“Hello, and welcome to MEADOWMIND, relaxation recordings for stillness and peace in a chaotic world. Our recordings are designed to make you feel happy and blank, and give you a mental vacation from having to think. Give us a listen and discover why so many happy docile followers are listening and sinking into cozy, mindless obedience!” This file is structured like a guided relaxation session that gradually leaves the listener feeling like a sheep: blank, docile, happy and a follower. The file is mainly about giving a taste of that sheep headspace, reinforcing it, and making the listener feel like spending time as a sheep is a gift they can give themselves. There is a mild suggestion for repeat listening, a suggestion to smile at one point, and there is a trigger phrase to help the listener drop back into trance and into sheep headspace. The background music comes from CAMBO:.2 Breathe from their album Focus+Meditate. Binurals by Jackalmutt I hope you enjoy. And remember; A blank mind is a happy mind. A calm mind is a happy mind. A docile mind is a happy mind.