[M4F] Boyfriend fucks the cramps out of you[less Sfx]
You come home early from work due to a particularly bad period. embarrassed and pissed off, you start out pretty frustrated with your bf who is already home. thankfully he knows just what you need when you're like this.
Play Count: 1240
[M4F] Boyfriend fucks the cramps out of you[Full Sfx]
You come home early from work due to a particularly bad period. embarrassed and pissed off, you start out pretty frustrated with your bf who is already home. thankfully he knows just what you need when you're like this.
Play Count: 16419
[M4F]Roommate punishes you for using all the hot water[less sfx]
Your roommate is a bit of a gym rat. he goes to the gym every morning like clockwork. and every morning you get in the shower right after you wake up and of course, it wouldn't be a shower without using the shower head for some quick hedonism, would it? unfortunately for both of you, your morning shower fun takes a while and he often gets back from his workout around when your mid-go. you enjoy the thought of him being annoyed on the other side of the door while you pleasure yourself ... but today he is tired of you using all the hot water and has something else in mind.
Play Count: 763
[M4F]Roommate punishes you for using all the hot water[Full sfx]
Your roommate is a bit of a gym rat. he goes to the gym every morning like clock work. and every morning you get in the shower right after you wake up and of course it wouldn't be a shower with out using the shower head for some quick hedonism would it? unfortunately for both of you your morning shower fun takes a while and he often gets back from his work out around when your mid go. you enjoy the thought of him being annoyed on the other side of the door while you pleasure yourself ... but today he is tired of you using all the hot water and has something else in mind.
Play Count: 9571
[M4F] Running into your former 'client' at a party[full SFX]
it's been two weeks since your contract was terminated. your new contract hasn't been decided and you're not sure if you even want a new one yet. sure the money is great but... you were attached and you're not sure if you want to do that again. it's all so confusing! but lucky for Kara is throwing one of her parties. perfect timing you really need to Unwind. and maybe he will be there too...
Play Count: 6817
[M4F] Running into your former 'client' at a party[less SFX]
it's been two weeks since your contract was terminated. your new contract hasn't been decided and you're not sure if you even want a new one yet. sure the money is great but... you were attached and you're not sure if you want to do that again. it's all so confusing! but lucky for Kara is throwing one of her parties. perfect timing you really need to Unwind. and maybe he will be there too...
Play Count: 673
[M4F] Getting bred for a bread recipe[less SFX]
your boyfriend has invited you over to bake some bread and make sandwiches for a family lunch. he never lets you bake with him. and he definitely never shares family recipes. is he finally sharing the focaccia recipe you've been trying to get outta him!? If not it may be time for drastic measures.
Play Count: 760
[M4F] Getting bred for a bread recipe[Full SFX]
your boyfriend has invited you over to bake some bread and make sandwiches for a family lunch. he never lets you bake with him. and he definitely never shares family recipes. is he finally sharing the focaccia recipe you've been trying to get outta him!? If not it may be time for drastic measures.
Play Count: 8766
[M4F]Desk pets last day[less sfx]
It's your last day as his pet... you really hoped he would change his mind. but it seems he just doesn't understand no matter what you do. he has an important contract due at the end of the day too so you really can't distract him today. a real shame you wanted to give him a great last day. well, it works out. your exhausted as well so you take this opportunity to take a nap...
Play Count: 498
[M4F]Desk pets last day[fullsfx]
It's your last day as his pet... you really hoped he would change his mind. but it seems he just doesn't understand no matter what you do. he has an important contract due at the end of the day too so you really can't distract him today. a real shame you wanted to give him a great last day. well, it works out. your exhausted as well so you take this opportunity to take a nap...
Play Count: 3404
[M4F]whose fault is that, baby?[less sfx]
The coworker you’ve been fucking on and off for weeks is back at your door, late at night, desperate but reticent to admit it. When she loses control and gets too sensitive to continue during sex, you decide that if she wants to earn your cum, she’ll need to learn a thing or two about what real overstimulation feels like.
Play Count: 539
[M4F] whose fault is that, baby?[No added vibration]
The coworker you’ve been fucking on and off for weeks is back at your door, late at night, desperate but reticent to admit it. When she loses control and gets too sensitive to continue during sex, you decide that if she wants to earn your cum, she’ll need to learn a thing or two about what real overstimulation feels like.
Play Count: 514
[M4F]whose fault is that, baby?[Full sfx]
The coworker you’ve been fucking on and off for weeks is back at your door, late at night, desperate but reticent to admit it. When she loses control and gets too sensitive to continue during sex, you decide that if she wants to earn your cum, she’ll need to learn a thing or two about what real overstimulation feels like.
Play Count: 4942
[M4F]Bath time Breeding for my Desk pet[less SFX]
Ever since last week when your client cut loose with you, he has been... distant. he still uses your services when needed but he has been pretty quiet overall. not protesting but not enthusiastic. almost like he's trying to remain professional. which while you respect and appreciate isn't exactly what you expected after that time. today he's even worse than that... today he has hardly paid you any mind. he looks really stressed too. you want to help... so you've come up with a plan not even he will be able to avoid.
Play Count: 571
[M4F]Bath time Breeding for my Desk pet[Full SFX]
Ever since last week when your client cut loose with you, he has been... distant. he still uses your services when needed but he has been pretty quiet overall. not protesting but not enthusiastic. almost like he's trying to remain professional. which while you respect and appreciate isn't exactly what you expected after that time. today he's even worse than that... today he has hardly paid you any mind. he looks really stressed too. you want to help... so you've come up with a plan not even he will be able to avoid.
Play Count: 5153
[M4F] Your boyfriend shows you camping isn't boring[less SFX]
It has finally happened... your boyfriend has convinced you to go with him into the woods! like, crazy people! who would choose dirt and animals over takeout and movies! he seems super excited though and you've dragged him to enough of your hobbies that you think it's only fair to give it a go. he seems pretty sure you love it by the end. it'll probably take a lot of convincing to make you enjoy camping. luckily he knows just the way to convince you...
Play Count: 843
[M4F] Your boyfriend shows you camping isn't boring[Full SFX]
It has finally happened... your boyfriend has convinced you to go with him into the woods! like, crazy people! who would choose dirt and animals over takeout and movies! he seems super excited though and you've dragged him to enough of your hobbies that you think it's only fair to give it a go. he seems pretty sure you love it by the end. it'll probably take a lot of convincing to make you enjoy camping. luckily he knows just the way to convince you...
Play Count: 11032
[M4F]punishing and breeding the desk pet[no added vibration or wet sounds]
Your job as a desk pet is... interesting. it pays well, has good benefits, and your boss is ... well he's ... something. he gets annoyed with you doing your job pretty easily. Why can't he just let you do your job? when you came into work this morning he pulled you aside and said he has a special plan for today... is he finally getting into it?
Play Count: 564
[M4F]punishing and breeding the desk pet[no added vibration]
Your job as a desk pet is... interesting. it pays well, has good benefits, and your boss is ... well he's ... something. he gets annoyed with you doing your job pretty easily. Why can't he just let you do your job. when you came into work this morning he pulled you aside and said he has a special plan for today... is he finally getting into it?
