[F4M][pillowtalk][after sex][post orgasmic mumblings][reassurance][erotic][emotions] Don’t doubt your love making
Did you doubt how much I liked it? How good you are? How good you make me feel? Shhhh just listen let me tell you..
Play Count: 5598
[F4A][whispered][prose][Curiosity][tease] when I’ll know
Whispered thoughts of a desire to know who comes for me.
Play Count: 1727
[F][poetry reading] Whitsun weddings by Philip Larkin
Philip Larkin had a way of describing early summer in this one in a delightful way that makes you want to have been there to take it all in too. Written in 1964 when people still travelled on honeymoon by steam train. Warm Saturday evenings were made for family parties and the goodbyes as everyone goes their separate ways.
Play Count: 1378
The soldier by Rupert Brooke
This is remembrance day and I wanted to share this poem from a poet who was a soldier when he died in a foreign field 1915.
Play Count: 1458
Spoken lyrics Blitzkid lady of the lake
The sun it set and rose for days with echoes of her agony Sing to me and provide peaceful rest For though I’m gone I can’t forget Sing a song and croon to me in the midnight I cannot rest alone.
Play Count: 1402
[F4M][morning pillowtalk][compliments][kisses][giggles] good morning good looking
You look so good there when I see your handsome smile you need to know just how attractive you really are to me. Compliments and kisses. (Sort about the interference noises)
Play Count: 2356
[F4M][femdomme][homeschooling][playful][teacher][orgasms] Good Pet
Some giggly playful homeschooling angles and circumference or was it biology? ;)
Play Count: 4125
[F][cuddle sounds][breathing] How to cuddle when you're on your own
Taking care of yourself for others is sensible and a relief You need a cuddle, you need to feel better, here's how to..
Play Count: 2571
[F4A][self care][reassurance][sighs][take a few minutes] care package
There's a lot of anxiety and scary things in the news, I wanted you to feel better my sweet. Here's a little care package/message love from Rosie x
Play Count: 2165
[F4M][pillowtalk][Whispers][bedtime][Cuddle][Lword][January] after an argument
It's cold and stormy outside, you are grumpy with me, because I've been inconsiderate and whinged and just fussy and negative about everything. Move over.... let me in bed. Please. (Headphones recommended)
Play Count: 4195
The naughtiest carol singer... did you answer the door?
From a perverted lyric Do you hear what I hear?
Play Count: 1889
[F4A][GFE][really good mood][eye contact][whispers][kisses] relaxing together
Such a good mood when I'm with you, you make me feel sexy. 14 minutes
Play Count: 2851
[F4F][Summer nights][gift for u/Rinna_ML] Summer Night at Rose's
Made for a kitten 30 minutes
Play Count: 2851
[F4M][cock worship][slow][whispers] I love it when you come over
Saturday night into Sunday morning, I love it when you come over to make me feel good.
Play Count: 5847
Just for fun
Play Count: 1787
[F4A][Blue Monday][virtual hug] [and a little kiss] keep plodding on x
Quick hug for you from Rosie
Play Count: 2420
[F4M][British][orgasm][kisses][I need you][GFE][post coital sighing] [6 minutes]
This is what I sound like when you climb on top of me.
Play Count: 5206
[F4M][Candle light][pillowtalk][sofly spoken] Kissed by candlelight.
A candle lit bedroom can make a woman feel warm and safe and ready for the intimate touches only a lover gives.
Play Count: 2159
[F4A][story][erotic content] the Santa costume
The story of two coworkers preparing the annual party.
Play Count: 2229
[Lullaby] Dream a little dream
Bit breathy ...but maybe that sounds like I'm singing by your ear :)
Play Count: 2136
[F4M][pillowtalk][cuddle buddy][thank you][reassurance] I'm glad I accepted
Thanks for offering me a cuddle, you give great cuddles.
Play Count: 4547
[F4M][bare bottom][thank you][prone][ramblefap] to men who let me listen to them
To all the sexy men on NSFW parts of Reddit who let me listen to them especially if it's your birthday coming up. Thank you for the responses to all the requests of mine you have filled. I really appreciate it. X
Play Count: 4187
[F4A][sweating][teasing] next to me on the train
So close
Play Count: 3294
[F4M][for the warrior in the worrier][passion][fucking][FDom] A Fucking telling off
Can't cope? Overthinking life? You worry too much, you hide, under covers? you listen to ME. I'm not standing for it. You need STRAIGHTENING OUT, this calls for a fucking telling off.
Play Count: 4139
[F] spoken lyrics Slave to love by Brian Ferry

Play Count: 2043
[F4M][bondage][gentle femdomme][teasing][[cock licking][facesitting]
This is a request fill an older woman gets you to say yes to everything, a long audio over 30 minutes of teasing.
Play Count: 7944
[F4M][Relax][older woman][early morning] I want to play with you
Some nights you don't need to sleep, just lay there feeling the closeness knowing it can happen. Especially if you stay all night with a woman who knows what she's doing. (This follows on from the summer solstice audio)
Play Count: 17510
[F4A][GFE][Romantic][relaxing][kisses][giggles][longest day] summer solstice
You're head is on my tummy and you have my hand as we talk quietly as the late summer sun finally goes down. Is there a little magic on such a night?
Play Count: 3079
[F4F][erotic poem][fantasizing about another girl] Forbidden fruit by Tarkustrooper
I interpreted this sexy poem, as a bit of femdomme, because there are girls who need to know, they need telling, it's too much to resist.
Play Count: 2813
[F4M][GFE][pillowtalk][kissing][Giggles][erotic] After the wedding
Get home tired after the wedding reception and the party and food and dancing. You think I have a look in my eye?
Play Count: 5125
[F][poetic lyrics][poetry Challenge] it's a wonderful world
Wonderful song sung originally by Louis Armstrong
Play Count: 2052
[F4M][request fill][frenulum][JOI][Fem Domme][tease][edging][countdown] Play Banjo much
One of the most sensitive parts of a man's penis is the frenulum or banjo string, this is a gentle femdomme, slow teasing JOI instructions to help you edge slowly and build up to your release.
Play Count: 13559
[F4M][Script fill][bootilicious baker][long audio][american style accent] Little Tarte by NickelSilver
A baker with a distracting customer. I tried something with my accent.
Play Count: 2681
[F][GWABsingers][GWA birthday][Lyrics] You sexy thing
GWA birthday backstage singers challenge of making a song sexy and related to GWA. :D This One originally by Hot chocolate.
Play Count: 1744
[F4M][scriptfill][Monstergirl][prisoner][BJ sounds][orgasm][bubbles]] Release the Kraken
Script by eighth_span Last thing you remember was your ship sinking in a storm, you wake up but this isn't Davy Jones' locker...
Play Count: 4581
[F4M][response audio][humour][assistant][awkward][breathing][giggles][voyeur]
I tried so hard to be your background assistant while you record your ramble fap, remaining as quiet as I could! But you had to edit all this out.. giggle (Headphones for whispery bits)
Play Count: 2988
[F4M][teasing][purring][Watch me listen to me][make it last][orgasm]
I bet you can't last till the end as you sit at the other end of the bed, while I tease you. ;)
Play Count: 3795
[F][poem][Nature theme challenge] Argyle on knocknagaroon by Thomas Lynch

Play Count: 1893
[F][GWAsingers][1970s] ELO overture 10538
ELO have a guitar sound that makes me immediately think of the 70s This one is more a sings-along-to-it kind of singing. :)
Play Count: 1727
[F4M][scriptfill][by808Seduction][control][denial][Femdomme] senses
Gentle teasing. 808Seduction has written more than a few gems.
Play Count: 3007
[F4M][giggles][in bed][chocolate friday][wild muff country][BJ] Friday Frolic
Snuggling leads to silly talk, which means you have done something to make me giggle. But I think you want me to have a gobstopper.
Play Count: 2555
[F4M][naughty nurse][clinic] louder version 2
The first recording was a little quiet though it was meant to be relaxing, but here it is volume boosted I hope that helps. x Come on in and lay on the examination table don't be shy I'm here to help you feel better ;D
Play Count: 9273
[F] [post orgasmic poetry] Reforming around you
Written a long time ago by me, but recorded tonight because I needed to feel it again. :)
Play Count: 1610
[F][Valentine challenge][french] Cyrano De Bergerac by Edmond Rostand
From the original French, in rhyming couplets. The first is when Cyrano explains he's too ugly, the second extract is scene 3 part 10 or (x) x for kisses.
