[Rape] [Drugs] [Floret] [Bath] [Massage] [Soft Degradation] [Vines] [Affini] [BDSM Contract] [Human Pet] [Bureaucracy] [Plantfucker] [Human Domestication Guide] [Implied Implantation] [Objectification]
As a former free Terran, you have yet to fully learn what is to really be a pet in the alluring Affini Compact. Discover what it means to sign yourself over, surrender yourself, and be subject to the tender attentions of your new owner, your Affini, as their First floret. A bath and lavish attention poured over you by a beautiful plant lady is a great way to start...
This file is part of the Influential Narrative Initiative, a collection intended to showcase some of Praxis Memetics' most influential files. Let us influence you today!
Contains feel-good drugging in a caring environment, being bathed in a way that mostly focuses on your hair. Your teeth are brushed.
Audio Editing: D21-STAFF(80248)
Ambient Audio: ImPureNoise
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