Play Count: 638
[M4F]punishing and breeding the desk pet[Full sfx]
Your job as a desk pet is... interesting. it pays well, has good benefits, and your boss is ... well he's ... something. he gets annoyed with you doing your job pretty easily. Why can't he just let you do your job. when you came into work this morning he pulled you aside and said he has a special plan for today... is he finally getting into it?
Play Count: 6251
[M4F] TCG Nerd boyfriend breeds you at a tournament[mdom][less sfx]
You and your nerdy TCG fanboy friend have officially started dating. after your first "date" it isn't a surprise. and while at first you only learned the game to get close to him, you now actually enjoy the game quite a bit. today he's bringing you to your first tournament and you're admittedly nervous. maybe a bit of flirting and listening to him nerd rant will help the nerves.
Play Count: 770
[M4F] TCG Nerd boyfriend breeds you at a tournament[mdom][full sfx]
You and your nerdy TCG fanboy friend have officially started dating. after your first "date" it isn't a surprise. and while at first you only learned the game to get close to him, you now actually enjoy the game quite a bit. today he's bringing you to your first tournament and you're admittedly nervous. maybe a bit of flirting and listening to him nerd rant will help the nerves.
Play Count: 14313
[M4F] Your cute boyfriend needs to be reminded who he belongs top[msub ending][full sfx]
you have lunch plans with your boyfriend today. You are excited about the date, that is until you see the dumb ass flirting with 2 customers as his job.... What the fuck is he thinking! Now you are steaming mad. you decide to go for a long walk instead of having lunch with him and you lose track of time. when you get home you can't keep your anger at him in...
Play Count: 7322
[M4F] Your cute boyfriend needs to be reminded who he belongs top[msub ending][less sfx]
you have lunch plans with your boyfriend today. You are excited about the date, that is until you see the dumb ass flirting with 2 customers as his job.... What the fuck is he thinking! Now you are steaming mad. you decide to go for a long walk instead of having lunch with him and you lose track of time. when you get home you can't keep your anger at him in...
Play Count: 1085
[M4F] Your cute boyfriend needs to be reminded who he belongs top[mdom ending][lesssfx]
you have lunch plans with your boyfriend today. You are excited about the date, that is until you see the dumb ass flirting with 2 customers as his job.... What the fuck is he thinking! Now you are steaming mad. you decide to go for a long walk instead of having lunch with him and you lose track of time. when you get home you can't keep your anger at him in...
Play Count: 641
[M4F] Your cute boyfriend needs to be reminded who he belongs top[mdom ending][full sfx]
you have lunch plans with your boyfriend today. You are excited about the date, that is until you see the dumb ass flirting with 2 customers as his job.... What the fuck is he thinking! Now you are steaming mad. you decide to go for a long walk instead of having lunch with him and you lose track of time. when you get home you cant keep your anger at him in...
Play Count: 4890
[M4F] Dealing With a Need Desk Pet[less sfx]
it's your third official day as his desk pet... you love your job...maybe a little too much. but he's so serious all the time. you want to lighten his mood... and his balls. that's what a good pet does. too bad he's such an annoyed master all the time... Maybe all he needs is some motivation, who knows maybe if you do well enough he will keep your contract longer...
Play Count: 535
[M4F] Dealing With a Need Desk Pet[no vibration sfx]
it's your third official day as his desk pet... you love your job...maybe a little too much. but he's so serious all the time. you want to lighten his mood... and his balls. that's what a good pet does. too bad he's such an annoyed master all the time.... Maybe all he needs is some motivation, who knows maybe if you do well enough he will keep your contract longer...
Play Count: 519
[M4F] Dealing With a Need Desk Pet[Full sfx]
its your third official day as his desk pet... you love your job...maybe a little too much. but he's so serious all the time. you want to lighten his mood... and his balls. that's what a good pet does. too bad he's such an annoyed master all the time... . maybe all he needs is some motivation, who knows maybe if you do well enough he will keep your contract longer...
Play Count: 3852
[M4F]Cute TCG Nerd is Actually a Feral breeder[less sfx]
You have a massive crush on the nerd who plays card games after work. you've finally got him to agree to hang out with you and "teach you" how to play. It's finally the day and you're ready to go... but he seems really excited to play the game.
Play Count: 1113
[M4F]Cute TCG Nerd is Actually a Feral breeder[full sfx]
You have a massive crush on the nerd who plays card games after work. you've finally got him to agree to hang out with you and "teach you" how to play. It's finally the day and you're ready to go... but he seems really excited to play the game.
Play Count: 27298
tcg nerd is actually feral.test
Play Count: 270
[M4F] bending over my Desk pet[less sfx]
It's your second day on the job as a professional desk pet. you have Saturday and Sunday off so this is your first time seeing your new 'master' since Friday. he was a bit rough last time but it's not something you couldn't handle. this is your job after all. however, you find yourself surprised by how excited at the prospect of seeing him again... hopefully he will use you for full-service today…
Play Count: 658
[M4F] bending over my Desk pet[full sfx]
It's your second day on the job as a professional desk pet. you have Saturday and Sunday off so this is your first time seeing your new 'master' since Friday. he was a bit rough last time but it's not something you couldn't handle. this is your job after all. however, you find yourself surprised by how excited at the prospect of seeing him again... hopefully he will use you for full-service today…
Play Count: 6076
Desk Pet 2 test
Play Count: 242
[M4F] Spell Gone Right?! [less sfx]
Rolan discovers a strange scroll among the others as he stocks the shop. When nothing happens, he assumes the effect is minimal. If only he really knew...
Play Count: 578
[M4F] Spell Gone Right?! [full sfx]
Rolan discovers a strange scroll among the others as he stocks the shop. When nothing happens, he assumes the effect is minimal. If only he really knew...
Play Count: 6545
[M4F]Your first day as my new desk pet[no vibe or wet sounds added]
It's your first day at your new job at Desk Pet Solutions, a new-age companion company that meets to match high-quality workers with top-paying positions. when you get your first client contract you are sure you've seen him before, just not sure where..., and this file... states that two other girls before you filled this contract, and didn't last a week! and his address... it seems to be the same building as your friend Kara though on a different floor. Damn, she better not catch you in the work uniform. when you finally arrive and knock on the door you realize where you are! it's one of Karra's friends from the building! He can't be That bad he's always so chill! maybe this won't be so bad...
Play Count: 651
[M4F]Your first day as my new desk pet[no vibe added]
It's your first day at your new job at Desk Pet Solutions, a new-age companion company that meets to match high-quality workers with top-paying positions. when you get your first client contract you are sure you've seen him before, just not sure where..., and this file... states that two other girls before you filled this contract, and didn't last a week! and his address... it seems to be the same building as your friend Kara though on a different floor. Damn, she better not catch you in the work uniform. when you finally arrive and knock on the door you realize where you are! it's one of Karra's friends from the building! He can't be That bad he's always so chill! maybe this won't be so bad...