Play Count: 1750
[F4A][humour][hair] A Wookie having a bad hair day!
Ever had a bad hair day? Imagine you're a wookie then! This is a tongue in cheek starwars inspired audio... um what is that wookie doing with the hygiene machine? Extra wookie sounds by collaboration with CarnivalCaveman and I-Am-Jacks and pumpkin vanilla cream
Play Count: 1787
[F][Portugese][soft singing] [relaxing] Besame besame mucho
Challenging myself to try to express myself in a different language to my native English. This was inspired by a most beautiful singer Cesaria Evora. Kiss me kiss me a lot, like this is the last night
Play Count: 1660
[F for failed! Failed attempts to make a wookie sound
Several hastily appended recording attempts to sound like a wookie It may make you laugh or be very afraid. Luckily I had my tonsils out years ago so I only bruised my uvula.... :( I need help.. seriously.
Play Count: 1756
[F4A][massage][splash it on me][whimpers] imagine
Just gentle noises and breaths, imagine whatever you like. ;)
Play Count: 4775
[F][original poem][
Just some of my thoughts on love that I spent. Maybe it will help someone else sometime. Instead of being unheard or unseen :)
Play Count: 2035
[F4M][phonecall][relationship] Calling you to come over
It's late but it's one of the coldest nights, the weather is freezing I think you should come here where it's nice and warm. Short little audio. x
Play Count: 3152
[F][Kisses][new year's kiss] Happy New Year
Sharing a kiss, or two x
Play Count: 2108
[F4M][cock worship][encoraging your cock][scriptfill] Talk him up
A script by the talented sexy writer u/cuddle_with_me Listen to me talk your cock into getting really hard for me. Let me make it grow to its full potential, yes grow hard and huge for me. I love it.
Play Count: 11483
[F4M][Lamia][changeling] I can't believe you still want me
An inexperienced woman/girl can't believe her patient loving boyfriend would want her at all, let alone now! What's happened? she's only half woman, the other half is ... well ...like a snake!
Play Count: 6439
[F4M][request fill][changeling][Lamia] I can't believe you still like me.
An inexperienced woman/girl can't believe her patient loving boyfriend would want her at all, let alone now! What's happened? she's only half woman, the other half is ... well ...like a snake!
Play Count: 2837
[F4M][persuasion][desire][the taste of you] the hunger
Some very real thoughts about my craving, my undying hunger to have you and watch you as I taste and feed upon you, you are the real feast. Just try and resist I dare you.
Play Count: 4317
[F4M][relationship rp][affection][sex][giggles] Christmas night
This time it was you who fell asleep, it's been a long day, but hard work pays off. Everyone else is gone, now it's just you and me, in the dark, with only the Christmas tree lights. Let me kiss you the way I've been waiting to. :)
Play Count: 3831
[F4A][pillowtalk][giggles] Stop it
In bed together, I'm here next to you
Play Count: 3248
[F4M][Cercie Lanaster][Fem Domme][Rape][torture][request fill] humiliating prisoner John Snow
Warning* This has triggers and is harsh Fem Domme, mentions of knife blades and torture and strangulation. Forced anal penetration and forced vaginal intercourse. It's meant for entertainment purposes only, for fans of the 'Game of thrones' who want to imagine themselves to be at Cercie's mercy.
Play Count: 6731
[F4F][F4T][friends to lovers][[first times][wet sounds] first time with a woman
You are beautiful, you dress like a boy, but you're a woman underneath, we cuddle after my Christmas party and it's clear I'm horny and you need some affection, a tipsy friend/room mate, who turns out to be just what you need. A first time with a soft affectionate woman. First time having cunnilingus. Long audio.
Play Count: 8506
[F4M][[reply][christmas cheer] lost your Christmas jumper?
For CarnivalCaveman. So you lost your jumper infact gave it away to a more needy family... awww you better let me warm you up again. X
Play Count: 1713
[F][poem][translated from italian] Le rose blu by Roberto Vecchioni
An Italian song lyric, forgive my translation I hope I've kept its meaning. I found it when looking for the lyrics of 'when a child is born' the original lyrics before they were adapted for use with that song. They moved me and I wanted to share it. :) x
Play Count: 1803
[F4M][roleplay][old flame][love letter] Your Christmas Jumper
Finding an item of clothing from an old flame, a kind of love letter.
Play Count: 1836
[F][song][gentle lullaby] When a child is born
An indulgence a song from my childhood. Sung quietly and softly laying in bed.
Play Count: 1598
[F][hugs][vitual hugs][scrummage][backstage smile pile]
Nominate or send a smile for a virtual hug. [9] (I hope I'm not the only one who will give you a hug.) spread a little cheer. <3 You might just make someone's day!
Play Count: 1572
[F][Smile][poem][Spike Milligan][8] start spreading some cheer today
I was sent a funny clip of naughty campanologists! Only the bells weren't in their hands! So what made you smile or giggle today?
Play Count: 1710
[F4M][orgasm][wet masturbation][short] candy cane dildo?!
[7] a naughty unashamed quick dildo session, just filth really!
Play Count: 5245
[F4M[[GFE][kisses] haven't you got up yet?
Having trouble getting going this morning? Come on let me help you get up out of bed.[6]
Play Count: 2933
[F4M][GFE][whispers][pilowtalk][kisses][erotic] stay the night
[4] of 25 naughty nights. This is part two after the dinner we made in the kitchen mischief one; you and I have been cuddling on the sofa watching telly and I wake up in the mood. Lots of soft giggles and whisper, building up till we fall asleep happy.
Play Count: 5355
[F4M][GFE][cooking][singing][cuddling] Kitchen mischief
Part 1 of 2, cooking the dinner with you, giggling and being silly. Working up an appetite together. :)
Play Count: 2213
[F4M][request fill][public][Fingering][orgasm] At the restaurant
[1] 25 days of naughty Audios. You took me to the restaurant but you haven't got the food on your mind, you wanted to see my reserved demeanour crumble in public. Trying to resist cumming by being fingered discreetly under the table trying to hold it all in as best you can before ultimately failing completely.
Play Count: 2808
[F4M][voice message] I'm still feeling last night

Play Count: 2805
[F4A][pillowtalk][lullaby] Because you're special
Shhhhhhh now, here's some gentle whispers to encourage you to sleep. x
Play Count: 1947
[F4M][RP][request fill][confession] I like you
We're the same height and I like that, I ....I like you.
Play Count: 2001
[F4M][relationship roleplay][sex][spanks][changing positions] I've been waiting for you.
After all those naughty voicemails you gets home to find your wife all hot and wet in bed. Finally you can just let her give you all that loving, giggly sex she's got. Welcome home.
Play Count: 3861
[F4M][voicemail] messages 8&9
Your messages are coming in twos now...clip them together (giggle)
Play Count: 2122
[F4am][voicemail] message number 7
Any way you will be finished soon won't you? Because any pretence at all has gone by now ...either that or she's asthmatic! :D
Play Count: 1895
[F4M][voicemail] message number 6
This meeting can't go on much longer can it? ...answer the phone!
Play Count: 1916
[M4F][voicemail] message number 5
That wife is a very naughty one leaving messages about 'exercising' for you like this! ;D
Play Count: 2087
[F4M][voicemail] message number 4
Oh dear .....if anyone else picks up your mail from your naughty wife today...
Play Count: 2081
[F4M][voicemail] message number 3
She's really having trouble pretending on her husband's messages now! :D
Play Count: 2015
[F4M][voicemail] message number 2
Slightly more urgent less veiled message from the wife, hurry home. Uh oh think she's started without you.
Play Count: 2079
[F4M][voicemail] [RP] message number 1
Ever left a thinly veiled message? ;D A wife wants her husband to come home early eyes the first message.
Play Count: 3042
[F][poem] The cloths of Heaven by WB Yeats

Play Count: 1812
[F][poem][centenery][rememberance day] The Dead by Rupert Brooke
A sonnet, typically used for love poetry but what greater love is there... To all the brave lives lost the most poignant line for me is; Their sons, they gave, their immortality.
Play Count: 1787
[F4A][pillowtalk] Thoughts from a cold bed
Relationship role play
Play Count: 2434
[F4A] Encouragement by a Hallowe'en ghost
Did you think you were alone there?
