[M4F] My submissive for a night [11']

Play Count: 45
[M4F] Ma soumise d'un soir [menottée] [sensuel] [cunnilingus] [fellation] [penetration] [8'30'']
Un simple petit audio après ne rien avoir publié pendant un long moment. Ca ne gage pas d'un retour sur la scène mais j'avais un peu de temps disponible.
Play Count: 553
[M4F] Première fois en club BDSM [cunnilingus] [pipe] [cire] [fisting] [anal] [44']
Bonjour toi, Ce script manquera sûrement de matière ou véracité concernant les clubs BDSM mais n'en ayant jamais fait l'expérience... Toutes fois, j'espère que cet audio saura te transporter dans ce monde de luxure, de douleurs et de plaisir où je souhaites t'amener. Bonne écoute.
Play Count: 1500
[M4F] Je te réveille [cunnilingus] [5']
Ca faisait plusieurs mois que je n'avais rien enregistré... Mais j'ai eu envie de m'y remettre suite à une stimulation externe. J'espère que vous apprécierez cet audio. Il y est question d'un homme qui se réveille un peu avant sa compagne et souhaite la réveiller tout en douceur comme cela peut arriver de temps à autre. Bonne écoute.
Play Count: 1087
[M4F] Waking you up [cunnilingus] [6'36'']
I hadn't recorded anything for several months... But an external stimulus made me want to get back to it. I hope you enjoy this audio. It's about a man who wakes up a little before his partner and wants to wake her up gently, as can happen from time to time. Enjoy.
Play Count: 853
[M4F] Je veux te donner du plaisir [Intime] [Sensuel] [Couple établi] |Il pleut]
Je ne peux pas être dans la pièce avec toi, mais je peux être dans ton oreille... ta tête... et ta chatte. Je te guide à une libération douce, en te disant comment utiliser tes doigts ou ton jouet
Play Count: 1217
[M4F] Tu as besoin d'aide pour dormir ? [SoftDom] [Instructions] [
Je sais ce que tu veux, ce dont tu as besoin, vraiment besoin afin que tu puisses ensuite te glisser dans les bras de Morphée. Tu as besoin de jouir, de tes doigts ou de ton jouet mais pas toute seule... Alors cliques et laisses toi porter.
Play Count: 1048
No puedes dormir, ¿verdad?
No puedes conciliar el sueño y sabes lo que te ayudaría. Tocarte mientras te digo lo que tienes que hacer, mi voz guiándote hacia el orgasmo...
Play Count: 453
[M4F] Wagon érogène [MDOM] [Sexe au Téléphone] [Obscénités] [Oral implicite] [Cunnilingus] [Multiples orgasmes]
Bonjour, J'avais rempli en Anglais une propositionde u/ArthurWynne qui m'avait séduite et j'ai souhaité en proposer une traduction libre dans la langue de Molière. J'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à l'enregistrer et l'éditer, j'espère que vous en aurez autant ! Situation : Votre partenaire est en retard à la maison. Fatigués, lassés et frustrés, vous aspirez tous les deux à une soirée passionnée en tête-à-tête. Les choses ne sont tout simplement pas alignées. Et vous avez peur qu'une autre soirée à part puisse briser la connexion entre vous. Cependant, en bon homme de cœur, il est plus que désireux de pimenter les choses et de lui donner un coup de fil qu'elle n'oubliera pas. Extrait : Ma langue danse dans ton intimité, je suis déterminé à te faire jouir rien qu'avec ma bouche. A tes gémissements se joignent des soubresauts de tes membres inférieurs qui se contractent. Tes jambes échappent à ton contrôle alors tu cherches à m'emprisonner, à les ramener sur moi pour que mon visage, ma bouche, ma langue s’enfoncent un peu plus loin en toi. Bonne écoute
Play Count: 1391
Vérification r/FantasmeAuditif