Play Count: 760
[M4F]Your first day as my new desk pet[full sfx]
It's your first day at your new job at Desk Pet Solutions, a new-age companion company that meets to match high-quality workers with top-paying positions. when you get your first client contract you are sure you've seen him before, just not sure where..., and this file... states that two other girls before you filled this contract, and didn't last a week! and his address... it seems to be the same building as your friend Kara though on a different floor. Damn, she better not catch you in the work uniform. when you finally arrive and knock on the door you realize where you are! it's one of Karra's friends from the building! He can't be That bad he's always so chill! maybe this won't be so bad...
Play Count: 7906
[M4F]close friend lets you choose how to relive your sexual frustration[romance][less sfx]
About a year ago you and your partner split up. it wasn't a messy break-up but afterward, you didn't want to seek another partner too soon. besides you had good friends and family around to help. but now a year out you're feeling like you're missing something. a lining for touch that you just can't break. it's frustrating. today is a particularly bad one, you've been snapping at people left and right. To make things worse tonight is movie night with one of your good guy friends... You're going to need to control yourself.
Play Count: 783
[M4F]close friend lets you choose how to relive your sexual frustration[romance][full sfx]
About a year ago you and your partner split up. it wasn't a messy break-up but afterward, you didn't want to seek another partner too soon. besides you had good friends and family around to help. but now a year out you're feeling like you're missing something. a lining for touch that you just can't break. it's frustrating. today is a particularly bad one, you've been snapping at people left and right. To make things worse tonight is movie night with one of your good guy friends... You're going to need to control yourself.
Play Count: 5919
[M4F]close friend lets you choose how to relive your sexual frustration[Mdom][less sfx]
About a year ago you and your partner split up. it wasn't a messy break-up but afterward, you didn't want to seek another partner too soon. besides you had good friends and family around to help. but now a year out you're feeling like you're missing something. a lining for touch that you just can't break. it's frustrating. today is a particularly bad one, you've been snapping at people left and right. To make things worse tonight is movie night with one of your good guy friends... You're going to need to control yourself.
Play Count: 758
[M4F]close friend lets you choose how to relive your sexual frustration[Mdom][full sfx]
About a year ago you and your partner split up. it wasn't a messy break-up but afterward, you didn't want to seek another partner too soon. besides you had good friends and family around to help. but now a year out you're feeling like you're missing something. a lining for touch that you just can't break. it's frustrating. today is a particularly bad one, you've been snapping at people left and right. To make things worse tonight is movie night with one of your good guy friends... You're going to need to control yourself.
Play Count: 7188
[M4F]Protective boy friend wont let any one bully you... not even you[no vibration or added wet sounds]
Your day sucked. like always you were overworked and underpaid, to add to that you were feeling distinctly unattractive today. everything from your body to your makeup felt... off. even though no one said anything you could not shake the feeling that everyone was staring at you and, at least in your head, they had nothing nice to say. you find yourself agreeing with these voices...echoing them. When you finally get home all you want to do is put on comfy clothes and bury yourself in bed... too bad your boyfriend is overprotective and won't allow any one to hurt you... not even yourself.
Play Count: 972
[M4F]Protective boy friend wont let any one bully you... not even you[no vibration added]]
Your day sucked. like always you were over worked and under paid, to add to that you were feeling distinctly unattractive today. every thing from your body to your makeup felt... off. even though no one said any thing you could not shake the felling that every one was staring at you and, at least in your head, they had nothing nice to say. you find your self agreeing with these voices...echoing them. When you finally get home all you want to do is put on comfy cloths and bury your self in bed... to bad your boy friend is overprotective and wont allow any one to hurt you... not even your self.
Play Count: 1352
[M4F]Protective boy friend wont let any one bully you... not even you[full sfx]
Your day sucked. like always you were over worked and under paid, to add to that you were feeling distinctly unattractive today. every thing from your body to your makeup felt... off. even though no one said any thing you could not shake the felling that every one was staring at you and, at least in your head, they had nothing nice to say. you find your self agreeing with these voices...echoing them. When you finally get home all you want to do is put on comfy cloths and bury your self in bed... to bad your boy friend is overprotective and wont allow any one to hurt you... not even your self.
Play Count: 19805
[M4F] Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend [less sfx]
Innocent witch gets more than she anticipates when she summons a sex demon to take her virginity.
Play Count: 1729
[M4F] Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend[Full sfx]
Innocent witch gets more than she anticipates when she summons a sex demon to take her virginity.
Play Count: 19167
[M4F]"You always Have me so fucking turned on... that's why you frustrate me so much!"[less sfx]
it's been a few months since this all started and a lot has happened. you and your boyfriend had a... rocky start to say the least. but everything is going so well now! You finally told your families about each other... which to your surprise shocked no one! well, you practically live together now so maybe it was pretty obvious. well, today is the first family dinner at your brother's house and you have a long day ahead of you.
Play Count: 647
[M4F]"You always Have me so fucking turned on... that's why you frustrate me so much!"[full sfx]
it's been a few months since this all started and a lot has happened. you and your boyfriend had a... rocky start to say the least. but everything is going so well now! You finally told your families about each other... which to your surprise shocked no one! well, you practically live together now so maybe it was pretty obvious. well, today is the first family dinner at your brother's house and you have a long day ahead of you.
Play Count: 7142
[M4F]1000 follower AMA!!! cum with me and celebrate!
Thank you all so much for listening! AMA starts at 20 min
Play Count: 1566
[M4F]having daddy make you a mommy on mothers day[less sfx]
You work weekends and during your shift, you get a text from your loving husband letting you know he's got a nice surprise planned for you when you get home. knowing him it's likely some delicious home-cooking and you cant wait. But what's the special occasion? wait, today is Mother's day... he cant be planning something, can he?
Play Count: 1214
[M4F]having daddy make you a mommy on mothers day[full sfx]
You work weekends and during your shift, you get a text from your loving husband letting you know he's got a nice surprise planned for you when you get home. knowing him it's likely some delicious home-cooking and you cant wait. But what's the special occasion? wait, today is Mother's day... he cant be planning something, can he?
Play Count: 16613
[M4F] "Your not just some bitch... Your my bitch"[Msub][less sfx]
It's been three days since your first... and second date and ... wow it was amazing. He was amazing. but now he hasn't called to schedule the third... her said he would, he promised. maybe you should call him... and look desperate no fucking way! maybe you could... that's it! you've got a brilliant plan to get him over now you only need to pick the most appropriate outfit...
Play Count: 358
[M4F] "Your not just some bitch... Your my bitch"[Msub][Full sfx]
It's been three days since your first... and second date and ... wow it was amazing. He was amazing. but now he hasn't called to schedule the third... her said he would, he promised. maybe you should call him... and look desperate no fucking way! maybe you could... that's it! you've got a brilliant plan to get him over now you only need to pick the most appropriate outfit...
Play Count: 2517
[M4F] "Your not just some bitch... Your my bitch"[romantic][less sfx]
It's been three days since your first... and second date and ... wow it was amazing. He was amazing. but now he hasn't called to schedule the third... her said he would, he promised. maybe you should call him... and look desperate no fucking way! maybe you could... that's it! you've got a brilliant plan to get him over now you only need to pick the most appropriate outfit...
