SCP 999-S Object Class: Safe Description: SCP 999-S, referred to informally by site staff as “The Cuddle Monster” is an amorphous mass of orange slime that commonly takes the form of a feminine humanoid. Though mute aside from occasional chirps and mumbles, subject’s temperament has often been described as playful, innocent, and lewd. When approached, 999-S will react with elation, moving to the nearest individual and leaping on them in an attempt to hug them, especially if they exhibit negative emotion. Contact with 999-S’s surface induces mild euphoria and, eventually, arousal. After extensive testing with D-Class personnel, routine visits to the subject by site staff for recreational purposes have been approved. Addendum 999-S-1: After a Containment Breach at Site [ ] during which 999-S was isolated for [ ] hours, it has been discovered that 999-S will begin to slowly perish if it does not engage in sexual activity. The damage this would do to Foundation morale has been deemed unacceptable. Containment Procedures have been updated accordingly.