MUZG denial game 2022I hadn't done a proper audio for a while and while this only a semi-proper one, I thought it'd be fun to do a simple little commercial for my whole Denial challenge (I know the date in the audio is wrong, so sue me).
Currently the guidelines are (and these are only guidelines, I may or may not comply)
1: Send me porn via wickr (don't flood it please, but send pics, gifs, movies that you actually think are great). Best place for this is probably wickr
2. You can specify me doing an edge to porn you send, or a little task if you have it. Do note that this will be very *small* and easily done tasks. We're talking things like spitting on myself, repeating something, slapping myself etc etc. You can be more creative i'm sure. But, quick and easy
3. You can send a request for a post I make on the blog, or ask me to reblog something from yours. From now on, these will also be kept fairly short. No long stories. You can use this to humiliate me if you wish. Or praise you. Or just give your blog PR
I reserve the right to deny any requests at any time. But it's fun to get ideas.
4. Fuck me up during the night. For most nights (not all, exceptions will happen) I will keep wickr notifications on so I will be kept awake by you sending me porn. I may still fall asleep of course if I'm sufficiently tired. I don't know why but I find it hot that people bother me during the night. Try and brainwash me.
5. This is all for fun, so even if I do happen to orgasm (doing my damndest to not do it), nothing really happens. I just happen to be in a horny, insane mood right now and this is fun for me. Maybe you'll find it fun too.
My wickr is: messedupmuzgPlay Count: 2156 [F4M] The Male Gaze [Misogyny] [Objectification] [Humiliation] [Paranoia] [Frustration] [Half-personal] [Half-kink] [Evil] [Rape] [Horror] [Soundscape] [Music]This is a file where I talk to the male listener (and myself a bit through the left and right channels) about misogyny. As implied by the tags, it's part frustrations, part kink, to hopefully create something that is interesting.
It's designed to be sort of overpowering in terms of overall sound. If one has listened to my Porn Virus files, this is sort of similar in feel in some ways. Dark, edgy and maybe not entirely easy to listen to. And hopefully somewhat of an experience.
It features a horror-ish type of soundtrack
Please keep in mind that this is all created as a fantasy. Don't go in taking it too seriously, it's meant to be fuel for the imagination. And if you don't like this kind of filth, don't listen to it.
Please use headphones for the best experience.Play Count: 14741 [F4F] Porn Virus III [Hypnosis] [Porn Addiction] [Evil] [Mindfuck] [Degradation] [Cruelty] [Sound Effect Heavy] [Namecalling] [Glitchy] [Horror] [Surreal] [Free] [The End] [Apocalypse] [Induction]First of all, this file won't make much sense unless you've already listened to the first and second parts. So please, have a listen to those first before listening to this one.
Porn Virus 3 is the final part of the grand Porn Virus saga (ahem). It's similar in some ways to the other two. Lots of focus on the effects and soundscape. The Porn Virus still likes to abuse the listener. It's still dark, surreal and edgy.
However, I don't think this is as sexual as the first two (especially the first one), I don't think it's particularly good as a masturbatory aid if that's what you're looking for. So that's probably a bit disappointing for some. But I mean, there's still sex stuff in it.
Maybe some will find the whole thing a bit anticlimactic but it's where I felt like I had to go with it.
While it still feels kinda hypnotic with the Porn Virus talking to you, this has a few more "theatre of the mind", storytelling things going on.
As far as warnings go, there are mentions of non-consensual sex and the word rape is used. Part of the soundscape is sort of warzone-ish which may be uncomfortable for some. And the sounds of pigs are used, though the sound is meant to describe humanity, not actual pigs. Pigmen, if you will.
As with the others, the file is designed to be intense and edgy so be prepared for that if you decide to listen. And please keep in mind that this is all created as a fantasy. Don't go in taking it too seriously, it's meant to be fuel for the imagination. And if you don't like this kind of filth, don't listen to it.
If you listen, I advise you to use headphones and to try and focus on the listening experience as much as possible.Play Count: 8157 [F4M] You're a Cheater [Homewrecker] [Evil] [Seduction] [Cheating] [Humiliation] [Cruelty] [Rape] [JOI] [Music] [Guilt trip] [I Know The Darkness In You]This is about a male listener, listening to this file without the knowledge of their girlfriend. I, as the hostess of this audio extravaganza, eventually get a bit saucy. I take on the role of the homewrecker, though it's not about any specific context or anything. It's just that I'm doing it through the audio file. Something like that. It's all a bit meta.
There are mentions of rape (mainly just using the word) and violent sex. There's also some light jerk off instructions, including a countdown to cumming, but it's pretty basic.
Please keep in mind that this is all created as a fantasy. Don't go in taking it too seriously, it's meant to be fuel for the imagination. And if you don't like this kind of filth, don't listen to it.
I used a new mic for this recording. While I'm very happy with it, I'm learning how to use it properly. It also became apparent that a lifetime of smoking presents certain problems. Please excuse any disgusting mouth noises, I tried my best to eliminate them. If I do more recordings, I will have to try and warm up the voice and hydrate properly beforehand.
And again, please use headphones if you listen!Play Count: 17556 [F4F] Porn Virus II [Hypnosis] [Porn Addiction] [Evil] [Mindfuck] [Degradation] [Cruelty] [Sound Effect Heavy][Namecalling] [Glitchy]First of all, this file won't make much sense unless you've already listened to the first part first. It can be found on my soundgasm. So please, have a listen to that first before listening to this one.
Now, Porn Virus 2 continues in much the same vein as the first one. Lots of sound effects, an oppressive, almost industrial atmosphere, and a virus/glitched AI (me!) saying bad and humiliating things to you. It is dark, it is edgy and it most definitely meant as fantasy. It's not to be taken seriously as a hypno file. Listen to it as a kinky excercise for your imagination and with the that it is just that, a dark fantasy.
In this file, the Porn Virus now has a hold of you and it wants to you to continue working towards its goal. Compared to the first file, it's not quite as sexual (I think) though it is definitely still sexual, but a bit more.... shall we say megalomaniacal in a few places. That may be disappointing for some but I hope you can still enjoy the ride.Play Count: 11350