It's another commission! This one isn't a specific character, but more of a calming voice that will hopefully help listeners relax as well as well as take some time with their own physical and mental-selves and feel more grounded within them and hopefully decrease stress as well! I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Find a quiet space, where you can relax. When you find that space, set yourself in a comfortable position. Either laying on your back, or sitting up with your legs crossed in front of you. You can close yours eyes, or direct your gaze to a general direction in the room. Now focus on your breathing. Don't try to change your breathing, just become aware of it. Picture the air that is being pulled in through your nose, or mouth, and flowing into the lungs. The natural pause, however brief, before it is pushed back out as you exhale. *Breath softly, but audibly, to demonstrate. Do this for a couple breaths, whatever feels comfortable* On your next breath, to yourself, count 1, as you inhale, and count 1 again, as you exhale. Do this for a few moments. *Breath softly, but audibly for about twenty seconds* Know that this is a time set for you, and you alone. A time to let your worries fade away, and let the stress leave your body, through your breathing and listening to the sound of my voice. If your mind wanders, that is alright. When you become aware of straying thoughts, just let the thought pass, and continue breathing. Now, focus on relaxing your body. Keep your breathing natural and steady as you let the muscles in your body begin to relax, starting with the toes and the ankles. . . Flex each of your toes individually if you can, and if you can't, simply do it the best that you can. Listen to my voice, but also focus on the flex and release not only in your toes, but on the rest of your body. Maintain your natural breathing, and focus on how the body relaxes when you release your flex. It's hard for some to flex their ankles and their calves individually, so let's do them together, remembering to breathe naturally, letting yourself think any stray thoughts you might have, but not dwelling on them, and flexing and relaxing your calves and your ankles. You'll find yourself, even as you're breathing naturally, that your body, on it's own, is exhaling when you release your flex, when you feel the relaxation of that tenseness, and how it affects the other parts of your body. Your body and your mind is beginning to fully understand the importance and the purpose of this exercise. So let yourself breathe out with the relaxation, and let's continue. Just as before, flexing with your knees and your thighs this time. Flexing, and releasing, breathing and relaxing, allowing yourself to think the things your brain thinks, but not dwelling on them. Flexing and relaxing, feeling how the rest of your body is now almost eager to start it's relaxation as you continue to breathe. Your buttock and your hips now, inhale as you flex, exhale as you release. Continue that for a few moments, letting those body parts we've already flexed and relaxed fall heavy and to the wayside, so relaxed that they're fading out of focus, unneeded for the time being. On your next breath, slowly exhale let go of the tension in your stomach and your back. If you need to,place a hand flat on your chest underneath your collar bone, and feel where the breath is coming from in your chest, center yourself with that breathing, allowing yourself to relax as you exhale, the tension in your chest and your back relaxing and we continue breathing. Let your shoulders fall, naturally, downwards towards the ground, practically sinking into it as you breathe, as you think, as you flex and relax. Your shoulders, your biceps, and your hands can be done all at once. Clenching your hands into fists, then slowly releasing, allowing the flex to travel up your arm, only for it to slowly release, and your hands getting heavier and more difficult to clench as hard, the more you relax, the more you breathe. Until finally, you can barely move your limbs at all. Now all that's left is your head. The rest of your body should be on the edges of your consciousness, your breathing, a reaction now more than a conscious choice. Now, I'm going to continue to work with you, but now, we're going to move onto relaxing your mind. Let a feeling of serenity pass through you, as your body rests, and as you continue to breath, slowly, naturally. Now imagine yourself, at the top of a hill, with wide stone steps, leading down into a lush, green valley. As you slowly descend these steps, imagine the taste and smell of cool, clean air around you. It is sharp and crisp, as if a heavy rain or storm has just passed. The stone steps are cool and firm under your feet, as you slowly walk to the bottom of the hill, and step onto a forest path, leading further into the valley. Hear the sound of birds singing. . . insects humming. . . the sound of leaves rustling, as a wind rushes past the tree canopy, high above you. Soft beams of sunlight pass through this canopy, swaying across the path, lighting your way down the soft, moss covered path. You come to a clearing in the woods, and see many pools of clear water before you. The sun shines brightly across a set of stone steps, which lead across the largest pool, to a elevated rock at the center of the clearing, with a flat surface, a perfect resting place. As you step onto the stones, ripples in the water flow outward, disrupting the surface of the pool, causing sunlight to make the water shimmer, as you step from one stone, to the next. When you come to the rock, find yourself resting on it's smooth, sun-warmed surface. Take this time to take in the nature surrounding you. The trees, ancient and tall. The pools of water, clear and bright. The wildlife, distant and near, alive and thriving. Rest here for a moment, and just breath. You watch clouds slowly drift above you, in a blue sky. The shadow of birds, high above, diving and climbing in the air as you watch. Another warm breeze fills the clearing, and you feel the touch of fallen leaves brushing your skin. The sky begins to fade into shades of lavender, and pale pinks of sunset. You slowly rise from your resting place, and begin to walk back. Where there was afternoon sunlight to guide you forward, there are now fire flies, to lead you back. The sound of crickets and frogs harmonizing fills the air, as you come to those wide steps, lead up and out of the valley. The sunsets as you climb, and when you reach the top of these steps, you feel yourself returning to the present, and position you are currently resting in, as you begin to finish this time of relaxation, and meditation. As you rise to the surface of your consciousness, allow the awareness to set in, flex and release those limbs that we relaxed what felt like such a long time ago, but do so in your own time. Remember, you are loved, and you are worthy of the time and space you exist on this planet. Do something kind for yourself today, be vulnerable and truthful to yourself, and be confident in that vulnerability. I believe, you will find strength there.