[M] "Follow Me" by John Denver | GWAB Karaoke Challenge [All Kinds of Love Songs] [Karaoke] [GWABK25] [February]Hi folks! This is my first time participating in one of these Karaoke challenges, but I thought I'd give it a go. Find information about the challenge here. I do have some experience singing, as I was in choir in High School, but this is really the first time I've tried recording myself singing. This was my second take, and I know it's not perfect, but I thought it was good enough. I don't know if I could have stood critically listening back to my own voice much longer
Credit to Vocal Start Karaoke on YouTube for the backing track. I changed the pitch a bit to fit my voice betterPlay Count: 91 [M4F] Rambling and playing video games on an old PC while you fall asleep [Sleep Aid][BFE]This audio is a response to the recent request by u/lilDreamyBitch. The speaker realizes that he has yet to show his partner his old Windows XP laptop, so he fires it up and shows them some of the games on it, and takes somewhat of a trip down memory lane. I start off with a little pinball, and then some Need for Speed II, and then Age of Empires II. This was my first time playing AoEII, and so you get to hear my first reactions, and listen as I go through part of the tutorial. Hopefully this will be nostalgic and relaxing. Lastly, the audio ends with the speaker crawling into bed with the listener, and cuddling them to sleep.Play Count: 1189 [M4A] Reading something boring to help you sleep [BFE] [Sleep Aid]I've always liked posts where the the speaker reads to the listener, but often I find it difficult to fall asleep because I want to hear what happens in the story. So, in this audio, I read something very boring and dry, without any plot. It's Evolutionary Socialism by Eduard Bernstein, and this is just the introduction by Sidney Hook.Play Count: 922