Play Count: 355
[M4F] "Your not just some bitch... Your my bitch"[romantic][Full sfx]
It's been three days since your first... and second date and ... wow it was amazing. He was amazing. but now he hasn't called to schedule the third... her said he would, he promised. maybe you should call him... and look desperate no fucking way! maybe you could... that's it! you've got a brilliant plan to get him over now you only need to pick the most appropriate outfit...
Play Count: 3802
[M4F] "Your not just some bitch... Your my bitch"[mdom][less sfx]
It's been three days since your first... and second date and ... wow it was amazing. He was amazing. but now he hasn't called to schedule the third... her said he would, he promised. maybe you should call him... and look desperate no fucking way! maybe you could... that's it! you've got a brilliant plan to get him over now you only need to pick the most appropriate outfit...
Play Count: 375
[M4F] "Your not just some bitch... Your my bitch"[mdom][Full sfx]
It's been three days since your first... and second date and ... wow it was amazing. He was amazing. but now he hasn't called to schedule the third... her said he would, he promised. maybe you should call him... and look desperate no fucking way! maybe you could... that's it! you've got a brilliant plan to get him over now you only need to pick the most appropriate outfit...
Play Count: 5768
[M4F]"You just couldn't keep it in your pants till the end of the night?!"fix[less sfx]
It's finally here... your first real date with him. it's been a long time coming and you're insanely nervous! he picked one of the nicest restaurants in town too. no! you can let it get to you! You pulled out all the stops! you even wore one of your favorite dresses, a dark red backless with a black floral print... this will get him going for sure! You arrive a few minutes late to find him already waiting and ... holy shit! he looks amazing ... this is going to be harder than you thought.
Play Count: 496
[M4F]"You just couldn't keep it in your pants till the end of the night?!"fix[Full sfx]
Its finally here... your first real date with him. its been a long time coming and your insanely nervous! he picked the one of the nicest restaurants in town too. no! you can let it get to you! your pulled out all the stops! you even wore one of your favorite dresses, a dark red backless with a black floral print... this will get him going or sure! You arrive a few minutes late to find him already waiting and ... holy shit! he looks amazing ... this is going to be harder than you thought.
Play Count: 5456
[M4F]"You just couldn't keep it in your pants till the end of the night?!"[less sfx]
It's finally here... your first real date with him. it's been a long time coming and you're insanely nervous! he picked one of the nicest restaurants in town too. no! you can let it get to you! You pulled out all the stops! you even wore one of your favorite dresses, a dark red backless with a black floral print... this will get him going for sure! You arrive a few minutes late to find him already waiting and ... holy shit! he looks amazing ... this is going to be harder than you thought.
Play Count: 366
[M4F]"You just couldn't keep it in your pants till the end of the night?!"[Full sfx]
Its finally here... your first real date with him. its been a long time coming and your insanely nervous! he picked the one of the nicest restaurants in town too. no! you can let it get to you! your pulled out all the stops! you even wore one of your favorite dresses, a dark red backless with a black floral print... this will get him going or sure! You arrive a few minutes late to find him already waiting and ... holy shit! he looks amazing ... this is going to be harder than you thought.
Play Count: 563
[M4F]Cleansing a a corrupt kyber crystal goes wrong...[lightside less sfx]
it's been 7 years since the republic fell. the Jedi are hunted and the empire now reigns supreme. You're a captain of a band of smugglers trying to make your way in the outer rim. the last thing you ever expected was to fall in with a runaway Jedi wanna-be, but the kid has proven himself to you more than once. even showed you that you can be better. now a particularly bad job has left you on the run from an inquisitor while seeking to replace his destroyed lightsaber. the empire caught up to you but with your quick thinking and a bit of luck, you managed to navigate and land safely in a cave system containing Jedi ruins. hopefully, this will give him what he needs...
Play Count: 333
[M4F]Cleansing a a corrupt kyber crystal goes wrong...[lightside Full sfx]
it's been 7 years since the republic fell. the Jedi are hunted and the empire now reigns supreme. You're a captain of a band of smugglers trying to make your way in the outer rim. the last thing you ever expected was to fall in with a runaway Jedi wanna-be, but the kid has proven himself to you more than once. even showed you that you can be better. now a particularly bad job has left you on the run from an inquisitor while seeking to replace his destroyed lightsaber. the empire caught up to you but with your quick thinking and a bit of luck, you managed to navigate and land safely in a cave system containing Jedi ruins. hopefully, this will give him what he needs...
Play Count: 1636
[M4F]Cleansing a a corrupt kyber crystal goes wrong...[darkside less sfx]
it's been 7 years since the republic fell. the Jedi are hunted and the empire now reigns supreme. You're a captain of a band of smugglers trying to make your way in the outer rim. the last thing you ever expected was to fall in with a runaway Jedi wanna-be, but the kid has proven himself to you more than once. even showed you that you can be better. now a particularly bad job has left you on the run from an inquisitor while seeking to replace his destroyed lightsaber. the empire caught up to you but with your quick thinking and a bit of luck, you managed to navigate and land safely in a cave system containing Jedi ruins. hopefully, this will give him what he needs...
Play Count: 354
[M4F]Cleansing a a corrupt kyber crystal goes wrong...[darkside Full sfx]
it's been 7 years since the republic fell. the Jedi are hunted and the empire now reigns supreme. You're a captain of a band of smugglers trying to make your way in the outer rim. the last thing you ever expected was to fall in with a runaway Jedi wanna-be, but the kid has proven himself to you more than once. even showed you that you can be better. now a particularly bad job has left you on the run from an inquisitor while seeking to replace his destroyed lightsaber. the empire caught up to you but with your quick thinking and a bit of luck, you managed to navigate and land safely in a cave system containing Jedi ruins. hopefully, this will give him what he needs...
Play Count: 4360
[M4F]Slipping your husband a strong aphrodisiac[less SFX]
You've been insanely horny recently and it's been made all the worse by your current round of ovulation. you desperately need to be fuck full of cum, but your husband normally refuses to cum inside when you are ovulating. you find a special aphrodisiac that will put him into the same state of mind you are in: breed at any cost. You slipped it into his lunch before you left to run some errands. it's been a few hours now, it's time to see if they worked how you had hoped!
Play Count: 2287
[M4F]Slipping your husband a strong aphrodisiac[full SFX]
You've been insanely horny recently and it's been made all the worse by your current round of ovulation. you desperately need to be fuck full of cum, but your husband normally refuses to cum inside when you are ovulating. you find a special aphrodisiac that will put him into the same state of mind you are in: breed at any cost. You slipped it into his lunch before you left to run some errands. it's been a few hours now, it's time to if they worked how you had hoped!
Play Count: 49541
[M4F]"I'm Sorry okay!?"[full sfx]
It's been a few weeks since you last saw your B-... your cr-... you're not even sure what he is to you anymore. you decide after the last encounter to focus on work to distract yourself. your out with a client for lunch and you're really putting the charm on. you wrap up the meeting and just as you go to leave you see him and he's... jealous?! wait he thinks that was a date, oh you can use this...