Play Count: 3291
[F4M][vibrator][younger man][ nipple play] help me off ...to sleep
A new pet needs to learn the ropes from Rosie. Sudden strong orgasm when you hit the right spot.
Play Count: 3418
[F4M][teasing][femdomme] What am I wearing?
For you subscribers with love from Rosie.
Play Count: 2808
[F4M][[femdomme][growling][aggressive][marking][Wild Rose] Lioness
Ever fantasised a woman was not a soft lamb, but could put her strength to yours. Like a cave woman you had to overpower to mate? What if you wanted her to just take you, throw you down and use you and fuck the shit out of of you? Not gentle.
Play Count: 11359
[F4A][some favourite words][beauty in sounds][associations] Rosie's words
Beauty is usually described as being in the eye of the beholder but what about the beauty in music and sound? So here on the audio subreddit perhaps ears too can behold beauty? A voice can form some sound that someone hears thinking as they listen that is pretty or a mouth can muster it and taste it, then transmit that pleasure to an interested listener. I always hope so. :)
Play Count: 2110
[F][singing] Betty boobs, I mean boop,
Take good care of yourself, Boo boopadoop!
Play Count: 2508
[F4A][kisses][couple of arse slaps][pillowtalk][giggles]
Impromptu one for my 3rd cake day. Thank you to everyone, I've loved it <3
Play Count: 2432
[F][singing][lullaby][request fill][positivity] Somewhere over the rainbow
Written by Harold Arlen & Yip Harburg. For 'The wizard of Oz' It has a certain positivity about it. I hope it makes you feel more hopeful :)
Play Count: 1658
[F4M]this has to happen][cum on me][mast][orgasms] release it all
All over me.
Play Count: 4411
[F][smile][Charlie Chaplin] Smile lyrics by John turner& Geoffrey Parsons
We are all here on the same ticket... though a tear might be ever so near... Smile x
Play Count: 1722
[F][singing] Tomorrow's a day away by Charles Strouse
Another request fill! Not quite as full throttle as 'Annie' but a positive song ...after all the sun always does come out again. X
Play Count: 1671
[F][singing][the drifters] up on the roof by G.Goffin & Carole King
Look on the bright side request fill. :)
Play Count: 1646
[F4A][mindfulness][relaxation][sea shore] Helping you calm your thoughts.
Meditation or mindfulness it takes practice, so just take a while to reconnect with yourself. Let your mind calm. :)
Play Count: 2583
[F4M][JOI][shower][countdown] A shower and a show
My domme side is still playful today and you just came inside from the garden. You may think it's cute to come and hug me all sweaty and grassy, but get in that shower. I need to watch you, to ensure you do it thoroughly.
Play Count: 9353
[F4M][licking an ice cream cone][innuendo]
Challenge from u/Cuddly_Bear
Play Count: 2694
[F4M][Scriptfill][by u/leytod][gentle Domme] You want me to suck you
It's 4am you wake up hot and can't sleep. You look over at me. You think I don't know exactly what you need?
Play Count: 4660
[F4M][cougar][listen to me][make me cum] A hot lazy afternoon sex
Long audio.... a hot summers afternoon with a French cub, ever sat in a French park on a hot day teasing and flirting with a woman. Do you want to be my cub? Imagine you are in Paris you're a sexy French toy boy. I've come to play with again. Shhhhhhh. I'll be gentle. Lay in bed with me and remember the day and then what happened back at your apartment. In fact as we remember let's reenact it. You're such a naughty cub.
Play Count: 6512
[F4M][cougar][cunnilingus][riding][blowjob] Feed me cub.
A teasing cougar takes, what she needs from an enthusiastic cub. Might as well make a good long Friday night of it.
Play Count: 5724
[F][singing] Devinyls "when I think of you I touch myself"
Slow version of this song. Was going to be for Pennyforyourtautbod's sexy song challenge but there's noises I can't edit out. I decide to post it anyway. :)
Play Count: 1951
[F4M][friends to lovers][laying in the grass] Making Daisy Chains
Spring grass soft and cool full of daisies, the hot sun and a cooling breeze it's just the right moment to lay on the grass and let things happen. :)
Play Count: 5215
[F][poem][spring] The Mother bird by Walter De La Mare
For the springtime :)
Play Count: 2087
[F] poetry reading 'Silver' by Walter De La Mare
:) because I was encouraged.
Play Count: 2080
[F4A] a dance with Rosie?
Fuck anxiety tonight. Smile and don't forget no one can see what stupid fun things we get up to in our underwear at home :D x
Play Count: 2250
[F4M][script fill][written by Homersoc] the street urchin to sheet urchin
[age][no incest][Victorian era][cockney?][BJ][virginity][impregnation] Father is an older man who took in waifs and stray girls to get them off the streets. They pilfer and pick pockets for him in return for safety food and warm beds. The eldest wants to return all the kindness now she's old enough to thank him properly.
Play Count: 8207
[F4A][for fun][animal noises] for /Trees_gwa
Animal sounds/accent challenge, elephant with an English accent?! I hope it makes you laugh x
Play Count: 2406
[F4M][GFE][bath and a slow fuck] A perfect night
Ever got home after a long day and just wanted to get in a hot bath? Then the perfect way to relax from that is for your boyfriend to give you a long slow fuck.
Play Count: 10767
[F4M[]F4A][Cinko de kinko][slutty bride] part 3 watching the wedding video
This isn't the official video you understand... Powerful slutty orgasm. Made for /u/TheCoolidgeEffect
Play Count: 4280
[F4M][F4A][Cinko de Kinko][slutty bride] part 2 the wedding reception
The groomsmen are collecting their thank you gift... O.O Really horny slutty bride. Made for /u/TheCoolidgeEffect
Play Count: 7822
[F4M][F4A][cinko de Kinko][slutty bride] part 1 so horny
Vibrator during a church service?! In the car to the reception. Part 1 Made for /u/The CoolidgeEffect
Play Count: 4655
[F4F][Cinko de Kinko][sadness][heartache][pillowtalk] breaking up with you
Breaking up with u/TheCoolidgeEffect request fill
Play Count: 2858
[F][[singing] kiss me honey honey
With added bum bongos!
Play Count: 1916
[F4M][easter egg][chocolate][impreg][GFE] It's all about fertility

Play Count: 6657
[F4M][frisking][phone sex][vibrations][fem domme]
Just stand there, stand still, keep your hands on the wall
Play Count: 5500
[F][singing][que sera sera]
It was Doris Days 95th birthday. I hope this cheers someone up. :)
Play Count: 3361
[F4A][tag challenge] a long rambling hopefully humourous and erotic
Tag challenge Ok thank you [body kisses][[reduce reuse recycle][lady sounds][shibari intricate knots][warm weather ][pizza][gardening][gentle Fem domme][super powers][hysterical spoken word][impreg][teasing]
Play Count: 3734
[F4M][loving][after sex sex][first I love you] I'm not going to come
There's a certain kind of playful honesty after sex, when all the barriers are down, it's easier to say I love you for the first time. Plenty of giggles.
Play Count: 8091
[F4M][scriptfill][shibari] rope song by overnexus
A erotic poem
Play Count: 3717
[F][cooking with Rosie] Banana loaf
Silly kitchen antics
Play Count: 3397
[reply] to ToBeginAnew
A delightful letter was received so here's my reply :)
Play Count: 3537
[f4M][daddy teddy bear][comfort leads to sex]
Be there when I feel weak and sad and restore me, the way only you can, yes Iice a daddy, but a cuddly teddy bear daddy.
Play Count: 8044
[F4M][fem domme][erotic poem] never enough by overnexus
It really never is enough.
Play Count: 3935
[f4M][vigorous snuggles][pillowtalk]

Play Count: 5239
[F][cooking with Rosie] pancakes [flipping]
Today is Shrove Tuesday in lots of these here parts, :P We cook up pancakes, lots of reasons lost in time, they are the shape of the sun, using up fat before lent, but it's just an excuse to share together and eat something nice. So I finally flipped, [singing] I hope this raises a smile backstage on a Tuesday. X What do you have on a pancake?
Play Count: 3668
[F4M][pillowtalk][vibrator play] I just want your cock
What have you got there? You want to play with it? It a bit intimidating, but ok as long as I get your cock too.
Play Count: 5403
[F4F][futa][prototype][kittens] looking after another kitten
I've invented a new prosthetic would your daddy like to watch you test drive it with me. (Long audio) kitten on kitten.
