00:14 What's your biggest kink? Top 10 kinks? 1:48 Do you have any pets? 3:05 What makes you blush? 3:54 What was/is your favourite subject in school/uni? 4:19 What is your type when it comes to a romantic partner? 5:53 What has been your favourite audio to record (so far)? 7:06 What’s your favourite dessert? 8:21 What is your favourite colour? 8:46 Did you know you're really cute? 9:08 Would you ever do a ramblefap? 9:39 Do you speak any other languages? 10:34 How's your day been? 11:19 What are you like in your personal life, away from doing audios? 12:26 What made you start doing them? 14:43 Do you have a favourite band or artist? 15:26 How would you describe your physical appearance? 18:18 where are you/ your accent from? 18:26 Age (if comfortable)? 18:34 Favourite food? 18:57 Would you ever post a picture of yourself?