Category:[F4A][Kink] Tags:[Consent Check][Monster Girl][Vampire][Prey][Predator][Blood][Familiar][Hypothermia][Including Safeties][Kissing][Turning] Description: A cold winters night is no place for a morsel like you to be left stranded. Why don't you let me sweep you up under my wing and I'll take you somewhere you'll never need be cold again. Credits Vocals and Improv: Miss_Praxis Audio Editing: Drone8046 Ambient Audio: ImPureNoise Sound sources: 688841__elanor1995__winter-wind [CC 1.0] 179738__hotlavaman__snowfootsteps [CC 0] 71099__dunebuggy__tires_snow_ice_slow [CC 0] 123019__j1987__cardooropen [CC 0] 484427__dr-macak__volnobehvyfuk Become a member!