Play Count: 11729
[F][poetry reading][giggle] Fifty Shades of grey by Pam Ayers
Poetry reading challenge, for me love is being able to giggle together. If you know Pam Ayres you know why I giggled.
Play Count: 3566
[F4M][teasing you] tell me what you do
When you cum for me, when you listen, when you click 'play'
Play Count: 4633
[Singing a valentine] "where is love?" by Lionel Bart
From the musical Oliver! Because you always liked the film.
Play Count: 3446
[F4M][desire][femdomme] my favourite things by cuddle_with_me
Broody descriptive about a man who wants to know what his woman's favourite things are. :) Script by cuddle_with_me
Play Count: 4077
For audible_geek backstage sometimes peeps need a cuddle.
Play Count: 3411
[F4F][secret Valentine exchange][for /u/mymbling][pillowtalk][ramblefap]
Long audio over 45 minutes of pillow talk, talking about what's turning me on as I play right next to you, my dear. If you don't have time to listen to the whole thing then go to half way for the beginning of the orgasms.
Play Count: 5324
[F][singing][anti Valentine songs][acapella] half way to paradise
Half way to paradise written by Carole king and Gerry Goffin Billy Fury hit.
Play Count: 3303
[F4M] relax for me, just listen.
Gentle relaxation tenderness for a vital cog, a hard working man.
Play Count: 6958
[singing] they can't take that away from me by Gershwin
No no they can't take that away from me. X
Play Count: 3433
[F4M] God of love
Do you want all this? Let me explain
Play Count: 4558
It's hard being alone, I encourage you to reach out though, it can't make you feel much worse, you never know who is out there! :)
Play Count: 4379
[F4M][back Home][slow fucking][breathless] you're the best
Tired but not tired, I want to show you you're the best, connect to me in some deeper way, yes do it tonight, do it with me slowly ..... All night long.. Long audio.
Play Count: 11338
[F4M][request fill][happy][BJ][GFE] So happy I can share with you
Sometimes it's just perfect to share and help each other when there's so much to do, like getting ready for Christmas.
Play Count: 5113
[F4M] [denial] submissive desperation and begging
An erotic audio meant to excite you if you like hearing a woman truly desperate to come, and being tied up waiting, being edged and then begging and sobbing and crying from denial.
Play Count: 7679
[MMFF4A][singing collaboration] fairy tale of New York (Pogues)
I'm not sure what our group should be called It's made up of /u/GateOfIvory /RexRyder /u/Rexcordiim /u/Lola_gets and myself /u/Recycledrose So Lola gets Rex Ryding recycled rose on gate of ivory? :P LGRRRRGOI ..... I'm sure we could spell grrrrrowl
Play Count: 4866
[F][softly singing][christmas lullaby?] have yourself a merry little christmas
Calming? Thought provoking?
Play Count: 3460
[F4A][ramble] [friendly chatting] discussing the meaning of song lyrics.
Grumpy grinchy Christmassy thoughts, have yourself a merry little ..f*** Please excuse a bit of swearing at the start. It's meant to settle my mind and to cheer you up a little. You're not the only one.
Play Count: 3941
[f4m][response audio][gentle fem domme] I'm asleep take advantage of me!
I listened to two audio's based on similar ideas, taking advantage of a lover when someone is sleepy or asleep. This is from my waking up very aroused perspective.
Play Count: 6642
[F4M][cuddles] [wind down][relaxation][kisses] after visiting the family
Family gatherings can leave you feeling drained after all the fun dies down. Get under the covers.
Play Count: 5379
[F4M][20minute Challenge] [guiding you][countdown] JOI
Do you want a deeper more powerful orgasm? Stimulate your perineum or maybe even a little deeper? It's ok, this is gentle femdomme guiding you through this challenge yourself. I do hope we all get to hear.
Play Count: 20644
[F4M][this is about your pleasure][gentle femdomme] pegging part 2
Now we've remembered what you did for me, my lover, come upstairs, I'm going help you feel the way you made me feel, relax and feel me, feel me take your virginity in the most pleasurable of ways. Romantic, passionate, pegging Written by /u/shareoursexperiences
Play Count: 11276
[F4M][romance][remebering][rekindling] Happy anniversary.
Romance, rekindling passions and remembering past love making, oh my dear it seems like yesterday when you first made me fall in love, took my virginity (giggle) When you first made love to me. Part one. Written by /u/shareoursexperiences
Play Count: 7473
[F][poetry reading] The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
For a little bird I know :)
Play Count: 3873
[F4M][trick or treat][pillow talk][ASMR] The ghost in your bed
Does a chill run up your spine as you lay there in bed?
Play Count: 6031
[F4M][trick or treat][GWAlloween] You said you would pick me up
Without Halloween theme music. Chased...
Play Count: 5439
[F4A][halloween][contest/challenge] Why didn't you pick me up?
Trick or treat. ;)
Play Count: 3689
[F4M][erotic poetry] when you stand there
Poem by iwillinstruct2 and needtotaste. Yes, when you stood there, I felt all this and more.
Play Count: 3883
[F][questionnaire reply][halloween ramble][kareoke singing] for GWABackstage
/u/pennyforyourtautbod posted a questionnaire for fun.
Play Count: 3546
[F4A][pillowtalk][reassurance][friend][ASMR] It's ok to loose your temper
Calming audio hopefully to help you cope with that bitter feeling after having words. So you lost your temper....I hope this ramble is comforting to you after stressful days. Talk it out with someone.
Play Count: 4927
[F4M][GFE][giggles][silly and humourous] The quickie
A little time before going back to work. I need you for a cuddle that turns into a quickie. Giggle.
Play Count: 7968
[F4M][script fill][GFE][mutual mast][sex] waking dream by /u/cuddle_with_me
Ever woken up and needed to touch, and be touched by your loved one, till nothing can stop the need, till you have to feel them, to have them? Well that's how I feel about you.
Play Count: 7036
[F][ poem] Sacred Emily by Gertrude Stein
A poem by request. :)
Play Count: 3765
[F][singing] in the bath
Ella at bath time, I wanna be loved in the style of Ella Fitzgerald. Johnny Green, Edward Heyman, Billy Rose.
Play Count: 3761
[F4M][aftercare] gentle affirmations after your whipping
Accompanies the 'I want to hear you beg' script fill
Play Count: 6742
[F4M][femdomme][script by /u/DreadSpace] I want to hear you beg
I twisted the superb script to suit my needs. Not so gentle as usual, but I know it's what you need. I always give you what I need.
Play Count: 6769
[F4M][recipe for a hot date] written by MoondanceWithMe
A script full of innuendo humour and fun. :)
Play Count: 4121
[F4M][pictures][I know][gentle femdomme] erotic thoughts
I know why you showed me yourself, you wanted me to see your body your desire. Those fucking pictures.
Play Count: 6361
[F4M][response audio][listening][orgasms][mast] That noise you make
A few orgasms listening to a post and re-listening soungasms doesnt rewind, guessing where the section is that does it for me. Oh yes! That hits the spot!
Play Count: 5155
[F4A][request fill][friendship] Just come out tonight and feel
Request fill for diced radium. Some encouragement and comforting.
Play Count: 4448
[F4M][pillowtalk] Baby you know you want to.
Gentle affection and persuasion, kisses and caresses, a little patting.
Play Count: 6221
[F4M][affection][afterglow][whispers][giggles] after afternoon delight
What happens between heart thumping excitement and falling asleep.
Play Count: 7157
[F4M][script fill] The Listener by /u/cuddle_with_me
Cock worship, need, hunger, yearning for you, my listener.
Play Count: 6036
[F4M][test drive] A silly woman opening her new toy
Do you want to listen to me ramble and talk about getting a new toy as a present? Nothing sexy happens till about 16 minutes in. Long audio. First time buying a new toy and then getting used to a new toy, suddenly mastering a new toy...Loud clitoral orgasm, followed by quieter G spot one.
Play Count: 4729
[F4M][mast] My thoughts while touching myself
Explaining how I think, why I think, when I want to feel it myself. Rubbing myself till I orgasm. Why don't you join me?
Play Count: 6704
[F][singing] the pretenders
I go to sleep sleep and imagine that your there with me
Play Count: 3731
[F4M][GFE][virginity] Closer
Delicate friends to lovers, an older girlfriend, you've fancied for ages, you're shy, excited a little afraid, she seduces you, guides you, whispers to you. "Closer" Long audio.
