He seems.....calmer here.....almost like he's.....happy? Contains: Comfort, Compliments, Confessions I realized when I went to start writing this audio, that a lot of the time I have Muriel involved in some super heavy emotional, rather sad moments, so I wanted to have an audio where it was--at least hopefully--a little more hopeful, a little more happy. So this is sort of what I came up with, I like the idea that pretty much anywhere he's with the listener is his happy place, but especially the forest, and it kind of evolved from there. I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Muriel: *forest noises* No problem......I imagine foraging for herbs and ingredients is easier with more than one person...... *pause* Along with having someone who knows the area.....that as well...... My pleasure......it is a....beautiful day out...... *longer pause* Hm? Forgive me....I was.....distracted...... *pause* Calmer? You....think so? Well......out here.......the forest and the creatures in it.....they aren't......as afraid of me as most humans are........I suppose that's why I....prefer them as company..... With wildlife.....things are....more simple.....easier......like.....it is with you...... Not that---you're not an animal.....I mean......you don't....look at me with fear.......you're not....worried about being with me.....you've told me that you feel safe with me........and....while sometimes I'm afraid that......I won't be able to live up to the trust that you put in me.....the faith......I remind myself that......you....don't put your trust in just anything.....and that I need to put my own faith......in the trust you give me......that it isn't.......unfounded......I need to be able to.....rely......on not only myself.....but with you.... The forest gives......and the forest takes......but it never lies....... Intentionally.....without outside intervention or influence......these birds.....they don't tell me they aren't afraid of me when really they are......rain doesn't fall from the sky because someone told it to......poisonous plants don't kill due to hate or malice......they do it just because they are.....there's no subterfuge.....just.....truth...... *pause* You don't lie to me......or at least.....I know you try not to...... And....this isn't me prompting you to spill any secrets or....confess or anything but I just......I appreciate how you don't try to sugarcoat anything.....but you don't treat me cruelly...... While.....everything that you're involved with in Vesuvia is.....complicated to say the least.....you aren't...... Not....in an insulting way I mean.....there is an.....uncomplicated sort of......relationship we have......when I'm with you......there is....little to no worry......I....find myself relaxing.......in a way that I don't with others......I.....I don't have to spend so much time overthinking with you......it's.......easy is the best word I can think to use...... I....enjoy spending time with you....immensely....as.....stressed out I can be about your safety.....and welfare ..... I just.....I want you to be happy........I want you to be safe.....more than anything......I......I believe in you.....there may have been a time where I didn't.....or where I was wary.....but now......I....believe in you....with all my heart..... If I can give you a crumbs worth of the sense of peace that you give me.....then it's worth it......not because I'm trying to repay you.....well...not all......but because you deserve it.....you're worth it..... You.....you mean.....quite a lot to me......and....I'd be willing to do anything for you......even in situations.....I'd normally rather not be in...... Again....not because I'm pitying you or trying to pay you back or anything like that I--.......you make me.....brave.....you make me feel like......I can do anything.....I want to....take that bravery that you give me.....and use it to help and to take care of.....not only you.....but.....Vesuvia....... *pause* You do......you do mean......a lot to me....... *long pause with walking sounds* It's alright.....if you need to go, that's fine.....we're almost back to my home anyways....... *pause* Before you leave......there is....one more thing....... That bravery.......may I....use it.....for....just one selfish purpose? *pause* ......May I kiss you? *kiss*