I work at Relax Massage downtown. Within a couple of weeks of working there things got...a little weird. It's a good job, don't get me wrong. I just object to the fact that I get $20 for 45 minutes of massage, and the business actually charges $65. I get 30%, they get 70%. We're even expected to provide our own oils and we have to clean and reset the rooms, as well. We're allowed to keep tips, at least. Of course, that leads to some of us doing...certain things...for those higher tips. I was actually surprised how quickly it's become routine. It doesn't even really feel like a sex thing anymore. Back when I was still thinking of becoming a physical therapist, it was always the therapeutic massage classes that interested me the most. When I think on it now, it's a little weird that I've never really massaged either of my kids. Well, a pulled muscle is a pulled muscle. C'mere baby. Mama will make it feel better. Script by the lovely and perverted hornygoodboy