Play Count: 16127
[F4M][ramble] Star gazing turns to cloud gazing
Trying to relax, sitting in my garden. I was looking for shooting stars. Involves wine, chocolates and I swear a few times. Forgive me. (Not edited in the least)
Play Count: 4056
[F4M][script fill][romantic] Baby you're being silly
Feeling insecure? Shhhhh , sit down and listen to me. I see you, I only see the sexiest man I know. Written by /u/Cuddly_bear_
Play Count: 4872
[F][singing] Unchained melody
The righteous brothers knew some things, they wrote some lovely lyrics. Accapella, softly like a lullaby....maybe it's comforting?
Play Count: 3609
[F4M][whispers][script fill] Before we unravel together
Lovely romantic and erotic words written by the wonderful /u/Belle_in_the_woods
Play Count: 4175
[F4M][request fill][pillow talk] [GFE] so glad we made it up
Some thing for /u/motionalman A request for a message from a girlfriend
Play Count: 7461
[F4M][script fill][whispers][thinking] The older man by LazarusSecondLight
A crush, the lust, the filthy thoughts, all about an older man.
Play Count: 4535
[F4M][script fill][F-Sub] My Darling Nikki
I haven't done a submissive post for a while. A female voice for the script written by /u/LazarusSecondLight A new lover, an aching fuck.
Play Count: 5396
[F4M][relaxation][BJ][L-Bombs][Script fill] Lay with me by /u/cuddle_with_me
You feel stressed? Need to relax? Listen to me, :) lay with me...
Play Count: 5526
[F4M][reading a male script][take Rosie's cock] snowed in script by moonjipsie
Reading a M4M script. Two snowed in friends get turned on reading a sexy book, now what are we going to do? (Futa)
Play Count: 19338
[F4M][face sitting][clothes ripping][rose gets rough] Ravenous Rose
Are you serious? You sit there you know I've been pent up for ages, and you dare ask... Am I ready?!
Play Count: 11736
[F4A][quiet satisfaction] in summer the windows are wide open
A quiet gentle slow comfortable one...... or two.
Play Count: 6669
[F4M][tailors apprentice] the final fit
I arrive determined to tease this young man out of his mind, but instead of more denial he surprises me with his youthful stamina. some tsundere
Play Count: 5967
[F4F][confess to me][lesbian thoughts] My little lady love.
You tell me what you say to your husband to turn him on, but you want to tell me, to allow you to watch and see if you can arouse me. You think about women, when you are aroused sometimes. Don't you When you imagine lady love.
Play Count: 8666
[F4M] [gentle fem domme][handcuffs] When you let me love you
Explaining gently just exactly why, I love doing these things to you. L bombs.
Play Count: 8164
[F4M][mild femdom] The tailors apprentice
Ever been to a shop and needed a more personal service? I like to tease a very young man learning his way around a real woman Denial. .
Play Count: 6978
[f] bloopers
It all went wrong... But silly
Play Count: 4123
[f] the night patrol for r/ poetryreading
Commemorative poetry reading. The 100th anniversary of the battle of the Somme.
Play Count: 3846
[F4M][GFE] in bed while it rains
It's stormy and we get in bed so we can listen together to the rain and the distant storm. You make me giggle and feel so good, can we play to natures rhythm?
Play Count: 5951
[F4M] [friendship][courage] Hold my hand
hold my hand.
Play Count: 4734
[F4M][whispers][mild femdomme] Fondling
Are you fond of my gentlest touches? Lay still then...
Play Count: 8006
[f4A][ramble][pillowtalk][response audio] I want to know
Rambling thoughts about missing love and loved ones. Inspired by /u/theperpetualwilliam 's audio 'I just fucking miss you'
Play Count: 4343
[F4M][script fill] [whispers] BEG for me
FemDomme Script by /u/-shhhh- Imagine you are willingly tied up in bed thinking Rose is such a gentle blossom... And then she whispers in your ear.
Play Count: 5651
[F4A][satisfaction] It's the simple things in life
Just over three minutes of me in pure pleasure. :D
Play Count: 4069
[F4M][script fill] Eating in and eating out
Script by /u/cuddle_with_me It's our second date watching a favourite TV show, one we both enjoy, cuddling each other and relishing our take out food, cuddling turns to kissing you ravenously consume me too! :D
Play Count: 7325
[F4A][motivation] pillowtalk to make you feel proud?
Just listen, think what you can do to make yourself feel proud. Encouragement.
Play Count: 4145
[F4M][request fill][erotic pillowtalk]] invisible?
Step out of the shadows then.
Play Count: 9495
[F][singing] the blues
Can you sing low and soft and ache while you feel it? Blues challenge. It's a good ache.
Play Count: 3695
[F4A][spanks] you needed this.
Don't call me mummy! My name is mistress!
Play Count: 6114
[F4M] nothing you'll ever miss
Poem by yours truly
Play Count: 3772
[f4M] Taylor Swift
Detailed Description of a celebrity for visually impaired listeners, build up a picture in your mind.
Play Count: 14236
[F4A] [relaxation and fantasy] The pleasure palace
Ever heard of a mind palace? Somewhere safe where you can keep your fantasies memories and secret desires. Come with me on a tour of this place and see if you become relaxed enough to find what fantasy you have, relax and find your deepest desires.
Play Count: 7161
[F4M] Candice Swainpoel
Detailed description of a celebrity for visually impaired listeners. Teasing details to build your imagination on.
Play Count: 4813
[F4M] Carise van Houten
Detailed description of a celebrity for visually impaired listeners. Teasing details to build your imagination on.
Play Count: 4657
[F4M] Jennifer love Hewitt
Detailed description of a celebrity for visually impaired listeners. Teasing details to build your imagination on.
Play Count: 5296
[F4M] Christina Hendricks
Detailed description of a celebrity for visually impaired listeners. Teasing details to build your imagination on.
Play Count: 6999
[F4M][pillowtalk][GFE] nurturing and reassurance
A beautifully sweet reassuring script. I couldn't resist. script by shelterandstrength
Play Count: 5777
[F4M] [pillowtalk][GFE] Shhhh come here script by /Cuddly_Bear_
A cuddle and lots of loving kisses
Play Count: 5889
[F][singing the blues] stormy weather by Harold Arlen & Ted Koehler
Play Count: 3768
[F4Robotic life form] RUR2
May the fourth?
Play Count: 4022
[F4M] descriptions of Characters Scully Cat Woman and Lara Croft
Describing for guys who have impaired vision. What would those three get up to? Requested by /u/FeddyMarieCurie
Play Count: 6058
[F] talking about Katy Perry
Describing her
Play Count: 8006
[F] talking about Ariel Winters
Describing her (3)
Play Count: 9796
[F] talking about Jennifer Lawrence
Describing her (2)
Play Count: 8953
[f] talking about Emma Watson
Describing her
Play Count: 18694
[F4M][JOE] celebrity encouragement for visually impaired listeners
Encouragement for those guys who want to imagine a favourite celebrity, and feel good. Match this up with the way you want to imagine her. An audio description perhaps?
Play Count: 13460
[F4M][script fill] waking up with you by Cuddly_Bear_
This is part 2 of the other cuddly_bear_ script I recently performed. Titled sweet morning thoughts.
Play Count: 4479
[F][singing] The Ballad of Freda and Barry
My little tribute to Victoria Wood she made me laugh.
Play Count: 3695
[F4M][request fill] Can I feel you?
A request to be with someone temporarily or permanently without their sight. Can you feel me request is twisted to can I feel you? Learning to make love again it's a whole new experience through touch and sensing another's touch.
Play Count: 5652
[F4M][request fill] cuddles and muffled singing
Cuddle up on the next pillow to me. The odd kiss snuck in there (I can't help myself)
Play Count: 4720
[F4M][pillowtalk] sweet morning thoughts BHM appreciation
The big hunky men need appreciating. Script by /u/Cuddly_Bear_ Whispers and soft words.
Play Count: 4715
[F4F] [comforting] You are so precious to me
FDomme. After care, a strange kind of comfort after a suicide attempt, when hearts were almost permanently broken. Tearjerker.
Play Count: 12667
[F][Shakespeare] song from 'as you like it'
Spring time, also the 400th anniversary of the Bairds death. Not many people realise just how much singing and dancing were in his works.
