Verification for the Realm of Erotic Audio
Someone inspired me to give this a shot again!
Play Count: 99
Sally's Song
My sister and I have been quoting and singing Nightmare Before Christmas for over a month now, but we still haven't taken the time to watch it or look up the lyrics, so a lot of our noises recently have sounded like: "BUM. BUM. BUM. BU-BU-BUM. BUM. BUM. BU-BU-BUM. BUM. BUM. BU-BU-BUM. BU-BU-BUM. BUM BUM BUM BUM BU-BU-BU-BUM. BUM BUM BUM BUM BU-BU-BU-BUM. BUM BUM BUM BU-BUM BU-BU-BUM. BUM BUM BUM BU-BU-BU-BUUUM."
Play Count: 149
A little introduction ♥
Today, I got blueberry pancakes. I wanted to make some waffles, but I couldn't find the waffle maker, which kind of sucks. It was in the shape of a Pokeball, so if anyone finds it, please return it. ♥ Disclaimer: The audio content provided is intended for mature audiences and is not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. By accessing and listening to this audio, you acknowledge and agree that you are of legal age and maturity to do so, and you accept full responsibility for ensuring that minors under your care do not access or listen to the content.
Play Count: 1713
The Beginning
I blame my sister for everything that happened here, including posting the failed take.
Play Count: 827