Yuuri offers maybe some helpful advice for those of you who either suffer from depression, anxiety, or have had some troubling times as of late. Contains: Comfort, Advice, Swearing, Depressive Aide, Anxiety Aide Another SFW advice/comfort audio! A lot of you have expressed how much my comfort audios have helped you, so here’s another one! Funnily enough this wasn’t supposed to be fandom related, but as I was writing, I realized this would fit Yuuri quite well, so I went with it! I hope you all like it :) I honestly believe that the method of self care I touch on in this audio helps a whole lot. Taking it one rung at a time, not matter how small the task may seem, can help in the end. So, let’s all Build a Ladder for ourselves and others, shall we? ~Audio Transcript Below~ Yuuri: It sucks, that things can happen in your life that you just can’t control. Sometimes it feels like there’s nothing you can control, that nothing matters. Why should you care or try when the universe or whoever’s out there that’s controlling this whole thing is going to do everything within their power to stop you? It’s a daunting thought, and that line of thinking is really easy to fall into. It’s true, there are some things that you can’t control, and it’s scary. You’re right, it’s absolutely not fair. Life ain’t fair and that fucking sucks. But I think that…..what we can control, is how we handle those circumstances or those events, what we do after they happen. What matters and what’s really important is how we live and grow and learn from those things and despite those things that are out of our control. I think that’s where we show our true strength, as people. I think that’s where we do our most growing as humans. It’s really easy to blame the world and those uncontrollable circumstances and fall into a huge pit of self pity and loathing and despair. Not to say that people do it on purpose. I would be the first to tell you that sometimes you just wind up there, at the bottom of the pit and you don’t realize how you got there or how long it’s really been. That’s alright, it’s something that I think happens to everyone at least once in a while, because life isn’t perfect. But what’s important is what you do once you realize you’re at the bottom of the pit, or even halfway down it, slightly down it, anything. It’s hard, it’s a fucking struggle to get yourself out, but I believe that you have the strength to do it. Even being here with me, right now, telling me that you’re there, that you feel like you’re out of control of everything and want to take some of it back, that’s progress. You’re here, you’ve built the first rung on the ladder that you’re going to use to get yourself out of this pit. It’s ok if it’s slow going. It’s ok if you’re afraid. All you have to do, is at least try to take it one rung at a time. It’s also ok if you maybe slip down a few rungs, because I know that even if you can’t catch yourself, I or someone else who loves you very much will be there to catch you, to help you. You came to me in your time of need, and that makes me so happy for you. Well….not happy because the things you’re feeling and the stuff that you’re going through isn’t great, but…..I’m happy that you’ve placed your trust in me and let me know that you’re not doing ok. And I want to say, that it’s ok that you’re not ok. With what you’ve been through, I’m telling you that it’s alright to not be ok. Like I said, what matters here on out is how you address and handle the fallout of what’s happened. I know it’s hard, God do I know. But one rung at a time, we can build that ladder of support, build that ladder up to….I don’t know, maybe not freedom, but to a better place. It’s definitely not going to be fun. I know that, because I’ve been where you’ve been, where it seems like there’s nothing you can do, and I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes, the way out of the pit is not all sunshine and rainbows and treating yourself like you’re some fragile creature that’ll break at any harshness. Sometimes you have to face reality and go and fucking take that shower that you’ve been avoiding for days because it doesn’t feel worth it or it doesn’t seem like it matters, or you literally can’t force your feet to walk into that bathroom and do it. It’s hard, it fucking sucks, but once it’s done, you’ve built another rung on your ladder, you’ve built another support to bring yourself and keep yourself out of that darkness. And the best part is, is that you don’t have to be alone in it. I know it’s hard–and I know that I keep saying that it’s hard, but that’s because we both know that it is–but sharing all this with someone–with me even–has helped build your ladder too. The ladder is not only a way out, but a support system. With it, you know there are people who are there for you, to support you, and to tell you not just what you want to hear….but what you need to hear. They will be there for you, I will be there for you. I believe you can do it, because you’re still here, you’re still fighting, and you’ve opened up about how much you want this all to stop. You’ve already started. I’m here if you need me. I’ll build a ladder right alongside you if you need me to. We can do this together, be our own and each other’s supports, so that these ladders only continue to grow stronger and stronger. I know we can do it. I know you can do it. So come on, let’s Build that Ladder