Play Count: 3872
[F4M][request fill][Animal challenge] The snake curse
A spin on Harry Potter (so to speak) So you find a magic box in the room of requirement, prick your finger on a basilisk tooth, and the only way to break the curse is a good orgasm or two.
Play Count: 5889
[F4M][yearning][prose] not go but come,
Just let me tell you what I think about.
Play Count: 3898
[F][singing] [like a man] 'jealous guy' in the style of Bryan Ferry
Miss glitchy made a gender bender challenge, this is my alter ego meet Rozo. Made for GWAbackstage
Play Count: 3828
[F4M][singing] Bright eyes by Mike Batt
This song is what I thought of when talk of pets passing away. I find it peculiarly comforting maybe you will too. (Hug)
Play Count: 3857
[F4M] Your sexuality
Script by /u/cuddle_with_me Mmmmmmmmm, you are sexy.
Play Count: 6425
[F4M][GFE] dinner and giggles
I've asked you over for dinner...
Play Count: 5295
[F4M][femdomme][squirming] scriptfill written by cuddle_with_me
I like reading scripts by the wonderful cuddle_with_me. Imagine you are there, being guided to do everything I want, everything you want me to have. :)
Play Count: 6298
[F4M][support][giggles] [nursing] bed bath
You are stuck in bed! I'll help you feel better. x
Play Count: 6055
[f][singing][humour] for cuddly_bear
Request fill because on Sunday mornings you just need tha booty!
Play Count: 4067
[F4M][lessons in love too][how to lick][how to fuck]
Virgin was gently seduced and sucked, but after her supper the cougar helps the very good boy to completely enjoy himself.
Play Count: 9911
[F4M][lessons in love] [blow job] long audio
Girlfriend experience, gentle first time for younger man older girlfriend. Supper for the cougar.
Play Count: 12384
[f][experimental][yogic laughter] cheering myself/you/them up.
So can you force yourself to laugh? Trying to see if laughter is contagious. Have a listen and please report back if you. 1) smiled 2) giggled 3) chuckled 4) well you get the idea...
Play Count: 3726
[F][supportive] you just found out you've got diabetes
For someone whoop just had bad news, a wake up call. My thoughts on it all. Love Rosie
Play Count: 3902
[f][making sounds] theme tunes challenge
If you can make out these tunes from my sounds... There's ten of them.
Play Count: 3880
[F][accent challenge] backstage
Roigw asked for some accents. :)
Play Count: 3771
[F4M][intersex][seduction] alien seduction Part 2
You are being seduced, this gentle Alien wants to be mated by you and now you find out there's more to this exchange than you thought. It's too late now to refuse and 'she' is so very gentle.
Play Count: 13150
[F4M] [the first time] [BJ] Alien Seduction part 1
Imagine being far from home, a humanoid you work with takes a shine to you, 'she' wants you. This friendly shapely creature is so gently curious and after all someone has to be the first to find out.
Play Count: 22879
[F4A][Script fill][choking] Almost Fatal written by LazarusSecondLight
Dangerous stuff pushing limits.
Play Count: 4775
[F4M][cuddling][pillowtalk][kisses] hug till we fall asleep
Just something gentle last thing at night. :)
Play Count: 7983
[F4M][whispers][spooning][gentle][handjob][kisses] stay on your side
You feel chilly, I'll be your big spoon.
Play Count: 12569
[F4M][pillowtalk][humour][GFE] secret services
Girlfriend experience, you wanted to spice things up by pretending we're in the movies, you can be a spy and I'll be the femme fatale!
Play Count: 4545
[F4A][Blue Monday challenge] by nanhydrien_dreamdrive
In the quiet peaceful night :)
Play Count: 3822
[F][singing][lullaby] Hushaby Mountain.
A lullaby for you, let go of your troubles in a dream. :)
Play Count: 4263
[F4A][auld Langs syne] singing the new year in.
If you want a voice to join yours I'll sing with ya :)
Play Count: 3967
[F4M][pillowtalk][GFE] new year with you
An evening with your girlfriend a takeaway the fire, giggles and smiles. A year of loving over what will next year bring?
Play Count: 4802
[F][singing] [soft lullaby singing] The Power Of Love
Imagine I'm in the bathroom getting ready to go out, singing to myself and you can hear me. ;) Originally released 1984 By Frankie Goes to Hollywood. Written by Holly Johnson, Peter Gill, Mark O'Toole, Brian Nash.
Play Count: 3888
[F4M][tears][friends to lovers] May I cry on you?
Comforting turns to cuddles and cuddles turn to kisses, I can't bottle up how much I need comfort only you can give. Once you take the cork out of a bottle though ....it pours out.
Play Count: 23355
[F][singing][Christmas songs] Santa baby
If only I had a sugar daddy
Play Count: 4001
[F][singing] my little corner of the world.
A song.
Play Count: 3724
[F] [humour] dramatic reading of bad sex challenge
I like being silly, let's be silly a lot more... Found at tickld. Com
Play Count: 3945
[F4M][script fill] I want you
Written by /u/cuddle_with_me
Play Count: 6534
[F4A][three word challenge] No Don't Stop
Reluctance? ;)
Play Count: 6219
[F4M][ help sleeping with pain broken leg etc
Pillow talk whispery, silly, rambling, lull you to sleep. 20 minutes.
Play Count: 5268
[F] try at Chris Moyles's Barack Obama song
Grrr giggle oops! I go high pitched I blame Lazerussecondlight for this!
Play Count: 3868
[F] (going Barry White on you) You are unique and I'll tell you why.
Don't go changing, trying to please them... Love you just the way you are.
Play Count: 4184
[F][bum-bongos] [silly singing]
To cheer up a friend who I know wanted to hear what bum bongos were. ;) Giggle :P
Play Count: 3955
[F4M] [GFE] bedtime thoughts
Do you know what I think about at bed time? I think about you and how you will touch me.
Play Count: 5549
[F4M][croaky voice][pillowtalk] you're the best medicine
I'm poorly but you know how to make me feel better. You can fix my broken giggle.
Play Count: 4929
[F][singing after a party] Kareoke 1980s Let's dance by Bowie
1983 was a big year for me. :D I love Bowie! I have had a family party today and I was in THE MOOD. you know when you need a good dance...
Play Count: 4045
[F][singing] Downtown by Tony Hatch Umm....some original lyrics
Originally Petula Ckarke sang this. I may have been in a silly naughty frame of mind when I recorded this. Giggle!
Play Count: 3879
[F4M][pillowtalk][humour] You're my hero ....eventually
You know I always said I have a fantasy about being saved by a super hero, do you fancy being Spider-Man tonight? A great big spider is over there! Look! get it!
Play Count: 5334
[F4A][pillowtalk][in bed] Shhhush Go to sleep
Listen in bed and I hope you fall asleep to my silly sleepy voice. Night night.
Play Count: 6341
[F] poem End of summer
Got to let my poems out, plus Hank is so good with his tremelow.
Play Count: 3876
[F4M] script fill by /u/808Seduction TAKE ME
FemDomme? Or maybe just powerful craving and need for her lover. Powerful orgasm.
Play Count: 5662
[F4M] [gentle JOI] massage part 2
You were so stressed out, you're getting more relaxed, but when you got an erection, after the massage, we moved from there to the bed. :) Relax watch me, touch yourself play along and we can see each other mmmmmmmm yes that's right, listen to me.
Play Count: 11473
[F4M] something silly in a Yorkshire accent poem by anon.
My softest Yorkshire accent try, about making love to a puddin'
Play Count: 4660
[F4A][growling cravings] the Victorian giantess part four
More growling and some bodice ripping! What's next! I defy you to keep a straight face.
Play Count: 6534
[F4A] comforting a friend who is feeling a bit down
Comfort affection and cuddles are something we all need form time to time, come closer :)
Play Count: 5611
[F] singing, ' don't worry be happy' by Bob Marley (to cheer you up)
Don't worry be happy and lots of giggles. (Hug)
Play Count: 3803
[F4TM] [domme] Now rub your cock for me jerk it.
You want to be my puppy you dog, you better cum for me stroking that cock. It's a dick, and you can feel your balls between your legs can't you?
Play Count: 10946
[F4TF] You're wearing ladies underwear
Finding out together you have these feelings. You want to be with me, but you have this secret desire to be a woman.
