering that Yule is a larger more significant celebration and wasn't long from Haustblot. There would be one grand fire ablaze and everywhere else, all fires were extinguished. Then, each family would solemnly light their hearth from the common flame.....bonding the people together......I do not have many fond memories.....but there are some.....and I do find myself returning to those from the Fall Feast most often...... I suppose these....rituals.....offer you the same comforts....do they not? *pause* I shouldn't make a mockery of the things that bring you joy.....even if I myself don't quite understand them.......as a god it's....sometimes hard to remember that you are human my Dear......and that you haven't lived the vast ages that I have.....you haven't become jaded.....over things like this..... *pause* I....I suppose.....I hadn't really thought of it that way.....There never seemed a chance for me to be able to escape the celebrations I hated with any efficiency.....and....was treated more like a joke than a Prince.....even though I was required to be there....considering my stature....... Perhaps......I can retain the traditions that brought me joy in a space of my own.....where I am not duty bound to do so.......and I don't have to spend it with those I don't care much for....... *sighs ruefully* Oh nothing.....it......you never cease to amaze and impress me, my Dear. You take the time to put an old god in his place, and offer wisdom of one who is beyond your years...... *soft kiss* Would you do a god a favor......and explain again why you enjoy the things that you do......I promise to try to see it with less bitter eyes this time....at least.... Oh, I only promised to try, I cannot guarantee that it would be successful......*chuckles* *pause* If you......if that is your wish.....to....combine our celebrations and......create a totally unique one of our own......I will not stop you......In fact.....that sounds.......I don't know if I can come up with a more apt word other than......nice.....it sounds nice....... Also.....allow me to....thank you.....for your unlimited patience with me....it is......far more than most would allow me...... *soft kiss* I must admit....there is a twinge of excitement within me that I don't believe I've felt for quite some time......I have you to thank for that as well...... So I say once more.....Thank you...... *chuckles* It's Haustblot.......and....Happy Haustblot to you as well My Dear......and.....we'll work on your pronunciation...... *chuckles into a kiss*