Play Count: 8709
[M4F]"I'm Sorry okay!?"[less sfx]
It's been a few weeks since you last saw your B-... your cr-... you're not even sure what he is to you anymore. you decide after the last encounter to focus on work to distract yourself. your out with a client for lunch and you're really putting the charm on. you wrap up the meeting and just as you go to leave you see him and he's... jealous?! wait he thinks that was a date, oh you can use this...
Play Count: 786
[M4F]Nerdy friend is completely clueless[less sfx]
Unfortunately, you've fallen for your nerdy friend, he's sweet, cute, and always makes you laugh, what's not to love? now you're hanging out watching his favorite show and Somehow this Dummy hasn't taken a single hint you've dropped. what else is new, he NEVER picks up on hints you drop. It may be time to take some initiative...
Play Count: 1276
[M4F]Nerdy friend is completely clueless[full sfx]
Unfortunately, you've fallen for your nerdy friend, he's sweet, cute, and always makes you laugh, what's not to love? now you're hanging out watching his favorite show and Somehow this Dummy hasn't taken a single hint you've dropped. what else is new, he NEVER picks up on hints you drop. It may be time to take some initiative...
Play Count: 15396
M4F] This Is what you want isn't it!?[less sfx]
it's been some time since you started volunteering at the vet clinic that your brother's friend works at. you feel it's been going well, that you're starting to make progress with him but not enough. you manage to get in touch with his mom, whom you interned for a while back and set up a dinner. just a nice dinner with the three of you! except he seems way less happy to see you than you thought. maybe this isn't going as well as you thought...
Play Count: 739
[M4F] This Is what you want isn't it!?[full sfx]
it's been some time since you started volunteering at the vet clinic that your brother's friend works at. you feel it's been going well, that you're starting to make progress with him but not enough. you manage to get in touch with his mom, whom you interned for a while back and set up a dinner. just a nice dinner with the three of you! except he seems way less happy to see you than you thought. maybe this isn't going as well as you thought...
Play Count: 10219
[M4F]"Fuck this job I want you!"[less sfx]
It's the end of the quarter and your whole office has gone to a company retreat in the mountains near your city. After a day of awards, bonuses, promotions, and prizes everyone has started to cut loose and have some fun. As you make your way through the party you realize one of your favorite coworkers is missing. you find him sitting outside away from everyone else. fuck he looks good tonight! you'd be all over him... if it weren't for the damn hr policy...
Play Count: 682
[M4F]"Fuck this job I want you!"[full sfx]
It's the end of the quarter and your whole office has gone to a company retreat in the mountains near your city. After a day of awards, bonuses, promotions, and prizes everyone has started to cut loose and have some fun. As you make your way through the party you realize one of your favorite coworkers is missing. you find him sitting outside away from everyone else. fuck he looks good tonight! you'd be all over him... if it weren't for the damn hr policy...
Play Count: 5699
birthday blooper
slight head phone warning!
Play Count: 517
[M4F]giving your friend his favorite desert for his Birthday[less sfx]
It's your guy BFF's birthday and you plan to spend the whole day with him, just the two of you. movies, games, pizza, and his favorite dessert... hope he's hungry!
Play Count: 802
[M4F]giving your friend his favorite desert for his Birthday[full sfx]
It's your guy BFF's birthday and you plan to spend the whole day with him, just the two of you. movies, games, pizza, and his favorite dessert... hope he's hungry!
Play Count: 7681
[M4F] Your personal assistant corrects your attitude[less sfx]
It's the end of the week from hell and your team has been slacking in your opinion. you've had to reprimand them at almost every turn! Even your assistant who... well, is almost perfect for you in every way. after chewing him out you overhear a short conversation between him and another employee. you start to think maybe you were over reacting but apologizing is so hard... good thing your assistant knows just what to do to get your attitude corrected.
Play Count: 772
[M4F] Your personal assistant corrects your attitude[full sfx]
It's the end of the week from hell and your team has been slacking in your opinion. you've had to reprimand them at almost every turn! Even your assistant who... well, is almost perfect for you in every way. after chewing him out you overhear a short conversation between him and another employee. you start to think maybe you were over reacting but apologizing is so hard... good thing your assistant knows just what to do to get your attitude corrected.
Play Count: 5352
[M4F] Deep Breath[less sfx]
After a long time planning and preparing, you and your boyfriend are ready for you to try anal for the first time, and he is eager to get you veryyyy warmed up beforehand.
Play Count: 415
[M4F] Deep Breath[full sfx]
After a long time planning and preparing, you and your boyfriend are ready for you to try anal for the first time, and he is eager to get you veryyyy warmed up beforehand.
Play Count: 3679
[M4F]rambling about some fantasies while I rail my toy
so I forgot about this existed... whops
Play Count: 2189
[M4F]"What Are YOU doing here?!"[less sfx]
it's been a few weeks since you fucked your brother's friend at the party and he's been avoiding you. even after he said he would give you a chance. well, you guess you'll have to take matters into your own hands hmm? Where does he work again? the local dog shelter and clinic right? Maybe it's time to volunteer...
Play Count: 573
[M4F]"What Are YOU doing here?!"[full sfx]
it's been a few weeks since you fucked your brother's friend at the party and he's been avoiding you. even after he said he would give you a chance. well, you guess you'll have to take matters into your own hands hmm? Where does he work again? the local dog shelter and clinic right? Maybe it's time to volunteer...
Play Count: 5952
[M4F] Girl Dinner [script fill][less sfx]
Inviting your friend who hates cooking to come make dinner with you is all fun and games until he decides he’d rather eat something else.
Play Count: 590
[M4F]Girl Dinner[script fill][full sfx]
Inviting your friend who hates cooking to come make dinner with you is all fun and games until he decides he’d rather eat something else.
Play Count: 3556
[M4F] keeping quite on Easter morning[no added sfx]
It's a rainy easter morning and you wake up at your relative's place with your partner. your feeling a bit horny and want to have some fun but he's worried you'll get caught. That worry doesn't stop him though...
Play Count: 1328
[M4F] keeping quite on Easter morning[full sfx]
It's a rainy easter morning and you wake up at your relative's place with your partner. your feeling a bit horny and want to have some fun but he's worried you'll get caught. That worry doesn't stop him though...
Play Count: 5257
[M4F] signing a contract with an incubus[less sfx]
It's a beautiful spring day and you've chosen to spend it on your front porch while you let lunch cook inside. your enjoying the water when without warning an adorable young man in a chocker appears in front of you as if from nowhere! he startles you and something about him is off-putting but damn is he cute...
Play Count: 523
[M4F] signing a contract with an incubus[full sfx]
It's a beautiful spring day and you've chosen to spend it on your front porch while you let lunch cook inside. your enjoying the water when without warning an adorable young man in a chocker appears in front of you as if from nowhere! he startles you and something about him is off-putting but damn is he cute...