Play Count: 9336
[F4M] [tease] Look what I found in the bath tub
You are in my bath and you let me tease the fuck out of you. :D
Play Count: 7763
[F][part two][giantess story]
Based on a role play with mcgman001 this is part two where the lady is discovered after her very loud orgasms. She cannot hide her secret now, but what will this man do?
Play Count: 5828
[F][singing] witchcraft by Cy Coleman and Carolyn Leigh

Play Count: 3879
[F4M][story] based on Roleplay with mcgman001 The Victorian Giantess
A young Victorian widow finds herself with a secret she is unable to contain for much longer. (Set in the past) she finds a young handsome lawyer, sent to investigate her late husband's estate, might be the one to discover it. Part one of a saga. Erotic scenes and descriptions of how her body rules her as is grows.
Play Count: 9084
[F] Shirley Bassey impression ""Big Spender" by Cy Coleman and Dorothy Fields
I may have let loose a bit too much. LOL I'm overdue for a tipsy Kareoke night!
Play Count: 3780
[F4M][soft whispers][story][relaxing] I know what your thinking
Rhythmical words. Erotic story. Cougar.
Play Count: 5091
[F4M][single word challenge] Kunt
Hmmm single words are hard for me this is my best attempt :) I blame RedVelvetWhisper myself amongst others!
Play Count: 5876
[F] [Singing][hey Jude by Lennon and McCartney
A favourite of mine, I'm a bit husky today, I'm going to have to give up the woodbines. :)
Play Count: 3879
[F4M][breathy] bedtime by iwillinstruct2
Can't resist reading this mans erotic poetry, it's brings out the breathy me. :D
Play Count: 4015
[F4M][GFE] the massage
You have worked so hard, now let me pamper you this evening, why? Because you deserve it.
Play Count: 10034
[F4M]GWA response challenge to ErosWillTakeYou wake up sleepy head
Best alarm clock ever! :D
Play Count: 4845
[F4M] I need to call by iwillinstruct2
Need Sigh.....
Play Count: 4239
[F4M] Late in the date
A soft spoken piece about a girl out with her man finding out if there's chemistry.
Play Count: 5210
[F4A][girlfriend experience] cuddles and kisses in the thunderstorm
So hot and humid I can barely sleep, now the thunder wakes me up too, let me gently talk to you and cuddle up, keep calm and relaxed, we will soon fall asleep together again. x
Play Count: 7969
[F] singing 'Misty' by Burke Garner and Erroll
Being a songbird again, another song I've always loved.
Play Count: 3902
[F4M][gentle] cuddle instructions
Young man I know you're impatient but be a good pet and follow my guide, my cuddle instructions, you need to know everything about being in bed with a woman.
Play Count: 8799
Being bear hugged :D
Play Count: 4065
[F4M]to I celebrate my love now we are engaged! GFE
You asked me the question, I said yes.
Play Count: 6512
[F4M][gentle femDomme] The hand job
You are wearing too many clothes.:)
Play Count: 8480
[F4A] Just an orgasm
Orgasm that couldn't wait any longer to be found. :)
Play Count: 6121
[F4M] I'm coming unglued
Just a few whispered romantic thoughts.
Play Count: 4314
[F][Script Fill] Will you
A beautiful piece of writing from Eves_Garden couldn't resist
Play Count: 4177
[F4A][story][the singers date]
After the night of phone sex there's just no other way the date can go.
Play Count: 4740
[F] more singing lullaby "baby mine" from Dumbo
This song always makes me go awwwwwww Big cuddles especially for you. :)
Play Count: 3864
[F] supercalafragilisticexpealidocious (Singing)
I blame /u/ThisIsABadPlan :) As fast as you like!
Play Count: 3886
[F4M] the swan maiden fantasy by homersoc
A tale of blackmail a maiden forced to have sex to keep her secret.
Play Count: 4557
[F4M] The singer part 2 original story
Oh what happens to Rosie when she gives you her phone number. When you like someone so much you don't want to stop talking.
Play Count: 4186
[F4M] the singer -original story
A singer in a small smoky bar room, sees a man who comes to listen to her. He listens like no one else has ever listened to her. One night she decides to buy him a drink. Part 1
Play Count: 4506
[f] Singing "Dream a little dream" by Andre Kahn,Wlbur Schwandt
Lullaby with a few added giggles :)
Play Count: 3981
[f] singing "All I do is Dream" by Nacio Herb Brown and Arthur Freed
Silly sentimental song I love
Play Count: 3791
[F4M][phone call] after last night
Ohhhh giggle last night! Here's the excite able phone call the next day. Out side walking lots of background noise.
Play Count: 4674
[F4A] special request lilac wine by James Shelton
Whispered lullaby singing. Meant to lull you and comfort you.
Play Count: 3949
[F4M] lullaby lover man
Singing :)
Play Count: 4367
[F4M] Reiko bondage script by /u/Juggystash
Delicious script by /u/Jiggystash and after all, I tied you up last time, so it's my turn today. Ohh blindfold too? (giggle)
Play Count: 4972
[f] humming to a favourite tune
Play Count: 4116
[F4M] Pillowtalk for withdrawal symptoms
Anytime you try to quit you need support. Whether it's coffee, sugar, cigarettes or chocolate. You need hugs, you need kisses and best of all you need to be the little spoon.
Play Count: 4451
[F4M] The train journey
Script by /u/owenlyons A young girl on a train alone sits by a guy on his own....
Play Count: 11398
[F4A][script fill] Passage
Poem by /u/Iwillinstructyou about unrequited desire
Play Count: 3806
[F4M] to be close to you
A Sunday morning sweet nothing for you to lay and relax and just listen.
Play Count: 4551
[f]Spring rain
Rain isn't always due to the season, this was for the spring challenge on r/poetryreading.
Play Count: 4074
[F4M] You want a fight?
You've started something now
Play Count: 11417
[F4F][mild fem domme] The girl I see when I'm shopping
I've seen this gorgeous girl, she has a little boy, she often smiles and checks me out, but... I see her again today alone, no toddler. I wonder if .... I think I'll say hello.
Play Count: 6289
[F4F][erotic poetry] SKYPE by Iwillinstructyou
Can't resist teasing.. This one teases
Play Count: 4130
[F4M][erotic poetry] SKYPE
Erotic poetry :D
Play Count: 4061
[F][poetry reading] Shakespear Venus and Adonis (excerpt)
Lines 537 to 618 Cracking sexy poem if you've the time to read the whole great long thing.
Play Count: 3880
[F4A] act 4 scene 3 Juliet's chamber [overcoming fear for love]
For Shakespeare's birthday, I hope he doesn't turn in his grave!
Play Count: 3994
[F4M] bath night
I'm tired and you know just what I need. Brush my hair, take my clothes away, sit me in a bath and wash my hair, tickle me, pamper me. I adore you.
Play Count: 7367
[F][the cube] game answers
Oh dear what will everyone make of this .... It was fun though
Play Count: 3909
To make you feel better xxx
To cheer you up when you can't um.... Cheer yourself up ;P
Play Count: 4446
[F] reading lyrics to when love takes over by David Guetta
Trying to make it naughty sounding for a fun challenge x
Play Count: 3830
[F4M][GFE] Sunday morning with Rosie
So Sunday morning is here and you wander down stairs to find me bare foot in the kitchen cooking your bacon and eggs. All sorts of naughty things happen here with your girlfriend and she's so happy because you're here. :D
Play Count: 6982
[F4M][pillowtalk] remember when we couldn't stop ourselves
Pillow talk for a couple who have been together a while and need to reconnect. Loving and hopefully sexy.
Play Count: 4889
[F4M] how you make me smile
When you turn from dom to sub you are magnificently sexy
Play Count: 5058
For Tark
For a giggle
Play Count: 4349
[F4M] [pillowtalk] [reassurance] long cuddle
Long pillow talk to help you get off to sleep. To reassure you even with long times apart lonely times will pass, don't worry, be reassured my love.
Play Count: 10807
[F4M]Rowdy cuddle
I think a cuddle and pass it on would be a friendly loving thing :)
Play Count: 4636
[F4M][listen] The task
Follow all my instructions. :)
Play Count: 7207
[F4M] good morning
I wake up next to you, I tell you as you doze how much I desire you and when you open your eyes I explore your whole body. Touching you intimately, kissing, hungering, you know in hungry in the morning. :)
Play Count: 8205
[F4A] pillow talk holding hands
Spring in the air, the sunshine seems to help people hold hands.
