This is five minutes of an extended 20 minute mix. It is designed to tie the process of working out with headphones to hypnotic subordination and obedience. It’s mixed over sampled EDM backbeats, with original instrumental additions. It’s upbeat and poppy, but transitions into spacier hypnotic suggestion later in the track. There is no formal induction and no waking up section. All voices are female. The actresses for the full version are PRINCESS PETRA, Tink, Bliss, Aurora, Erin, Dixie, Bouncy Bubbly, Korrupted Innocence, Fiona, and Molly. The target audience is also feminine, so “peer pressure” is potentially part of the dynamic. Potentially objectionable themes include enforced body image, obedience to suggested male authority figures, sexual subordination, promiscuity, exhibitionism, and intellectual reduction. Several additional content warnings are in order, given the nature of the track. First, be healthy! The implications of addiction and mind control in the context of working out could - if taken very literally – lead to unhealthy behavior. If you work out, do so according to your comfort level, with the consultation of your physician. One section of the file ties “pain” to training. This is a callback to classic slogans such as “no pain, no gain.” Those classic slogans aren’t very good advice, though. If something hurts while you are working out, you should attend to that! Secondly, body image – particularly female body image – is used here as a kink concept. That isn’t an endorsement. In actuality, enforced beauty standards are bad. They promote unhealthy behavior, they’re tied to gender and racial and class subordination, and they’re utterly unrealistic. Most beauty standards are now enforced by manipulated photographic images. Straining to look like a photoshopped model is a particular sort of obedience. I don’t endorse it. I condemn it, much as I’d condemn many of the practices described in my work. We explore dark realities through kink, but the kink fantasy itself should never be conflated with our actual lives. Third, many of the listeners to my audio work have described the experience as addictive sexual conditioning. If you feel that’s accurate, this track certainly fits the bill. It develops its own audio vocabulary to tie dumbing down and working out to reward and praise. The effect is accelerated with instrumentals that parallel classic video game noises, adding another level of potentially addictive behavior to the experience. Please exercise appropriate caution and safeties. If you feel that the intellectual reduction themes are affecting you – take a break! Be cautious about repeated listening. If you find the experience immersive, please consider wakeup activities such as Sudoku or Lumosity. Intellectual exercise helps the process of “compartmentalization” – dividing your fantasy experience from your day to day life. Let me know if you have any further questions.