Tags: [M4M] [MDom Speaker] [Daddy Speaker] [T4B] [Established Relationship] [Age Gap] [Implied Size Difference] [Outdoors] [Good Boy] [Love] [Kissing] [Rough] [Musk] [Oral] [BJ Instructions] [Deepthroat] [Spanking] [Degradation] [Anal] [Foot on Face] [Aftercare] while [Keeping my Dick in You] [24:51] Synopsis: Your Daddy boyfriend picks you up from work and takes you to one of his favorite spots. And honeydew melon slices are not all you're going to eat! This recording is a work of fiction and belongs to NerdyGamyerGuy. It may not be downloaded or posted in any capacity without permission. If you are not over the age of 18, please don't listen to this audio. It has been created by an adult for an adult audience. All depicted characters are over the age of 18.