Play Count: 4168
[FF4A] misscherietarte pops Rosie's cherry
You wouldn't believe how turned on we got!
Play Count: 14654
[f4f] [cuddling][curiosity] A first girl kiss
A girlfriend comes over we chat and giggle and cuddle up and she's so lovely, she a sweet girl and her lips look so good, I'm going to have to ask her, I have to know what it's like to kiss a beautiful girl.
Play Count: 8707
[F4M] [breathy] [kissing][cuddling] [pillow talk] the morning after
It's the morning after the night before, after glow is still there and so warm snuggly, giggly, I have to get up for work, you wanted me to promise you your morning kiss. Well then the afterglow gets hotter and then there's well more after glow! :)
Play Count: 9603
[F4A][story][narrative][sex scenes] the dancers part 2
Part 2 romantic story of the couple that met at dance class and had romance at this valentines week.
Play Count: 4138
[F4A] [narration][story]romance, do you remember the dance class
A tale of a couple who meet at a dance class
Play Count: 4126
[F] truly madly deeply by savage garden
Lovely lyrics full of potential, from one of my favourite songs :)
Play Count: 4078
[F4A][rosies recipes][humour][recipe challenge]
So I hope this is comforting, warm, homouroua and chocked full of innuendo but that's only if you have a dirty mind! Oh that's right we ALL do! Beef stew and dumplings :D (ProbablyNotCatwoman put out the challenge for seductive voices saying mundane things, blame her and her gauntlet! )
Play Count: 4289
[GFE][reassurance][script fill] lean on me.
made for /u/broke_havent_choked He needs TLC and pillow talkers love TLC. I've just got in from work and YOU are my priority. Lean on me I'm here and I can take care of you for a change.
Play Count: 6735
[f4a][story][romantic][you sexy sod] Its cold outside but in here it's so warm
Romantic story told in the first person.
Play Count: 5338
[f][poem][script-fill] Neverland by IWillInstructYou
Who can resist beautiful words
Play Count: 4065
[f4m][snuggles][pillow talk][kisses][quiet]let's go to sleep shhhh
Over 20 minutes of pillow talk, can't you sleep? Come here and relax let me play with your hair, silly talk kisses L-bombs and giggles. Shhhhhhh slow breathing help you fall asleep. In fact I need one of these myself by a nice bloke. :P
Play Count: 10843
[F4M] you're home your tired come here
You've been working late, have a cup of tea and sit with me and cuddle, let me make you smile as we chat relax and share a kiss.
Play Count: 5967
[f] recollections of the Arabian nights by Alfred lord Tennyson
Such wonderful words and descriptions of the journey through a palace of a great Calif of Bagdad. The poem invokes the wonder of seeing such a spectacular wonder.
Play Count: 4201
[F4A] headache cure?
So you feel rough come and have a cuddle x
Play Count: 7578
[FM4A][collaboration] the 12 filthy days of Christmas
Recycledrose and lazerussecondlight being silly and very naughty, and then singing, some GWA Christmas cheer for you all!
Play Count: 5511
[f4m] wake up with me it's Christmas morning
Cuddles and kisses mmmmmm Happy Christmas glad I didn't wake up alone I've got you. Xxxxx
Play Count: 6401
[f] lyrics from 'worms and Angels' by echo belly
spoken lyrics, for r/dramaticsonglyrics
Play Count: 4044
[F] GWA verification please
Verify me, I want a flair please!
Play Count: 4036
[f] ménage et trios by Iwillinstructyou
each line so evocative.
Play Count: 5083
[F] I know you don't I?
Bumping into an old crush in a coffee shop, blushes, awkward silences, just drink your hot chocolate! God he still makes my heart skip a beat though.
Play Count: 4629
[F4M] pillow talk
Good you're warming up the bed! Let's snuggle and kiss I have my nighty ok I will tell you a story and be a little naughty. Mmmmmmm I love bedtime.
Play Count: 9451
Sonnet 66 Pablo Neruda
lovely poem in English but so beautiful in the Spanish it was born from, please forgive my fumbling attempt. I hope I conveyed the emotion.
Play Count: 4303
[f4M][secret santa] for tallguy744
early Christmas delivery some GWA Christmas magic happened :D
Play Count: 8610
[f4m] your fantasy
Remember you wanted this
Play Count: 5106
[f4m] Cold turkey day seven, you're here I love you I want you now!
Finally my boyfriend your back, let's get home now so we can fuck our brains out!
Play Count: 6285
[F4M] day 6 cold turkey challenge I'm hanging in there
I have lasted six days, and everyday it's worse! Can't wait till tomorrow! Wait you sent me a tease, to make me loose!
Play Count: 4579
[F4A] [humour] the interview script by Jackofftoaudio555
the worst applicant just walked in! Remain professional woman!
Play Count: 4123
[f4m] teasing cold turkey week, I'm getting desperate
I can't help touching my nipples, let's call it off!?
Play Count: 4579
[f] The daydreaming
a poem about what makes me day dream.
Play Count: 4042
Cold turkey challenge day 4
I'm really missing you now. C'mon you're my boyfriend, you have to help me feel better.
Play Count: 4349
[f4m][femdom][poem] With Scottish lads don't fuck about
Erotic poem by yours truly inspired by one by RocketEar.
Play Count: 4553
[F4M] Miss you day three (Humour)
day three is missing you more, I was a little naughty.
Play Count: 4280
[f4m] Miss you day two
the cold turkey challenge
Play Count: 4254
Really rather done, for you
Hope this helps x
Play Count: 4543
[f4M] Don't fuck with England poem by RocketEar
erotic poetry strikes again.
Play Count: 4682
Rosie and the homeless guy part 5
original story of love and even more passion in this final part.
Play Count: 4594
Party trick
what on Earth is it?
Play Count: 4155
[f4m] [swearing][breathy][phone sex][wheezing][orgasm] My Walk Home
My walk home goes from tired and lonely to so much fun! You excite me so much I get an asthma attack!
Play Count: 5179
My imagination
for you tonight xxxx
Play Count: 5047
[f] [poem]The Love Struck Fool by Freebirdtwa
original romantic poem
Play Count: 3911
[f4m] [breathy] [kissing][cuddling] Why You're My hero
you'd protect me wouldn't you? Hold me tight and tell me.
Play Count: 8024
[F4M] [sub] [bdsm] the crush
my begging pleading voice.
Play Count: 5931
[F4M] [BDSM] [rhymes] THE CRUSH!
trying out my inner domme voice! It's deeper and strict!
Play Count: 4869
cuddle up tonight let me help you off to sleep my dear one
Play Count: 5454
For you some words from my soul
I hope they draw something out
Play Count: 3971
(F4A) story part 4 Rosie and the homeless guy
The passion just builds hotter
Play Count: 4650
[f4a] (story)(English accent). midnight by TatterJack
The sun's gone down and it's really getting cold ....
Play Count: 4307
(F4A) I love tongue kisses
Come here close, let me kiss you properly
Play Count: 7628
My new lover by Iwillinstructyou [f4m]
an original erotic poem
Play Count: 4177
Phenomenal woman Maya Angelou (f4a)
for any woman that needs cheering up and to feel proud. But dedicated to AlethiaRae
Play Count: 4137
Do not stand at my grave and weep
poem by Mary Elizabeth Frye. Written to comfort a girl who lost her mother and had no body to bury.
Play Count: 3939
Cum for me script by /u/Iwillinstructyou (F4M)
erotic poem, very emotional
Play Count: 4201
Let me closer (f4m)
a lover approaches
Play Count: 4215
[F4A] [poem][remembrance] S.I.W. By Wilfred Owen
a poem to describe what war did to a young man, and how it effected those around him.
Play Count: 4061
Rosie and the exsoldier romance part 3
in this episode things get passionate!
Play Count: 4525
Rainstorm background
rain storm
Play Count: 4034
Part 2 Rosie and the ex soldier
original story by recycledrose
Play Count: 4494
The orgasms that resulted
I had to edge for 40 minutes while I thanked every single guy on gone wild audio, but here's the shortened bit. X thank you so much again guys. :)
Play Count: 5761
Rosie and the ex soldier part 1 romantic story
NSFW Rosie has a small business a piece of land, vegetables and a wood where she finds a homeless man has moved in.
Play Count: 5323
You made me laugh so much, tears rolled down my cheeks
Thank you Kastyairis x
Play Count: 4073
Recycledrose verification
Play Count: 4678