Play Count: 3571
[M4F] fucking you in the ass the way work fucked me[no added wet sfx]
Your partner returns home from work exhausted and really down. work was rough on him and he doesn't seem like he has the energy to give to you. That is until you offer to let him work out his frustration on you, fuck you in the ass the way work does him. little does he know you've been training your ass for just such an occasion...
Play Count: 426
[M4F] fucking you in the ass the way work fucked me[full sfx]
Your partner returns home from work exhausted and really down. work was rough on him and he doesn't seem like he has the energy to give to you. That is until you offer to let him work out his frustration on you, fuck you in the ass the way work does him. little does he know you've been training your ass for just such an occasion...
Play Count: 3221
[M4F]Falling for a stranger at the bookstore[romantic]
The new book you've wanted has finally been released! and you got the last Copy at the bookstore. while you are grabbing it you realize a cute boy is looking at the shelves near you... in the romance section? no way, you think he's Probably picking up a book for someone else. he notices you and walks over... what could he possibly want with you?
Play Count: 3897
[M4F]Falling for a stranger at the bookstore[Mswitch]
The new book you've wanted has finally been released! and you got the last Copy at the bookstore. while you are grabbing it you realize a cute boy is looking at the shelves near you... in the romance section? no way, you think he's Probably picking up a book for someone else. he notices you and walks over... what could he possibly want with you?
Play Count: 2564
[M4F]Falling for a stranger at the bookstore[Msub]
The new book you've wanted has finally been released! and you got the last Copy at the bookstore. while you are grabbing it you realize a cute boy is looking at the shelves near you... in the romance section? no way, you think he's Probably picking up a book for someone else. he notices you and walks over... what could he possibly want with you?
Play Count: 2569
[M4F]Falling for a stranger at the bookstore[Mdom]
The new book you've wanted has finally been released! and you got the last Copy at the bookstore. while you are grabbing it you realize a cute boy is looking at the shelves near you... in the romance section? no way, you think he's Probably picking up a book for someone else. he notices you and walks over... what could he possibly want with you?
Play Count: 4618
[M4F] "We specialize in ... unorthodox medicine"[no extra wet sfx]
You've been suffering from some bad migraines for the past couple of months. you've been to a doctor about it but they tried to prescribe you pretty strong pills and you don't really want to be medicated that heavily. on recommend you try a clinic that specializes in... alternative medicine. when you arrive you fill out a strange questionnaire about your sexual tastes and sensitive zones. all before you even see the doctor. hopefully this place can give you a better diagnosis
Play Count: 693
[M4F] "We specialize in ... unorthodox medicine"[Full sfx]
You've been suffering from some bad migraines for the past couple of months. you've been to a doctor about it but they tried to prescribe you pretty strong pills and you don't really want to be medicated that heavily. on recommend you try a clinic that specializes in... alternative medicine. when you arrive you fill out a strange questionnaire about your sexual tastes and sensitive zones. all before you even see the doctor. hopefully this place can give you a better diagnosis
Play Count: 6663
[M4F] getting fucked on your desk during a teacher conference[no wet sounds]
You recently started as a teacher at a new school. you've had a particularly good relationship with a young girl, who seems to be a bit of a troublemaker, a lot like you were at that age. you've made a lot of progress with her and have called to invite her parents in to show how much she has improved. to your surprise a relatively young-looking man shows up at your office... and he is unfortunately your type.
Play Count: 1771
[M4F] getting fucked on your desk during a teacher conference[full sfx ver]
You recently started as a teacher at a new school. you've had a particularly good relationship with a young girl, who seems to be a bit of a troublemaker, a lot like you were at that age. you've made a lot of progress with her and have called to invite her parents in to show how much she has improved. to your surprise a relatively young-looking man shows up at your office... and he is unfortunately your type.
Play Count: 11706
[M4F] Oral compilation
just a little compilation of my best oral scenes in my opinion. please enjoy!
Play Count: 2655
[M4F]Roommate walks in on you playing with your self and lends a hand... and a mouth...and his cock[no vibration or wet sfx]
You have been so pent up lately. it feels like every time you get with A guy they are done sooo quickly. you finally have the day off and your roommate is at work so you figure you'd take care of it yourself quickly and be done. the problem is you can't get there no matter what you do. the whole day goes by with you essentially edgeing your self, just to when your finally close your dolt of a roommate walks in on you! and he offers to lend you a hand...
Play Count: 638
[M4F]Roommate walks in on you playing with your self and lends a hand... and a mouth...and his cock[no vibration sfx]
You have been so pent up lately. it feels like every time you get with A guy they are done sooo quickly. you finally have the day off and your roommate is at work so you figure you'd take care of it yourself quickly and be done. the problem is you can't get there no matter what you do. the whole day goes by with you essentially edgeing yourself, just to when your finally close your dolt of a roommate walks in on you! and he offers to lend you a hand...
Play Count: 1331
[M4F]Roommate walks in on you playing with your self and lends a hand... and a mouth...and his cock[full sfx]
You have been so pent up lately. it feels like every time you get with A guy they are done sooo quickly. you finally have the day off and your roommate is at work so you figure you'd take care of it yourself quickly and be done. the problem is you can't get there no matter what you do. the whole day goes by with you essentially edgeing your self, just to when your finally close your dolt of a roommate walks in on you! and he offers to lend you a hand...
Play Count: 10953
[M4F]possessive ramble
just a simple ramble about you being mine. not a lot of words but a lot of growls and orgasms if that suits your fancy!
Play Count: 2663
[M4F] The best man is a good boy[ambient and cunnilingus sfx only]
You´ve been eying the best man all evening, ready to pounce. When he finally has the courage to talk to you, you quickly realise that he has a thing for dominant women. And you´ve just been waiting to devour him.
Play Count: 515
[M4F] The best man is a good boy[full sfx ver]
You´ve been eying the best man all evening, ready to pounce. When he finally has the courage to talk to you, you quickly realize that he has a thing for dominant women. And you´ve just been waiting to devour him.
Play Count: 2681
[M4F] your good boy devours you[bed sounds and cunnilingus only ]
After a long day of work, you are cuddled up in bed with your good boy just trying to relax. but you can't seem to calm down. you're exhausted and the tension in your body isn't helping. your lovely good boy wants to help but you do not think you have the energy to really take control the way you like right now. he offers to take care of your stress and tension with his mouth and you happily accept... so long as he does what you like that is!
Play Count: 2880
[M4F] your good boy devours you[Full sfx]
After a long day of work, you are cuddled up in bed with your good boy just trying to relax. but you can't seem to calm down. you're exhausted and the tension in your body isn't helping. your lovely good boy wants to help but you do not think you have the energy to really take control the way you like right now. he offers to take care of your stress and tension with his mouth and you happily accept... so long as he does what you like that is!
Play Count: 5480
[M4A]working up a sweat on a lazy day
Ignore the TV in the background lol
Play Count: 1103
[M4F] "Your not supposed to feel this good!"[not wet sfx]
Your brother and his wife are moving into your childhood home and they are throwing a party to celebrate. when you were younger you were antagonistic to him and his friends in particular his best friend. you want to try and make amends but he always seems to avoid you. tonight finally seems like a night where you can get him alone to talk. but he keeps running away and you are starting to get frustrated. finally, you corner him in the garage and you can't help but let some of that frustration out... change is hard after all, and he seems to have a mean streak in him too.
