Leon might not be the smartest in the bunch, but he's pretty wise all things considered.... Contains: Talking about Sexuality, Soul Searching, Comfort, LGBTQ+ Issues More Leon! He just won out against a new voice this month, but I still had a really fun time with this script. I wanted to write a Pride themed audio, but try to keep it as inclusive as possible, and I was trying to think something that was as close to a universal truth with everyone, and it hit me lol. Truth and the concept of, 'Living Your Truth,' and what that might mean to some people. I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Leon: I know you've probably heard this a thousand times before but.....it doesn't hurt to reiterate it...... There is nothing to ever be ashamed of when it comes to expressing and living your truth. *pause* And what does that mean, truth? I've asked myself before, and I think it's important to think about. We know ‘truth’ as it's commonly used. A statement of fact, the body of real things and events. Actuality. The opposite of lying right? But there are more definitions that are more….abstract, I suppose, but I feel like they're just as, if not more important.....and help create a better and fuller understanding when it comes to the traditional use of the word, and when it comes to the phrase, "Living your Truth" Truth also has meant a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality. Now that can be comforting to some folks, believing that there is an intrinsic rightness with everything in the world, or that your spirituality and faith guides you, but the 'truth' definition that really, I think.....marries all the ideas and definitions together, is this. It's an old archaic use, and it means: sincerity in action or character. Being sincere, and being vulnerable with yourself. Acknowledging that it may take time to work out the facts of yourself, and it might be hard, to perhaps.....go against everything that you were raised to believe. But no one is going to go on that trip for you, and no one.....will ever know you, better than you. It takes.....introspection...which I know can be a chore.....but if the soul searching and researching I've done in my life is anything to go by.....it's worth it. To not only know but [accept] and [revel] in the fact that you know who you are, and you aren't embarrassed or devastated about that fact. You're joyous......euphoric even to know. You don't have to hide.....you don't want to hide. And that doesn't mean shouting it from every rooftop, not that there's anything wrong with that. But that's not realistic for everyone. Some may choose to live their truth more closely to the chest, closely to themselves, and that's fine too. As long you recognize that you're not lying to yourself, that you're not being insincere. That's what I think is important. Sincere in the actions you take every day, and sincere with the qualities that distinguish you. That.....is ‘truth.’ *long pause* *chuckles* I know a lot of people seem to think that I'm, well rather dim, and I know I'm not the smartest person in the world and I never will be. I don't know 100% of the truths of the world. But......what I do know, is that I'm aware and knowledgeable about myself. I'm not afraid to be myself....ever. It may take you a long time to get there, or.....you may evolve over time....or you find more information that makes more sense and resonates better with you and that's alright. Life in general, is one big learning curve. No one will ever know all the answers, and you shouldn't agonize over it. As long as you have peace and sense of mind with the information you've cultivated about yourself, then you're doing just fine. You're not alone in this either...... *pause* Do you know what the colors on the pride flag mean? There was originally an 8 stripe version which is different from the one we know today that had pink as well as turquoise. Pink stood for sexuality, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for the sun, green for nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for spirit. These forces were brought together to represent the diversity of LGBTQ+ people around the world. I personally like the ones that have the black and brown stripes, along with the transgender flag stripes, to represent those communities more as well. We're all in this together, is what I'm saying. This community, and it's people can be strong, and help foster and educate the truths of its members. It's not easy.....but few things in life that are worthwhile are. So take a step today, and look inward.....be vulnerable and sincere with yourself.....and you may discover something about yourself....or you may reinforce the ideas and qualities that make you who you are as a living, breathing, person. You won't know until you try.....and you have a whole community, including me, to help you, and cheer for you along the way. You can do it.