It's your first time at The Dungeon. A cliché name but a popular spot downtown for local kinksters to have some fun. The crowd is loud and packed full. The music some form of old house and dubstep. You spot a stranger in the corner. Is she eyeing you as much as you are her? You try to find a place to stand comfortably. Taking notice of the couples descending from the upstairs rooms. You cant help but wish tobhe taken up there. To finally submit to your first woman. Looking for a moment to make your leave without feeling awkward about chickening out. The anxiety welling up and your heart beating furiously. Before you can turn to go. The stranger approaches you. Leaning down to address you. Her eyes boring into yours. It seems you may get exactly what you came for tonight. This is a short audio story for the sapphics stuck in the house this year or fiending for some kinky fun. Hope you enjoy and find something beautiful.