Play Count: 1774
[M4F] "Your not supposed to feel this good!"[full sfx]
Your brother and his wife are moving into your childhood home and they are throwing a party to celebrate. when you were younger you were antagonistic to him and his friends in particular his best friend. you want to try and make amends but he always seems to avoid you. tonight finally seems like a night where you can get him alone to talk. but he keeps running away and you are starting to get frustrated. finally, you corner him in the garage and you can't help but let some of that frustration out... change is hard after all, and he seems to have a mean streak in him too.
Play Count: 14941
[M4F] Your hubby finally uses the ropes you got him...[no wet sfx]
for Christmas, you got your husband a set of red silk ropes that were sitting on his Amazon list for a while. you first thought they were just ropes but quickly realized what they were for. he was so excited when he saw them but you were a bit too nervous to use them right away. it's been a few months and you had promised that today would be the day... but you're still pretty nervous. after all curvy and ropes don't go together... only he doesn't seem to agree.
Play Count: 406
[M4F] Your hubby finally uses the ropes you got him...[full sfx]
for Christmas, you got your husband a set of red silk ropes that were sitting on his Amazon list for a while. you first thought they were just ropes but quickly realized what they were for. he was so excited when he saw them but you were a bit too nervous to use them right away. it's been a few months and you had promised that today would be the day... but you're still pretty nervous. after all curvy and ropes don't go together... only he doesn't seem to agree.
Play Count: 3328
[M4F] Taking care of stubborn morning wood
The title says it all...
Play Count: 3385
[M4F]Warming up your shy boyfriend on Valentine's day[no wet sfx]
You and your boyfriend have been officially dating since just before the new year. He's a bit on the shy side so you have been taking things slow. The two of you decide that for Valentine's day you'll head up to a friend's cabin nearby. It's been hard to get him to take any major steps in intimacy even if it's clear he wants to. Even something like a hug or cuddles took a while to get out of him consistently. You figure maybe a romantic getaway could open him up more for you. You get there early to really set the mood. Blankets, a fire, hot drinks in the kitchen. He arrived a few hours late due to a pretty bad winter Storm that hit while he was driving. When you open the door for him you find him shivering and more than
Play Count: 558
[M4F]Warming up your shy boyfriend on Valentine's day[Full sfx]
You and your boyfriend have been officially dating since just before the new year. He's a bit on the shy side so you have been taking things slow. The two of you decide that for Valentine's day you'll head up to a friend's cabin nearby. It's been hard to get him to take any major steps in intimacy even if it's clear he wants to. Even something like a hug or cuddles took a while to get out of him consistently. You figure maybe a romantic getaway could open him up more for you. You get there early to really set the mood. Blankets, a fire, hot drinks in the kitchen. He arrived a few hours late due to a pretty bad winter Storm that hit while he was driving. When you open the door for him you find him shivering and more than ready for a hug …
Play Count: 3913
[M4F] Your boyfriend bets that he can dominate you and you let him…for a little bit anyway[script fill][desk sfx only]
You and your boyfriend have been pretty vanilla, but you've always been a little more dominant. But after you tell him he needs a confidence boost, he decides he's not going to let you keep teasing him and bets he can make you into his good girl. Of course, you don't really have to obey him if you don't want to
Play Count: 449
[M4F] Your boyfriend bets that he can dominate you and you let him…for a little bit anyway[script fill][full sfx]
You and your boyfriend have been pretty vanilla, but you've always been a little more dominant. But after you tell him he needs a confidence boost, he decides he's not going to let you keep teasing him and bets he can make you into his good girl. Of course, you don't really have to obey him if you don't want to
Play Count: 2978
[M4F] "It's Not What It Looks Like!" [script fill][no wet sfx]
Your roommate came home in the middle of the night making a ruckus and you find he's injured and his eyes are blood red. His fangs are poking out and he's on you in a moment.
Play Count: 412
[M4F] "It's Not What It Looks Like!" [script fill][full sfx]
Your roommate came home in the middle of the night making a ruckus and you find he's injured and his eyes are blood red. His fangs are poking out and he's on you in a moment.
Play Count: 2497
[M4F] Introvert Boyfriend Gets Drunk, And You Live For It[script fill] [no wet sfx]
You finally managed to convince your boyfriend to go out drinking with you. Though, things turn weird when he ends up drinking too much and attracts a lot of attention. Worried, you take your boyfriend home and boy oh boy. His personality does a 180, and you are ALL for it.
Play Count: 535
[M4F] Introvert Boyfriend Gets Drunk, And You Live For It[script fill] [full sfx]
You finally managed to convince your boyfriend to go out drinking with you. Though, things turn weird when he ends up drinking too much and attracts a lot of attention. Worried, you take your boyfriend home and boy oh boy. His personality does a 180, and you are ALL for it.
Play Count: 3930
[M4F] Finding Miss Gspot[Script fill][no wet sfx]
Zach, who unexpectedly discovers the woman who piqued his curiosity that one night. Little did he know, she's Joe's sister and an ex-girlfriend of his friend. The plot thickens! On that special night, Zach decides to make the girl's birthday extraordinary.
Play Count: 379
[M4F] Finding Miss Gspot[Script fill][full sfx]
Zach, who unexpectedly discovers the woman who piqued his curiosity that one night. Little did he know, she's Joe's sister and an ex-girlfriend of his friend. The plot thickens! On that special night, Zach decides to make the girl's birthday extraordinary. Can we, through our Voice Virtuosos's voices, bring Zach's character to life, resonating beautifully and caressing your ears with our rendition?
Play Count: 2241
[M4F]Just A Fucking Phone Call Away[script fill]
Zach, just minding his business in the bathroom, when suddenly, he's thrust into a world he never signed up for. Meanwhile, our mysterious woman, asking for Mia, her bestie lost in the shuffle of life. As their stories collide, "Just A Fucking Phone Call Away" takes us to a deeper exploration of the ties that bind us. So, buckle up for this ride where strangers and intimacy shake hands, reminding us that sometimes, that connection we're seeking is just a fucking phone call away.
Play Count: 1831
[M4F]Roomate Comforts you after a break up[script fill][sfx ver]
The roommates have lived together for two years. They have always been attracted to one another but for the sake of their living arrangements and friendship, they have denied themselves one another. In the first scene, Lacey comes home from a date but refuses to speak to Jack and slams her door ... Later on at night Jack is awoken by moans and vibration noises coming from down the hall ... He knows he shouldn't be listening in but he can't help himself ... He follows along with her speed with his hand on himself ... When she gets close to the finish she moans something that will change the directory of their friendship and relationship in the coming months.