Play Count: 402
[M4F] J'aime jouer avec ta poitrine [Seins] [Elle jouit] [Moment d'amour] [Tendresse] [9 minutes]
Où comment t'amener à la jouissance sans utiliser ce qui se trouve entre mes jambes. Simplement en m'occupant de tes seins, mamelons, en les léchant, suçant, mordillant, titillant jusqu'à ce que tu atteignes l'orgasme.
Play Count: 972
][M4F] Good Girl JOI [JOI][Countdown][Mastubation Instructions][Good Girl Mentions][Positive Reinforcement][Body Appreciation][French]

Play Count: 2154
[M4F] Your beautiful breasts [breast play] [tits play] [nipple orgasm] [listener orgasm] [boobs] [intercourse] [licking] [kissing]
I searched for a long time for a script that talked about playing with breasts and I had a hard time finding one. The author u/Secretnomore1 suggested one a little less than a month ago and I knew right away that I was going to do what I needed to do to fulfill that request. I wasn't quite comfortable with some of the wording and wanted to add a little bit of myself, I hope the author doesn't mind but so far I haven't heard back on my prior request. In any case, I wanted to invest myself as much as possible in this audio and I hope it will touch you. I hope the quality of the audio will be good enough, this is only my fourth recording and I still have a lot to learn. Feel free to comment, tell me if you liked it, what improvements I could make. Extract from the script : What if... What would be your reaction by just running my thumb so softly over your nipple ? Would it become hard to my touch ? I put them in my mouth? *kissing tits* Lick your gorgeous tits? * licking tits* Flick my tongue over them? * flicking nipples * Bite them, scrape my teeth over them?
Play Count: 12838
[Script Fill] [M4F] Filthy Confessions [Creampie] [Cunnilingus] [Dirty Talk] [Masturbation] [Narrative] [One Night Stand] [Doggy Style] [Blowjob] [17'30'']
Hello GWA, In the world of work, it can happen that we fantasize about a colleague, that we imagine what it would be like to have him or her in our bed but... there are limits that are difficult to cross. In this audio, the author, u/Lady-Of-Fortune, wanted to transcribe the dirty words she would like to hear if someone were to confess to her. The desire to bond carnally with someone else without the possibility of doing so echoed a real-life situation and made me want to bring this script to life. Script offer : https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/t5r0vh/script_offer_m4f_filthy_confessions_creampie/
Play Count: 1294
[M4F][Script fill] Waking up with your partners hand squeezing your breasts [GFE] or [BFE][Loving][Small breast worship][L-bombs][Cuddling][Neck kisses][Fingering][Praise][Loving][Listener orgasm]
Hello, This audio was wrote by u/Umbra01 and made in order to fill a request from /u/SonataInGMajor for more scripts with small breast appreciation. I was really touched by the fact that she sought to write something with the idea of restoring someone's confidence. Your tits can be bigs or smalls, with tiny or large aerolas, reverse nipples or not, who cares ? That's your body and you'll find someone who will enjoy them the way they are. I hope that I filled the script offer as it was intended by the author. Script Offer : https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/vrbc94/a4fscript_offer_waking_up_with_your_partners_hand/
Play Count: 4105
GoneWildAudio Verification
Just an audio to get verified on r/GoneWildAudio
Play Count: 521
[Script filled] [M4F] “Highway to the Erogenous zone” [MDOM] [ASMR?] [Phone sex] [Dirty Talk] [Implied/Referenced oral] [Cunnilingus] [tease] [edging] [multiple orgasms]
Hi, Credit u/ArthurWynne for gaving the possibility to fill my first script. It could have been better but I'll certainly improve myself :) Summary: Your partner is running late home. Tired, fed up, and frustrated, The both of you are longing for a passionate evening alone together. Things Just aren't aligning. And you're worried another evening apart may fracture the connection with each other. However, a good man at heart, he is is more than willing to spice things up and give her the phone call she won't forget. Excerpt: Your moans deepen. With each breath you take, quivering almost like in agony. I can sense your orgasm is merely seconds away. So I eat you out harder. My face practically buried in your tight little pussy. I grab your ass. Squeezing it as I pull you further into me. And then you cum. The orgasm crashes over you in waves, as your body spasms and bucks over and over. But I don't stop. I continue. Tasting your delicious orgasm for myself. The pleasure is overwhelming. You can't think. you can only cum.
Play Count: 1232