Play Count: 3715
[M4F]Roomate Comforts you after a break up[script fill][no wet sfx]
The roommates have lived together for two years. They have always been attracted to one another but for the sake of their living arrangements and friendship, they have denied themselves one another. In the first scene, Lacey comes home from a date but refuses to speak to Jack and slams her door ... Later on at night Jack is awoken by moans and vibration noises coming from down the hall ... He knows he shouldn't be listening in but he can't help himself ... He follows along with her speed with his hand on himself ... When she gets close to the finish she moans something that will change the directory of their friendship and relationship in the coming months.
Play Count: 388
[M4F] Fucking Mommys Cold Away[no wet]
Your little puppy was recently sick. It goes without saying you took good care of him, even though you had warned him not to go for a run in the rain with no jacket... you love his little stubborn streaks so it was no big deal. but now it's your turn. You've gotten pretty sick and you are laid up in bed because of it. You can tell your little puppy feels so bad about it, he's been doing his best to take care of every need you have, and he's even wearing the cute apron you bought him! All you want is for puppy to fuck your cold away... but that stubborn streak remains strong.
Play Count: 563
[M4F] Fucking Mommys cold away[full sfx]
Your little puppy was recently sick. It goes without saying you took good care of him, even though you had warned him not to go for a run in the rain with no jacket... you love his little stubborn streaks so it was no big deal. but now it's your turn. You've gotten pretty sick and you are laid up in bed because of it. You can tell your little puppy feels so bad about it, he's been doing his best to take care of every need you have, and he's even wearing the cute apron you bought him! all you want is for puppy to fuck your cold away... but that stubborn streak remains strong.
Play Count: 6815
[M4F]Playing with you at a party[no vibration or wet sounds]
You have been looking forward to this night for a while! good food music and all of your friends! just as you are about to go your boyfriend stops and hands you something... your little bullet... . he tells you he wants to have some fun with you tonight... . he wants to know how much you can handle... . the night started fine but now your getting way too excited! and he's just enjoying the sight of you ...
Play Count: 408
[M4F]Playing with you at a party[not vibrator sounds]
You have been looking forward to this night for a while! good food music and all of your friends! just as you are about to go your boyfriend stops and hands you something... your little bullet... . he tells you he wants to have some fun with you tonight... . he wants to know how much you can handle... . the night started fine but now your getting way too excited! and he's just enjoying the sight of you ...
Play Count: 535
[M4F] Playing with you at a party[full sfx]
You have been looking forward to this night for a while! good food music and all of your friends! just as you are about to go your boyfriend stops and hands you something... your little bullet... . he tells you he wants to have some fun with you tonight... . he wants to know how much you can handle... . the night started fine but now your getting way too excited! and he's just enjoying the sight of you ...
Play Count: 4585
[M4F]cute male escort gives you what you need[No Wet SFX Ver]
You work an incredibly stressful job that requires a massive investment of time. you love your job and are highly respected in your world, but you have no time to pursue any outside relationships. One of your colleagues recently informed you of a hotel that runs a business finding male companions for clients to match their tastes. against your better judgment, you decide to go and check it out... only to see if it is true of course. plus you heard the restaurant side of the business is to die for so it would be a shame if you didn't check it out right? not long after you are seated a charming young man approaches you and asks to sit... what's the harm in letting him keep you company?
Play Count: 419
[M4F]cute male escort gives you what you need[Full SFX Ver]
You work an incredibly stressful job that requires a massive investment of time. you love your job and are highly respected in your world, but you have no time to pursue any outside relationships. One of your colleagues recently informed you of a hotel that runs a business finding male companions for clients to match their tastes. against your better judgment, you decide to go and check it out... only to see if it is true of course. plus you heard the restaurant side of the business is to die for so it would be a shame if you didn't check it out right? not long after you are seated a charming young man approaches you and asks to sit... what's the harm in letting him keep you company?
Play Count: 3434
[M4F]I...I just want to be simped for, okay![No Wet SFX]
It's Friday night and you have been planning on binging that new horror series you and your best friend started. the only problem is you agreed to wait to watch it till he was free... that was supposed to be today. but last minute he told you he'd be late because he had yet another date... the pretty boy jerk. You decide to watch it anyway considering there's no guarantee he will even make it. Then just when the show starts getting good, your best friend shows up and it seems his date didn't go too well, What else is new? Why does he keep doing this if it just goes the same way... well at least he looks cute when he's frustrated... no wet ver
Play Count: 546
[M4F]I...I just want to be simped for, okay! [wet SFX Ver]
It's Friday night and you have been planning on binging that new horror series you and your best friend started. the only problem is you agreed to wait to watch it till he was free... that was supposed to be today. but last minute he told you he'd be late because he had yet another date... the pretty boy jerk. You decide to watch it anyway considering there's no guarantee he will even make it. Then just when the show starts getting good, your best friend shows up and it seems his date didn't go too well, What else is new? Why does he keep doing this if it just goes the same way... well at least he looks cute when he's frustrated... SFX ver
Play Count: 4954
[M4F] What do you mean by “spanks” in that sentence? [script fill][no wet sound]
A nice man is summoned to help his work bestie with a wardrobe malfunction. It's an issue with her shapewear. He ends up talking about how pretty she is and how much he likes her curves, lumps, and bumps. Lots of banter and body worship. Emotions! Then they fuck and there’s lots of the elusive straight-man-finger-sucking and being finger-face-fucked no wet sfx ver
Play Count: 394
[M4F] What do you mean by “spanks” in that sentence? [script fill]
A nice man is summoned to help his work bestie with a wardrobe malfunction. It's an issue with her shapewear. He ends up talking about how pretty she is and how much he likes her curves, lumps, and bumps. Lots of banter and body worship. Emotions! Then they fuck and there’s lots of the elusive straight-man-finger-sucking and being finger-face-fucked sfx ver
Play Count: 2138
[M4F] [Script fill] Between You, Me, and Red Lipstick
[M4F] [Script fill] Between You, Me, and Red Lipstick [Roommate to Lover] [Make-Up] [Fingering] [Cunnilingus] [Blow Job] [Intercourse] [Orgasm]
Play Count: 1352
[M4F]Sweet BF loves your body
sfx version
Play Count: 6397
[M4F]Can You just give me some space![M-Switch ending]
You come home from work to find you're sweet bf on the couch working on his laptop. To your surprise when he greats you he's not the sweet loving boy you know. he's cold and kind of distant. As you try to investigate you find asking only seems to rile him up more. why is your good boy being such a brat!?
Play Count: 3136
[M4F] Can you just give me some Space![Msub ending]
You come home from work to find you're sweet bf on the couch working on his laptop. To your surprise when he greats you he's not the sweet loving boy you know. he's cold and kind of distant. As you try to investigate you find asking only seems to rile him up more. why is your good boy being such a brat!?
Play Count: 7408
[M4F] It's not that I'm intimidated by you... I'm scared of what I want to do to you[
It's the end of the Holiday season and while normally you would have been Hosting parties throughout the season, you've not been feeling the best this year and have taken a step back. You decide you are feeling up to having one big event and decide to use your favorite local caterers. when you go to pick your order up you find that you are there alone with the cute younger brother of the caterer and he seems very flustered when he sees you...
Play Count: 6836
Verification request for SoftSpokenImp
Play Count: 424